Play scripts for the handy using a local server

There are sometimes days, where in the evening the handy can’t seem to hold a steady connection to the handy servers.

Since then I have looked over many posts about playing scripts and controlling the handy locally.

I have already managed to upload scripts locally using the scriptplayer, but the commands to the handy still are made using the handy servers.

I have also setup a bluetooth connection, which did work and works completely without an internet connection, but it is too jittery for me, especially for more complex scripts.

So my question is: Is there a way now, to play scripts over wifi without using the handy servers?

I’ve seen many people mention handycontrol, but on that post ist states “Keep in mind that every command latency is due to the server response time. Direct control of the Handy is currently not supported by Handy API V1 but will be available with API V2.”, so now I’m a bit confused.

If it is possible over handycontrol, is there a good guide somewhere? If possible I would still like to use scriptplayer, can both handycontrol and scriptplayer be used in conjunction?

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All playbacks commands are sent through the Handy’s servers. Your best luck would be using the BLE mode. Click and hold the “-” button until the LED blinks blue.

You may experience stutters running complex scripts, but at least it strokes.

Make sure to set this to minimum:

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Thanks for the quick response.
Is there, in anyway, any information if this will be doable in the future, either from the handy team themselves or from someone else?


The way TheHandy works now is how they want it to work in the future so don’t expect any changes soon. I don’t remember where I read it, maybe here on ES, but can also have been on their discord or reddit.


Makers of the handy have no current plans to implement wifi script playing without going through their servers. This info is from multiple posts on reddit and discord over the years, and from personal DMs from handy team members. They have said it’s because “it’s too difficult to maintain” and “not enough people want it”. I believe it has more to do with their DRM but that’s a different discussion.

The connection requirements are built into the firmware so it would require the makers to change it, which they seem to be firmly against.

If the script is too complex, you can try to simplify the it down by using OFS’s Simplify function.

Simple triangular waves shouldn’t feel too different between Wi-Fi and BLE. If that feels jittery you might want to look into your Bluetooth dongle.

And maybe check out the Open source Stroker Robot (OSR) by TempestMax. They are DIY units that runs completely locally via USB port (or via UDP and Bluetooth 5 with some modifications).

They are currently working on the SSR1 which may stand as an alternative for the popular stroker.

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