Setaria the Demon Realm - device integration

Odd, I didn’t experience that issue when I played. This might sound stupid but have you tried jumping as you went? It might throw off the tracking of the enemy. Other than that I’d have to replay the section in order to be of any help, I’m afraid.

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I can lower the ball amount if its not fun. Personally I found it easiest standing around the opposite side and trying to kite the balls that you can see, still bullshit but possible. Definitely want as many damage upgrades as you can get. I’ll add it to the next update once I find out a good spam limit to use from user testing.

I tried lots of ways to deal with that part. Perhaps there is a bug but the thing spawns the second that I activate the pedestal. It’s different to the way that it was when I first played. I assume that is part of the mod? I have purchased all the upgrades possible and I have also got all the hearts I can up to that point. If I kill a couple of the enemies I can get ahead but there isn’t enough health for me to get to the next screen.

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Thanks for the update. The on with the 5 steps also triggers the issue, but 10 steps is fine.

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Oh my mistake. Are you talking about this ghost shrine in the early part of the game? The puppet ghost with the white face still spawns another giant flesh enemy on death which stacks the pleasure damage you take. You’re not supposed to kill them, they don’t hit you at all and they die in one hit. You can make it through the whole section without shooting and just dodging the green and purple enemies.

I’ve officially updated the mod with new trigger limiters and reduced the amount of purple balls the pre-last boss spawns on hit. The trigger limiters also check for pleasure overload so if you overload in a zone effect it shouldn’t go haywire with triggers. (If you’re updating, all you really need is

If anyone finds a bug, let me know.


Aha, I didn’t notice that killing the white faced enemies increased the pleasure modifier, that might have been where I was going wrong, I will try some more tomorrow and let you know how I get on.


I got through! thankyou for the info, I had no idea shooting the enemies would be a bad thing XD
Hopefully if anyone else has that issue they will see this thread too.
Perhaps later I will make a walkthrough video when I get the chance.

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Yes please a video

There’s an issue with a script or animation for the “Meat Worm” enemy when the pleasure overflows and the player is locked. For the whole duration of the animation, until the final climax, there’s no movement of the handy at all. The worm just plunges deep with it’s tongue and doesn’t really move wildly, but no movement of the handy is kindof weird there.

Also, unrelated, how do I summon the fairy queen? Even in the non-hard-mode unmodded version of the game, I have dozens of fairies following me in a giant ball, but nothing happens.

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So this was a little tricky to find. Spent way too much time looking at the code only to realize the scene was never added to the rec.csv script list.

Added a new modified rec.csv to the mega

As for the fairy queen you need 25 fairies now (the max) you can trade the swarm for 1 queen.


Thank you for the fix!

But how exactly do I trade the swarm for a queen? Where? What keys to press?

To the left of the shop is a shrine that shows a woman surrounded by fairies. When you have exactly 25, a prompt will show up instead of the usual dialogue, select yes and it’ll trade them.

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Hello hello! Not sure if this is getting worked on that much anymore But is there any Idea if lovense sex machine compatibility would be possible? Haha my taste for toys is a little intense…

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I don’t know much about other devices, but if your device is compatible then you should be able to connect through intiface and it should work.

Make sure to use ws://localhost:12345 in the intiface tab and restart the player with intiface open.

You can check your compatibility here

All my other toys connect, but for example, the gravity can connect, and that toy can thrust and vibrate, it only allows for vibration.

Sadly, the sex machine doesn’t seem to connect with the setaria player at all.

Hah I’m very Illiterate when it comes to technology so there’s a good chance I messed something up, but intiface and everything else seem to be working properly.

(amazing mod by the way, Ive been enjoying the relentlessness! great work! :revolving_hearts: )

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Are you able to connect the setaria player with intiface?
That way you can have the device connected to intiface and then intiface connected to setaria player.

If that’s what you already meant then sorry, maybe someone more knowledgeable than me can help.

Yeah I have been able to play with other toys, sadly just not that one. Thanks for your attention regardless! Im more than happy to be patient because the payoff could be insane~!

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Can intiface control these devices by oscillation etc.?
More specifically can intiface use oscillation on thrust with the gravity where setariaplayer cannot?

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Yes intiface can and Setaria player cannot.

I’m having some trouble with the scripts playing properly in the gallery. It works at first but then I guess it gets confused and just does the same basic up and down motion over and over no matter the enemy selected.