Sextropolis Episode 3: Prisoner – A live action interactive game

At long last I have a release ready version of this game.

The story so far:
In Sextropolis Episode 1 you found yourself as a trespasser in the city of carnal pleasure.
In Episode 2 you, as one of the only people that escaped Sextropolis, are approached to return to the city as a thief to steal the city’s crown jewels.
Now in Episode 3, you are a prisoner of Sextropolis and are now forced to participate in their tests and trials.

What is Sextropolis:
This is part of a series of games designed to be played with an interactive device like The Handy.
Sextropolis uses live action porn scenes. No animation or CGI.

This game is built for Windows. It is primarily built for The Handy, but since it uses EDI to integrate with the interactive device it has a wide range of device compatibility. Any device that can connect to Initface Central or should work.

Content is mostly mainstream studio porn. A plethora of scenes are in this although there is a good focus anal sex. Scenes are presented mostly in games, but also PMVs.

If you have played previous episodes, this is a completely new take on these games. While Episode 2 was an attempt to build something resembling what KNyte created, this new episode is me trying out new ways to integrate porn into interactive games now that I’m not a complete newb at the Unity Engine.

It really gamifies the act of watching porn.

We’re talking 6 new types of interactive porno games including a new type of game that would be unplayable without an interactive device.
54 individual mini games.
30 new battle scenes with new battle elements.
30 never before seen PMVs

Notice!! This game is too big for me to test it in its entirety. I am sure there are still some bugs. Updates and fixes to this game will likely require a complete download. 33GB!!

Please provide any feedback on the difficulty of the games. I’m sure the games could use more balancing.

To start the game:
Run EDI.exe and connect it to your device.
Run Sextropolis Ep3.exe and start playing the game.

Update - 1.3.3 I fixed some funscripts and the “Wait For Sync” after the initial upload.
Update - 1.4.1 I added independent volume control for music and voices. Also fixed some bugs that could break your save file.

You can find the update file in the “Patch to” file.
The fix is easy. After extracting the game, extract the patch file and copy the contents of the “Patch to” folder into the game folder. You should be prompted to overwrite many files. Click to allow the overwrite.

Note: EDI can take some time to start sending actions to the device when it first starts. I’ve seen it take almost a full minute for The Handy to start responding. Don’t worry though, once it starts moving it is usually instant from then on.

The game can be downloaded here:
Usual Mega rules apply, please import before downloading.

Here is a gofile link:
The Main Game:

The update patch:

This game is made for Windows using Unity and EDI.
EDI is used to connect to interactive devices. The game was created for The Handy, but EDI can connect to other devices although I have not tested this.
More on EDI can be found here:
Easy Device Integration for Games. EDI OSR Multi Axis Added + Fix Https [12/2024].

Previous Episodes of this game can be found here:
Episode 1:

Episode 2:

Special thanks to @knyte21.
Their work on the Cock Hero Platform was a clear inspiration for this series.
Thank you to @dimnogro. Without EDI this game would not have been possible.
Thanks to @MaoMao and @FiniteJest for helping with some of the funscripts.
Thanks to The forum that makes it all happen.


Congrats on the new release! Definitely trying it out!


Big fan of the route you went with this one. Appreciate all the work that you and everyone else put into it.


!Update! I fixed some funscripts after the initial upload.
You can find the updated scripts in the “” file.
The fix is easy. After extracting the game, replace the “Gallery” folder with the one in the “” file. Thanks to @dimnogro for spotting this.


Oh wow oh wow amazing day!! Can’t wait to try this!!! Amazing work I know how much effort you put in, really is incredible!

Will drop the feedback once tested!

I found a bug in the “Wait For Sync” scene. I’m working on a fix. I’m looking into ways to create a patch file so that an entire re-download won’t be necessary. Hopefully will have something later today.

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I created a patch that should fix the “Wait For Sync” scene.
The Patch file download and instructions are on the main post.
This patch includes the Gallery update from a few days ago.
The update is pretty simple though. Basically extract the zip and copy the files into the game folder, replacing existing files when prompted.

The issue in the Wait for sync scene was due to some last minute improvements.
The Sync scene is supposed to send a funscript to EDI that prompts the upload of a specific script bundle. (Like Stage 1 funscript bundle.)
Also original Sync scene only had 20 video clips.
I later created a game object with hundreds of clips and matching scripts for a late game extra, and decided to copy that object into the Sync scene to increase the number of clips to distract players while they waited.
Unfortunately I forgot to change the code and the funscripts for the video clips were being sent to EDI instead of only sending the specific script to load the proper bundle.
As a result, EDI would keep randomly attempting to load new bundles to the device and not properly syncing the intended bundle.
This should be fixed now.

I also made a few small adjustments. Not sure if anyone has unlocked enough of the game to even run into that part yet.


First impressions:

I’m not sure if too gamified porn is for me. As I switched my focus more to the game and less to the porn I kinda not kept it hard.

