Script-Player Handy Over Bluetooth Firmware 3. Much better expirience

Hi, last night I found out how to connect Handy to the script player via Bluetooth, and it works perfectly, better than with the “connect to Handy directly” menu.

  • No upload script needed, movements are streamed live to Handy
  • Instant play, pause, seek, change video. all without delay
  • Perfect sync
  • Realtime script modifiers like Top / Botom, Sine Wave, Filler, etc.
  • Much shorter startup time, everything is connected and ready to go just by opening the script player. when starting open the buttplug server, connect, search for devices, add device and connect (0 clicks required)
  • The only bad thing is some fast script like PMV/HMV must have some jittering. To decrease this it, in the right panel put the “Min Command Delay” in 10 milliseconds.

How to make it work

  • Have a bluetooth 4 Adapter

Update Handy To Firmware 3+

Upgrading manually

if you can’t update the firmware in, follow the next steps:

  1. Ensure your Handy is configured to correctly connect to the Wi-Fi network of your choice
  2. While keeping pressed the ON button, unplug and then plug the Handy from its electric socket to restart it. Don’t release the button while restarting.
  3. When the LED starts blinking WHITE and YELLOW, also press the UP button without releasing it.
  4. Now release the ON button, then the UP button. If everything goes well, the LED will start blinking WHITE and BLUE. This means the upgrade is in progress.
  5. At the end of the process, the LED will blink GREEN and YELLOW. You can now press the ON button to restart the Handy with the new firmware.

Release Notes

  • Install intiface
    Script Player Download

  • Configure Script-Player like this
    Script Player Config

put the full path to “intiface Desktop.exe” from your installation folder

  • turn on the Handy and hold the Wifi button for 2 seconds until it blinks blue

that’s it, now you are ready to play some videos


Some people get trouble with there handy by updating to V3 and can’t get back to previous version, is it fixed ?

Yes. all is fixed


But it’s a beta ? Because when I connect to the handy wifi it say already updated

Hah, finally someone can confirm that this actually works :sweat_smile:


Thanks for putting together the guide. Near close to realtime control of the Handy sounds like such an awesome thing.

Yes! also this weekend I was copying/pasting some parts of your code for this project
you have quite nice class architecture in Script-Player


some scripts dont work great on bluetooth.

for example a scripted part that look like this, a detailed longer stroke with lots of points, bluetooth will feel more stuttery along the path than if the script were downloaded to the device.


alternatively, you can set up a local server with handycontrol for use in script player and that will allow the device to sync a little faster.


My handy is in V2.13 I connect it to the handyfeeling site but there is no popup asking to do the update. And when I do the update through the wifi setup it won’t update it. Say the update was done with yellow and green led but after restart it’s always 2.13. Someone have this issue too ?


Upgrading manually

Before upgrading, ensure that the Handy Wi-Fi connection is configured properly and you know your connection key.

After you’ve done so, follow the next steps:

  1. Ensure your Handy is configured to correctly connect to the Wi-Fi network of your choice
  2. While keeping pressed the ON button, unplug and then plug the Handy from its electric socket to restart it. Don’t release the button while restarting.
  3. When the LED starts blinking WHITE and YELLOW, also press the UP button without releasing it.
  4. Now release the ON button, then the UP button. If everything goes well, the LED will start blinking WHITE and BLUE. This means the upgrade is in progress.
  5. At the end of the process, the LED will blink GREEN and YELLOW. You can now press the ON button to restart the Handy with the new firmware.
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This works perfectly for me. I had to set my scripts to 75ms, I imagine this is the delay over bluetooth, all is perfectly synced now. No more connecting to the HandyFeely site. Thank you for info, really glad to have this sorted!


Will the handy connect to syncydink over bluetooth on 3.o firmware? Using the launch with that site gave me super accurate strokes in comparison to using handyconnect or With those sites I can never set my delay accurately and the movements always feel slightly off. I am at a disadvantage being a mac user.

I can confirm it works great :wink:

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Amazing, this is way better than the Wifi connection via Handy server. Bluetooth rules. Thanks.

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cant get it to work for me. Intiface Desktop doesn’t even see TheHandy. everything connects to Script player fine. but The Handy does not move

When you open the script player it automatically opens the intiface interface. Dont forget to click to connect server button, if you dont’ it’s not gonna work. I think that the post owner forgot to tell it in his explanation.

yup i have same , left it flashing yellow & green for 6 hrs once (by mistake).
Just wont update , maybe its a batch problem?

i did that. still nothing :worried:

using handy control soft you can check the firmware version of your handy