Seal of Lutellaria - device integration

Hey, so the Setaria player finally got a somewhat big behind the scenes refactor.
This isnt too important for you guys, except that there may be new bugs.
And a new function for custom intervals:
curl -X POST “” --data “”

You can specify an up and down interval which will play for the duration you specify:
dist: The distance between each point
length: The total duration of this interval
min: The min point
max: The max point

So it will create a small up and down script which will play for you guys (it starts off with the max point).
If you absolutely need a fully custom script endpoint i will also create it, but it may be cumbersome to create data for


So if I wanted something to cause the handy to do up down movements between 60 and 80 for 600 miliseconds this should work?:
curl -X POST “” --data “”

I’m not sure I understand the dist though so I suspect I got that wrong. Also the command won’t get interrupted by the game’s animations trying to input Handy commands?

Distance how many ms to reach the next “point”, so it cannot be zero.
So if you wanted like 3 up downs, set dist to 100 (half the points are bottom and half are top) (warning this is milliseconds, so i think thats a vibro).
And it may get interrupted by other special commands like fire and damage etc. But never by a script playing.
It could perhaps be benefitial if i added 2 distance variables, one for up and one for down so you can create a “cliff” effect, but that would be a seperate function.

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What dist would you recommend if we don’t know how many up downs we needed yet? Just as a baseline or maybe even basic formula of divide length by 6 for vibration and divide by 2 for no vibration. (for the code I posted above it would mean dist would be 100 for vibration and 300 for the aim of no vibration)

If you had dist instead be max speed or desired speed then I think that would be more helpful as then can stop the handy going above it’s limits and skipping actions. (0 to 100 I believe the website says is a max of 400ms but I found 600ms to work with my limited scripting attempts)

Alright, i’ll add a mm/s parameter later

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Many thanks in advance, hope that I put it to good use as a result and not cause handy’s to break or dick’s to get rope/dick burn.

BTW had a thought and I’m wondering if you know if the Setaria Player can work on unity games or others. Or is it purely Gamemaker compatible do you think?
As then I might look at setting something up for Hachina and Mission Mermaiden if someone makes a script for them. (presuming I end up fully understanding how this works in this game currently, otherwise I may try with EDI if it’s stabilized now with how to set that up)

PS any thoughts for wifi connection option as well in the future? (if even possible without a whole code rework)

You can now specify speed instead of dist using alpha build 1.01

curl -X POST --data “” “

As with the game integration api.
There are some setaria/lutellaria specific patches internally, but everything will work for any arbitrary game you want (mainly i create special states for effects like in setaria there is one mechanic where you move your mouse up and down, which my player supports by following the movement).
I would however really recommend EDI as it has way better documentation.
Also im also not responsible for connections, i rely on for that, you can set it to connect to the intiface central in the UI instead to support any supported device.

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@Nodude Started working on finishing the mod up now and tried to put in
curl -X POST --data "" ""
But it threw up errors not recognizing I believe the curl -X POST --data bit can you clarify that is what’s meant to be used instead of http_post_string as you have that in the gml_Script_scr_launcher_report which reports to the Handy I believe? (though when I tried that instead it said that it needed two arguments instead of just one.)

I tried just having it be
http_post_string("", argument1)
But that didn’t work so I’m a bit at a loss currently how to get it to work in the game unless you changed something in the along with the player?

Findings/thoughts of changing menu stuff and beyond.

Oh boy I think I’ve just realized how annoying the menu maybe to change now…as just as I start to think I’ve gotten an understanding…nope more pops up or blocks my way of fully testing it all out. However after spending it seems 4+ hours on this exploration…I honestly feel that this is a ton of work probably going to cost me 3 days of all-nighters worth of work at least to get just that done. (30 hours minimum then which is nearly double what I’ve already invested to this mod overall).
Which can then allow me to start exploring of how to get the menu system to save to a file, call from said file, have difficulty presets, find out if it’s possible to change various things from the menu. So when I thought this was going to be a pain possibly to sort out…I was right and wish I wasn’t…there isn’t any half measuring it too apart from the internal window size I suspect since although that could be done with saving and reading from a file…I wouldn’t have to worry about it breaking other bits of the game like calling for search detection ranges to find that they are broken.

Honestly if I knew about all of this before making the changes and everything with the mod then…errrhhh actually no I still wouldn’t be wanting to spend time doing this. As honestly doing this this feels like I’m getting no benefit from it unlike before of where I agreed and wanted all these changes to difficulty stuff. So as I’ve been signposting via the change-log what changes or does what it just seems better to me to just provide 3 different versions with the different internal window size being the differences and let those who want this enemy or that one have this bit of them tweaked do it themselves.