Then I had to adjust the intensity in IDE so it doesn’t slip out completely and the switching between the windows did not make the initial issue better as the unity window kinda freezes when it loses focus and clicking back in it sometimes causes an action/skips the scene or something. So as I said in the episode 1 thread I would love to have hotkey to change stuff like the sync (for this even more important I think as there is more action based content) and also the intensity (I would not mind 5 or 10 unit steps)

As for the difficulty:
Reflex Trials - I think the reflex trials are too hard for a porn game. Especially for people who don’t use the stroker handsfree. I honestly would not miss it if it were gone completely. I get the gamification aspect but reaction times and stroking does not go well together IMO.
And after writing all that I noticed the “Reflex Trials just play video” option in the options. But it seems that doesn’t do anything as the reflex trials still work as reflex trials for me

The cognitive trials:
They go a bit long, but otherwise fine.

The Memory Trial:
Those are fine, but sometimes I didn’t notice that it was the same scene two times. For that case a transition in the video would also be nice. e.g. current scene flies out to the left while the next one flies in from the right.
I know the number in the bottom right changes but that’s honestly not where my focus is. Also I kind of would prefer immediately showing the 5 scenes one after another instead of it building up and then maybe use 3 different sets of scenes.

Not sure yet. I am confused as to why I can “steal” negative effects like infected or slowed from my enemies.
Also I think the stunned ability for enemies is overpowered and frustrating. Not sure how it works but I had at least one instance where I used a full heal and after that I did not get a single turn in. Although at that point I did not steal the weapon, which I now always do when they have one. Still - that it’s possible to have full health and not get a single turn is no fun at all.
And often times I did not have any items on the first turn, but they appeared on the second turn. I do not know why or how. I did not steal anything.

Match the pattern:
Seems the problem I had where I was sure the pattern played wasn’t shown at all was because of sync issues.
But at least one of the match the patterns is buggy. I can not remember which one it was and forgot to save the screenshot. But the scenes did not change at all and it was all the same pattern. Selecting the different option did not do anything.

I would prefer it to know more clearly how the progression goes and what awards I get for winning something. Where do I get items from apart from stealing? How do I get to stage 2? Why do I suddenly have reduced damage after playing for a while?
I do not mind reading it in a help section instead of having it explained in game, but I’m kind of lost as what is the deal and how I progress.

All that said - amazing work. I know it’s a lot of work because the scripting alone would be a lot of work, but the additional development effort is also not to be overlooked.
The feedback is just meant as constructive and what I personally would like better for the game.

The sync issues will be tough to address. All of my testing has been with The Handy in direct connect mode so the sync is always spot on and any changes in scripts are instant. The sync option in the first two episodes was something I coded into the game for launching PMVs. This PMV sync is still in episode 3, but I didn’t code it into the rest of the game. This is partly because I didn’t think it was actually needed and partly because the way I addressed this in the game code would be pretty tricky with the way the new games work. Maybe @dimnogro could have some ideas about handling the sync offset.

As for Unity stopping when you leave the game window, it looks like that is a build setting so I could make an update with that change. That way you could alt+tab into EDI without messing with the gameplay.

As for the games, I didn’t want to describe how the game really flows or how the individual games worked right away so I could get a cold response from everyone, but it’s been a little time and there are enough posts now to give an explanation post some distance in the thread to not be an immediate spoiler. I’ll go into more detail in a follow up post, but for now I’ll address some of what you brought up.

For the Battles. Each battle is more like a puzzle then in the previous episodes. Your player stats are pre-defined for each battle. There is no more worrying about your stats or items outside of the battles. While there are some balance issues, I believe every fight is winnable. Each fight will require a specific strategy. Like if they have a weapon, you need to steal it as soon as possible. They can’t stun you if you steal it first. The items with negative effects act as a deterrent for stealing as well as an obstacle when stealing is needed, but you might want to wait for the negative effects to hit the enemy a few times before you steal. Like waiting for the Infection to ramp up damage on the enemy before you steal it to be able to steal other items to survive the battle, All part of the expansion of the battles.
As for no items on the first turn, only items that can be used will light up. Health Kits and Full Heals are greyed out if you are at full health.

Match the Pattern. This game can work 2 ways. One will change the script, but the video stays the same. Two will change the video while the script stays the same. If one of the games is glitched, let me know at least the level and I can look at it. I also figured the Match games would be tough since there isn’t an existing game format I am working from so I gave players some leeway in winning them.

Reflex. I tried to make the game as non-handsfree friendly as I could. The entire game can be controlled with only a mouse. I wasn’t sure if the Reflex games would be too slow or too fast for some users. The “Just play video” option is only for the ones played in the scene selection. In the game proper they will always be a game.

As for how the game handles progression. I’ll write that up in a follow up post.

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Sextropolis Episode 3: Prisoner

How does this work?

I didn’t want to put all the details about how the game works in the main post to let players figure it out and to see if players could figure out the games without instructions.

Now there has been some time for players to figure things out, and there are enough posts here to make this something to find instead of something every player will see when they download the game.

How the game flows.

Each stage has enough content for 9 unique day-night cycles and a boss.
Each day-night cycle will have players try their luck with a Day Trial and a Night Game.
Each cycle also has a Battle and a Dream.(PMV)
The Battle is unlocked when completing the Day trial and the Dream is unlocked when completing the Night Game. This means that the night games are not required to progress to the next stage.

