Script-Player Handy Over Bluetooth Firmware 3. Much better expirience

I tried your settings with handycontrol, but still got error:
downloading the script to handy…
script prepare - error - success false -

For scriptplayer, I have no idea why, I installed the latest version but somehow it doesn’t open at all…

can somebody with better knowledge in those things help?
it’s driving me nuts, hope they will fix their api thing soon.

all of sudden getting blank screen in Scriptplayer. video but nothing showing in window. tried uninstalled and reinstall various versions but still the same issue

Got this up and running, however the strokes are really fast and jerky. Even with a delay of -2500 the handy still wants to rip my dick off.

Running Bluetooth 5.0
Scriptplayer - interface desktop - Handy (all up to date)

Is there a setting I’m missing, let me know fellas :+1:

Tried this out and it worked beautifully, finally perfect on beat syncs for my PMVs

im on lenovo mixed reality headset. how i get the funscripts to work with a vr movie on it? i have steamvr offline mode. it has the de0vr player though.

I don’t know but the following is the thread with the most extensive list of options on how to connect your device with VR. Maybe that thread can give you hints on how to proceed if no one else has any insight.


^^^ i was aware of that topic. it only deals with SLR stuff. it doesnt help my issue. thanks anyway

The solution is there, you just need to use the Intiface app and Scriptplayer and just use DeoVR (Can also get this from the Steam store assuming you are doing all of this on Windows) You can skip all bits about SLR app and keep it all local on your computer via bluetooth that way

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got it to work with OPTION 3 :ok_hand: :+1:

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I’m trying to troubleshoot why I can’t get my handy to connect via Bluetooth. I’ve upgraded it to the latest firmware, have a Bluetooth 4.0 adapter, but when I try step 2 of Upgrading manually (keeping the On button depressed, unplug, plug, don’t release) I get a normal green Ready light instead of White/Yellow.

My handy doesn’t show up as a Bluetooth device. I’m using Windows 10, btw.

Any thoughts as to what might be happening or what I’m doing wrong?

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try to update by the handyfelling page

if you have already upgraded to the latest firmware you’re already set and don’t need to upgrade manually. Just press the on button and then hold the connect button for a few seconds until the LED turns blue to indicate bluetooth mode.

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Thanks - that did the trick! I feel a little silly now. :laughing:

tbh I also found the op a little confusing

Do you guys find this better then wifi with scriptplayer? Especially for more complex scripts.

for me WiFi works better; for some reason Bluetooth only work for slower scripts. If the scripts are too fast the handy will just skip a lot actions. While on WiFi it never skips fast actions. Does anyone have the same experience? Could this be the limitation of bluetooth protocol?

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Yeah, Bluetooth seems to work better for slower and simpler scripts. Lowering the command delay on Scriptplayer to 10ms helps a bit, but it still seems to struggle with fast scripts with small complex movements. WiFi seems to handle those better.

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I’ve found that reducing the minimum Min Command Delay to 1ms (via editing the source) was enough to eliminate stuttering issues in complex and long scripts.

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How do you edit the source to get Min Command Delay to 1ms? Do you use OFS? The Scriptplayer Min Command Delay only goes down to 10ms.

No, no, I’m referring to the source code for ScriptPlayer. The software is open source, I edited the min/max on the controls and compiled it.