So I think the summary of what I’m trying to say is that if I do go for doing the menu and thus figuring out how to save/read to a file along with making sure all enemies variables/stats are adjustable, it then turns into a job as I’m then no longer doing it for myself and it’s no small or short task to do when I have many other project I wish to do (that I have an vested interest in). I would only be okay with continuing forward if I was to get something out of it especially since my time required estimate for just the menu’s alone is nearly the same as what I’ve already put in. I’m not sure what I’m wanting to get in return yet nor what’s right to even ask for and how to do it, so I’ll post this for now and think to myself about this for a while…if you want to send me an DM/PM about this then please do.

Oh but there will be one more update to the mod I’ll be putting out which I’ve nearly completed and I have an idea about another update afterwards that seems simple currently (if learning art isn’t hard). Just doing an update in regards to what I said in the rest of this post is what’s in question just to the magnitude and investment being so massive with myself having no personal interest/gain/enjoyment from it at time of writing.

EDIT: I’ve made a poll here to gain opinion/views/space to discuss the issue at hand for me, so please go to there and talk to me about it as I’m wondering about future as well with it.


Big thanks for everyone contributed in this! Can’t wait for Happy heart panic to get a similar integration

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I suggest you ask for that in the requests section of the site, not here if you are.

Also can you give me some feedback in my poll topic and also on how the mod is?

Alright so Hachina has released and so I’ve run out of time to finish up as much as I can so here’s the last update until I have time to work on this again:Lutellaria Mediumcore mod v2.7 - Ratattack15 Changelog has been condensed and organized so the latest changes should be at the top.

What’s in this update is simply background stuff as I reworked the punishment system so now it works off the animation system instead of a fixed timer in the background. As a result punishment system now varies depending on what your seeing as to if it triggers or not, for example if insertions has not yet occurred then you’ll get punished but if a few pumps into the scene then you shouldn’t be punished. This means for some animations like Handcuffs or key masturbation have very short punishment causing times while longer starting animations like Nurse/Doctor should have longer punishment times so watch for when your sure that your in the middle of sex from now on.

  • Additionally punishment system only triggers once and does not reset per grab, so you screw yourself until you escape.

  • Handy punishment is one step away from being possible, managed to get it to recognize commands sent however animation reporting system still overides it. @Nodude Do you have an idea why? Code I used to get this to work was: http_post_string("", "") and not curl -X POST --data as that threw up errors in the game causing crashes.

I also found code that locked the gamepad (controller) customization until the game recognized your controller so I changed that so if your connecting via using Steam’s interface then you can change settings instead of spending hours trying to figure out why your controller doesn’t work with opening up that menu setting. This does mean that you can softlock the game if it doesn’t understand the controllers inputs!!

I have only made one balance change due to a lack of time and that was increasing detection of spawned enemies in boss fights as I found them to not find/lock on to the player after spawning and instead stand there. Hopefully this doesn’t need further increasing though it may in the future.

Animations are a seperate “state” and take priority, that specifically only works when its “idle” aka no playing animation.
There are still some remnants of the old system and thats one of them.
I originally planned to do a whole refactor, but irl took priority

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Ow well then it sounds like the way to get this working then is to mess with the animation reporting code file…I tried that once in the past but met an error or two after escaping. Hm…something to return to think about/sort out maybe in the future.

Thank you for the info.

new content has been added by the dev :

Version 2023-10-21
Content added

any hope for an update on this mod ?

there are new scenes, sadly i can’t find any detailled changelog but i’ll try to record the missing scenes

you can now fuck the shopkeeper (2 separate scenes)

Update details
・The price of some clothes of store clerks has been halved.
・Adding small areas (which can be unlocked by purchasing the store clerk’s tentacle clothes)
・Addition of H-scenes
・Added a rematch with the bosses (enter from the map just before each boss).
・Fixed a bug.


more clips of the new scenes i found (they’re not in the gallery for some reason) ;

F95 Post with the full save Others - Completed - Seal of Lutellaria [2023-10-21] [uzuraZanac] | F95zone

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Hey there you might have seen then that I’ve been posting on that F95 thread that I plan to update my mod personally but only after awaiting bug-fixes and stuff like that to come out which I just got a notification just occurred on DLsite. (Which appears to be just language related)

Main and pretty much only reason for this is that to update the mod you have to copy and paste everything you did presuming the Dev didn’t change anything in the code files that you modified which if they did then means you need to spend more time looking into what they did and understanding it. After that you then see if you can make the same changes or need to find new ways of doing what you did in the past.

Having a bug fix slapped out at any point other than inspecting the code would be a pain. So I plan to wait at least an month before updating to allow for ALL bug-fixes to occur or at least the most important ones. I may do it after a few weeks but from reading the Dev’s blog of where they are also doing a physical version of the game (Japan only) I suspect that they don’t have much free time.

That all said the update doesn’t appear to add anything that could affect the mod if the shop hasn’t changed that much nor is the update that meaningful game-play wise since it’s just animations for buying the final shopkeeper clothing.

EDIT: I am just speaking for my mod, no idea if your asking about the integration mod or Deern’s mod.

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so horny