You progress to the Boss Sequence when you win 4 Battles.
Win the entire Boss Sequence and you progress to the next stage.
Lose a game in the Boss Sequence and you are sent back to the stage cycle. You only need to win 1 more battle to get back to the Boss Sequence.

The player doesn’t necessarily need to know this to navigate the game. As a prisoner, you don’t really have any choices here. Win or lose, the game progresses around you.

The Daytime trials are intense and require focus and attention. You can’t look away, and usually the clock is ticking.

The Nighttime games are more casual. There is no time limit on these. You can have more fun with them and if you find a particularly nice clip, you can let it repeat a few times.

The general game loop goes from intense focus with the Day trial to strategy with the battle to relaxed gameplay at night, then passive stimulation with the Dream.(PMV)

Now for the Games:

Memory/Simon trial. This plays exactly like the game Simon. It’s a classic. The only difference is that instead of lights and colors, the sequence is presented as porn clips.

Reflex trial. This is a Quick Time Event type game. The player watches the porn clips and must press the “XXX” button when it appears on screen. This button will only appear for a short time so click it fast. Each successful press of the button will subtract time from how long the button is visible in the next clip.

Cognition trial. To complete this trial, the player must click on each video clip that matches the target category. For stage 1 I made this simple. The player is told what the category is and also is shown a still image of the target category. So if the category is Blowjobs, you click on each clip of a blowjob. Other category examples can be “Blonde” or “Asian” or “Missionary.” For Stage 2 you only get the first letter of the target category and in Stage 3 you don’t even get that, but you always get a still image of the target category to guess from.
Each cognition game consists of 20 video clips. There will always be 5 clips that match the target.

Match the stroke game. I believe this is the first game that actually uses a stroker device as an integral part of the game. The other games could be played without a Handy or other device, but this requires it for player feedback.
The intention is to match the stroke you feel with the stroke presented in the video. For stage 1 the stroke pattern is drawn out and superimposed onto the video clip. Stage 2 uses clips scripted to the on screen action. Stage 3 uses music based scripts.
There are also 2 ways the game can play. One keeps the video and your options change the stroke script. The other keeps the same stroke script and the options change the video. Still the same rules apply to both. Match the strokes you feel with the video on screen.

Rock-Paper-Scissors game. Everyone should know how Rock Paper Scissors works. This is just a fun little night game. It allowed me to re-use the clips and scripts from the cognition game.

Mind Palace game. These could be an entire game release in itself. The idea is that the player is exploring their sexual memories and leading the observer through them. The goal is to reach the end of the target scene before you run out of moves. Like the other night games there is no ticking clock here. Have fun exploring.

The battles are now standalone. There are no stats, items, or status effects carried over between battles. Each battle is now more like a puzzle to be solved. Different battles will require different strategies. Admittedly, the RNG on these battles can swing pretty hard.
Steal: You can steal weapons and other status items from the enemy. You can also use items from them. This is a very important tool. A stolen Shield, Reflect, or Full Heal can change the outcome of a battle.
Some items have negative effects. You will need to be strategic when attempting to steal from these enemies.
Inventory: Your inventory will have different contents for each battle. It is useful to check this before you get too far into the battle.

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Thanks for the thorough explanation of the games and the progression.

I guess I assumed the Match the Stroke was always the same and did not understand that this time I have to change the strokes to match the image.

I can’t beat stage 1 reflex 3 (QTEMurkovski) trial.
I think reflex 1 has 10 scenes, reflex 2 12 scenes and reflex 3 even more scenes. I had the bad luck of often getting reflex 3 before any other reflex thus I deemed it to hard. I sometimes failed without the stroker to distract me and I even cheated by clicking out of the window so it loses focus as soon as I see the button and then clicking it. I still think it’s significantly too hard.
Reflex 1 and 2 I could consistently beat (at least without the stroker distraction) and without cheating, but reflex 3 is too hard.

If those get even harder in stage 2 I really think they are too hard.

Yeah, once I started stealing weapons the battles became much easier. Though I did not steal negative effects. Usually it was better for me to just let them keep the negative effects and just attack. But it was still stage 1 and 2, so maybe I’ll have to adjust in stage 3.

I currently have a broken savegame for my furthest playthrough. I played the mind palace university game and the following dream, went back to main menu because I wanted to see more scenes in the mind palace. When trying to load that savegame I just get the day background with “Main Text” and “Sub Text” and it does not continue. I think I was around day 9 or something. I have 2 games/dreams for stage 2.
Not sure if or how I can provide you with more information for debugging.

Maybe this helps:

I myself am on the lower end on the scale with around 600ms, but the area overall is much smaller than my full 4K monitor and this is without any distractions.
I’m also old. I guess my 16 year old self that used to play a lot of cs would have gotten a better score but neither my reaction time nor aim is the best anymore.
Usually I play porn games at the end of the day before going to sleep so regarding reaction times I expect my worst. Maybe I would do better in the aim trainer without being tired around mid day but in my opinion you should rather aim for the later end of the curve for a porn game.