Seal of Lutellaria - device integration

Upon finding a renewed interest in this project, I present to you: An (untested) update! There’s some good news and some bad news. The good news first: with this update, you should be able to run the newest version of the game with all the integration the mod provides to the old version. The bad news is that the new scenes are still un-scripted. Hopefully that will be fixed soon, but for now you can at least enjoy the little things like the ability to re-fight bosses. Cheers! Oh, and the nightmare mode has a file for this new version as well.

GAME AND MOD (extract and play):

NIGHTMARE MODE (replace in above file):

If you encounter any news errors I somehow introduced, let me know.


How did you get the integration working? I could not get it to connect with the player? Also uh…did you use the version that has some of the mosaics lessened? (needs an artist to finish the mosaic removing)

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I went through and found every reference to “scr_launcher” and re-created every change manually. I did some basic testing and the scripts ran like they’re supposed to for me, but I haven’t done anything in-depth, so there may be errors. Also, I did not use that version. If it gets finished, let me know and I’ll push an update. The added h scenes don’t crash the game or anything, they just don’t have scripts yet. Hopefully that is subject to change.


Dang I wonder what I missed then…as when I tried I thought I got everything hm…weird.

No idea if it will get fully de-censored as no one has stepped forward to do so yet but if it ends up left for too long I might give it a go and then delete it all from my bad artwork as well…better to have tried than not and miss the chance for sure.

Anyway, thank you for fixing it so the integration works once more.

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hey Deern, thanks a lot again!. I am a bit confused as to the folders within the “Nightmare Mode”. The go-to version for a first hardcore playthrough will be the “Value Changes (For Most Recent Version ONLY)” folder, and only that folder, right?

Hey there! I just put a READ ME file in the folder that has an explanation on each file. If you need any additional help, let me know!


I just DL the game today as I got a bluetooth connection for the handy. Everything worked great! I only had about 30min to test it, but I loved how I could adjust the filler and the damage using sliders.

Hey guys, to get an idea of what to update imma need the names of ALL the missing animations/new ones.
I know that sSeisiGate is missing, but i dont know others yet since my save is gone.
The main idea is to add them to the gallery and then script them.
If you know any or all the missing animations/creatures, please write whatever the name in the log of them is.

Some notes/code for myself (or others) for patching it in

patch gml_Object_oTitleMenu_Create_0:
isGallery = (ds_map_find_value(oStateValue.game_map, "LastBossDefeat") || 1)

gml_Object_oGallery_Other_14 hints at some of the types

patch gml_Object_oGallery_Other_12:
chara[63] = 
    na: "sSeisiGate", #Name
    ty: 0, # Init state? (see gml_Object_oGallery_Other_13)
    gui: 0, # 0 is draw oGalleryChara, 1 is draw oGalleryGUIH (see gml_Object_oGallery_Other_14)
    hty: 0, # View type? (0-15) (see gml_Object_oGalleryGUIH_Other_13)
    st: 0, # Sound type (see gml_Object_oGalleryGUIH_Other_14)
    et: 0, # Audio type (see gml_Object_oGalleryGUIH_Other_59, gml_Object_oGalleryGUIH_Other_11)
    auto_type: 1, # (see gml_Object_oGalleryGUIH_Other_7)
    spr: 50, # Sprite id (write name like sSeisiGate, UndertaleModTool converts it)
    sprh: 289 # H Sprite id (write name like sSeisiGateH)
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Is sSeisiGate the gate type in the first area? I don’t know the animation names so I’ll have to dig, but for me the cleaners don’t work right outside of the gallery, and the two new shopkeeper scenes still need to be scripted. I can take a bit to see if I can find the new scene names!

I know that the primary cleaner one is simply sCleaner, though I don’t know which H-Scene is which since there’s an sCleanerH, sCleanerH2, and sCleanerH3. I THINK the new animations are sUpShopClueStand and sUpShopClueDown (sUpShopClueH1 and sUpShopClueH2 respectively). As far as I know, there aren’t any other missing animations? Hope I managed to help some!

All new animations were to do with the shop and safe zone area you can teleport to and from, it had a new zone open up in it that is pretty much just an Cleaner’s relief zone since all animations there are to do with the cleaners just letting off steam.

That doesn’t mean that there isn’t a problem…as when I went through to try and update it, I found that names were changed I think…or at the very least place names were.

I think this save should enable anyone to explore those unlocked areas and such:
save.sav.txt (3.4 KB)
(presuming I have it labeled correctly in my files that I haven’t touched for months now, make sure you remove the .txt for it to be usable as I added that so I could upload it)

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For those wondering, the save location is here:
C:\Users<username>\AppData\Local\Lutellaria or %localappdata%\Lutellaria

I tried to look for missing scripts, but the client kept disconnecting for me, so I stopped after pretty much 10min of troubleshooting.

Have had a skim through the comments but not every one so unsure if this has been mentioned before but figured best to ask again if so.
Anyone else get an issue where after a combat H scene ends, whether initiated by the player or the enemy, the Handy just stops working from there on out?
The game continues to be played fine but it won’t start working again until the ‘Player’ is closed and re-opened and ‘Start’ is clicked again.
Have just beaten the first boss and moved onto the 2nd area, in the first area this only happened with the flying succubus enemies but in area 2 it happens after every ‘encounter’.
Am I just using an old version or is there an issue here?

I have the same or a similar issue. That is why i stopped looking for the new content.
Didn’t check what breaks because I played through the game multiple times already.

Using Keon here

Have you tried it recently with the 1.19 (edit: 1.092) version of the player? As I noticed that when I managed to get the SR6 to finally work with it however it brought to light similar issues that were solved for myself when Nodude updated the program.

The game was working fine for me, and then I connected yesterday and my handy isn’t using the full stroke range. When I set filler to 100%, it only moves the length of the handy about 30% on the top part. I checked the settings in the player and they are set to 0-100. This is using bluetooth only, if I connect to handyconnect, full range over wifi is possible. Any tips?

Have you checked to see if it’s not the Handy itself (Bluetooth wise) by seeing if the same occurs with another game integration? I have heard that after a year or so it’s recommended to re-lube your Handy though I’ve never had to.
Because if nothing’s changed with the game nor the integration software then that leaves the connection and the Handy or your computer.

That’s why I checked with Wi-Fi on handyfeeling. It’s full length on wi-fi, half length or less on bluetooth

So yeah…as I said then Handy issue or computer, not the integration as far as it seems since it’s only happening when bluetooth is used. Best check in with the Handy support team or those whom know more about what this could be.

Where can we get the 1.19 version of the player, I have the Seteria Player (Alpha Build 1.092)