Old sales post

I’ve been looking into getting this as a replacement for my Handy.

I currently use an Oculus Quest 2 setup, where everything just works seamlessly between the headset and Handy. I switched to the Kiiroo Onyx+ and it’s a pain. I need it synced to an android phone first, then synced to the Quest.

With the OSR2, does it need to be connected to a separate app? Or does it work standalone? What’s the process of getting it synced like?

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No this would not really be possible.

Summer sale is over. Currently I am offering both the SR6 and SR2 with all modules.

The main difference I notice is the SR6 seems slightly slower and has a slightly reduce stroke length. But it is difficult to actually measure and that is more of a personal/feel thing.

With the OSRs there is more than one way to do things which is nice but can be overwhelming. Because there is not one path you will not get the same answer from everyone. The nature of getting the content to stream to more than one device means that there will be multiple service running to make this end result occur. While there are multiple steps (for vr) to set up and software to install the process itself is not really all that difficult especially when you consider the community support you have access to.


After using the Handy for a while I’ve decided to finally upgrade, really excited to see how this thing performs @M0SAIC so just placed my order <3

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Thank you for explaining this. Is there a video online that explains the process on getting this set up?

I have a related question.

How do we access Web Panel Settings? I ended up removing the Twist (didnt like it as much as I thought I would) now the device is homing a little bit off center. The pitch servo is off. How do we access the AP-Mode wifi? I dont see ESP32 on my network list.

Is there a bluetooth option like on the Handy? The ability to cut seamlessly in ScriptPlayer feels too good to give up

DMed for further assistance.

@Baxtyr DMed as well.

I want to know this too. I didn’t know there was bluetooth available, or the ability to use scriptplayer with osr2+

To clear things up there is no Bluetooth. The OSR2 and OSR6 both work with Scriptplayer however.

how does the OSR/sr6 loudness compare to the handy?

Do OSR6 scripts work on OSR2+? Have you tried it? What are your thoughts about it?

I have a sound meter, I might have to purchase a handy just to get a reading. :roll_eyes: Safe to say it will be a bit louder than the Handy I would guess. But I cannot be sure. The SR6 tends to be quieter than the SR2 from my experience.

@element209 Yes the funscript format works with both the SR2 and SR6. I find that the SR6 struggles with high speed scenes.(Kinds Niche anyways) I find most people tend to prefer slow to normal pace when it comes to stroke speed. The SR6 has more axes of movement than the SR2 does. Making this more of a personal preference than one better than the other.


Respect to u M0SAIC. You quickly reply to all of our questions!

Yeah the wires are a put off for me. I also feel there should be a package sold with a mount. The biggest obstacle for me is that it’s unusable unmounted. If it came with a mount that I could screw down on a board then at least I could us while seated. Which is fine by me.

But the whole having to figure out how to mount this is an added obstacle.

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This is great feedback.

I have been considering making some changes to the builds recently. Namely including a power adapter in the bundle and slowly moving away from the wago(wire) connectors I use for the power bus to a custom power bus that was designed for the OSR by @IsaacNewtongue.

Aside from being a step in the direction of a more finished “consumer ready” product; these changes will make the device easier to use/set up and will require even less footwork to get all the needed components. Perhaps I should just start to include one of the mounts with every order since there are many who likely feel the same way. Of course to start including a mount, PSU and custom PCB power bus will see a reasonable increase in the cost of the builds. :slight_smile:

I plan to make these changes in the next two weeks, perhaps as soon as the next 72 hours.

Any other feedback is always greatly welcome.


Let me know when you do. I am prepared to pay more for convenience. Most people are.

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I’m not in a rush or anything but I’m one of those kinds of people that has to check tracking religiously (I’ve lost so much stuff at my apartment). Could you give me a rough ETA on when my order will ship (order #1221 in the Shop app)? I know these are made to order so there’s going to be lag time but knowing around when it’ll go out will help me not kill my phone lol

Also, if you need beta testers for anything, I’m more than happy to help out. Just let me know what you need.

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I’m not him obviously but I ordered mine on the 10th and it shipped out today. I’m in TX and he’s based in FL so mine will be here Monday. Just to give you an idea. He said above that it’s about a 5-7 day lead time right now but mine took a bit longer. But I also had some extras in my order.