ScriptAxis - a searchable, sortable, filterable funscript directory

@defucilis that’s great news! I was afraid that the whole effort was abandoned, which would be a pitty. Count me in, I would like to contribute too as a content editor.

I’d like to make a suggestion for the search options. I’m working on my first PMV and this site is a godsend when you are trying to make footage synch to music! The only minor frustration I have is that often times the videos are not available or behind a paywall. Can you add a search option for that? So I can filter the videos I can view right now no questions asked.

The problem with such site being fully public when adding content is that you will also be forced to moderate that content. This can often be resolved if you simply select some people to upload more content.

There are plenty of people on the forums here that probably could handle that part a bit for you. And this way, even though it might not contain all videos and scripts, you can at least increase the amount of content, and have the moderation step also partialy done (if someone uploads bad content, you can easily prevent him from doing so in the future, and clean up whatever he posted).

The only potential downside is that they might lose some anonimity through the linked accounts. So not everyone might want to do this. (but, the same trust also happens on this site, so i wouldnt say its impossible to get anyone)

Amazing work! Thanks for setting up this platform.
What’s the current process of beeing validated as script author?

I may add my own (pretty new to this business, only made 3 scripts till now), as well as supporting your platform by adding scripts from others.

To be honest, now that FapTap is a thing, I don’t really have a huge amount of motivation to go through the process of onboarding people as creators and working on the site again (not to mention to continue paying the database hosting fee).

Site is very bugged

Oh yes I probably should have posted in this thread: I’m officially not working on ScriptAxis anymore since FapTap does everything that I’d originally set out to do, but better :smiley:

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Whished FapTap had more furry scripted videoes, it seems pretty barren of those types.

is the site dead?

Can’t reach database server at Please make sure your database server is running at

i got this wrote to all of the pages in this site.

It literally is written two posts up. Not maintained anymore. Use FapTap instead.

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help i get this error when trying to open the website:

Can’t reach database server at Please make sure your database server is running at

i tried brave and opera browser

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