Thanks for the quick reply! I was curious about the update so I tried out the Patreon release to see if it solved the issue, but HS still seems to fail. I tried the two main stash vr integrations: previously mentioned stash-vr and stash vr companion. It works in deovr flawlessly on both, but on HS I can’t get either to work.
I went through the logs again but this time with debug on and here is what I get:
INFO|MultiFunPlayer.Script.Repository.ScriptRepositoryManager|Trying to match scripts to media [Name: "videoName", Source: ""]
DEBUG|MultiFunPlayer.Script.Repository.ScriptRepositoryManager|Searching for scripts in Local repository
INFO|MultiFunPlayer.UI.Controls.ViewModels.ScriptViewModel|Received MediaPlayingChangedMessage [IsPlaying: True]
DEBUG|MultiFunPlayer.UI.Controls.ViewModels.ScriptViewModel|Resetting sync [Axes: L0, L1, L2, R0, R1, R2]
DEBUG|MultiFunPlayer.Script.Repository.ViewModels.LocalScriptRepository|Searching library "Z:\stash\scripts"
INFO|MultiFunPlayer.UI.Controls.ViewModels.ScriptViewModel|Received MediaDurationChangedMessage [Duration: 00:54:01.6853027]
DEBUG|MultiFunPlayer.UI.Controls.ViewModels.ScriptViewModel|Detected seek: -2.3233422850907957
DEBUG|MultiFunPlayer.UI.Controls.ViewModels.ScriptViewModel|Resetting sync [Axes: L0, L1, L2, R0, R1, R2]
INFO|MultiFunPlayer.UI.Controls.ViewModels.ScriptViewModel|Received MediaPlayingChangedMessage [IsPlaying: False]
DEBUG|MultiFunPlayer.UI.Controls.ViewModels.ScriptViewModel|Resetting sync [Axes: L0, L1, L2, R0, R1, R2]
DEBUG|MultiFunPlayer.Script.Repository.ViewModels.LocalScriptRepository|Searching library "D:\scripted"
DEBUG|MultiFunPlayer.Script.Repository.ViewModels.LocalScriptRepository|Found 0 scripts matching "videoName"
DEBUG|MultiFunPlayer.Script.Repository.ScriptRepositoryManager|Searching for scripts in Stash repository
DEBUG|MultiFunPlayer.Script.Repository.ViewModels.StashScriptRepository|Found scene id [Id: ]
So, what I have learned from testing a few videos is that it doesn’t seem to matter what integration I use, the output I get is not the actual file name, but rather the scene name, which can be changed independently through stashapp. If the scene name and filename line up, MFP gets the script by finding it in a local directory. Otherwise, nothing happens.
I went through and looked at HS updates since you mentioned it here and saw the update that included “fields ‘resource’ and ‘identifier’ to the timestamp server message” which I presume ought to contain the information needed. So, I went into “Trace” level logging to see if maybe this was being taken by the stash integrations, but MFP does receive this information:
lambda_method114|Received "{
"path": "/videoName",
"resource": "",
"identifier": "",
"duration": 2396.4775390625,
"currentTime": 0.8658750057220459,
"playbackSpeed": 1,
"playerState": 1
}" from "HereSphere"
“Resource” points to the stash video stream, and the identifier points to a json created by stash-vr-companion which has information like below (… for brevity):
"access": 1,
"dateAdded": "2024-06-25",
"dateReleased": "2024-06-25",
"description": "",
"duration": 2396480,
"eventServer": "",
"isFavorite": false,
"media": [
"projection": "equirectangular",
"rating": 0,
"scripts": [
"name": "VideoFileName.funscript",
"rating": 1,
"url": ""
"stereo": "sbs",
"tags": [
"thumbnailImage": "",
"thumbnailVideo": "",
"title": "videoName",
"writeFavorite": true,
"writeHSP": true,
"writeRating": true,
"writeTags": true
I’ve yet to compare this to DeoVR but this is already a long post so I might follow up at a later time if this is still an issue. I don’t know how MFP takes these details and processes it into stash, but I guess that the issue lies here somewhere, between the details sent by stash-vr-companion, MFP processing it, and stash providing the funscript.
Regardless, thank you for keeping a project like this so active, I appreciate the work you’ve been doing.