Should I get a SR6 or a SR1 from ali express?

I’m in the UK so either way looks like the ali express store below is the best source (let me know if there’s better sources) to buy my first automatic stroker for a fleshlight.

Am looking at the FUNSR6 for £150!GBP!£126.53!£126.53!!!1129.70!1129.70!%4021038dfc17236669827201634e360b!12000039682168356!sh!UK!0!X&spm=a2g0o.store_pc_allItems_or_groupList.new_all_items_2007603441056.1005007168464951

Or the FUNSR1 for £105!GBP!£90.98!£90.98!!!812.36!812.36!%4021038dfc17236669827201634e360b!12000038890620435!sh!UK!0!X&spm=a2g0o.store_pc_allItems_or_groupList.new_all_items_2007603441056.1005006809664141

Ignoring the difference in price, I believe the difference is the SR is more capable whereas the SR1 will be much quieter and more reliable.

Based on this I am intending to get the SR6.

Just checking that firstly I am looking at a complete product, as the SR6 is much cheaper than I expected, and people don’t overwhelmingly suggest the SR1 or something else instead.

I personally feel you should only consider getting SSR1/SR6/OSR2+ like toys if you are comfortable with doing DIY as you will have to replace parts that break in time on them.

Also the SSR1 and the SR6 are both completely different devices in terms of function I believe, since SSR1 is just a pure up down stroker which it’s motor makes it vastly superior and fairly quiet. Meanwhile the SR6 is an multi-axis stroker where you get it if you want to feel like someone is grinding on you or going side to side instead of only just up and down.
Reliability of the SSR1 I would actually say is less than the SR6 due to it’s design being much newer and still in development (which is also why it’s been less talked about) I believe while the SR6’s design is fairly cemented (been around for several years now) and finished with only an twist v5 in development.

I suggest you figure out more so of what you want in terms of an sex toy before dumping the money out for these two devices. Additionally the FUNSR6 listed comes with 20kg servos which will mean that it’s speed and weight of onaholes/sleeves it can take are less.

Note you can upgrade an OSR2+ to become an SR6 to save on costs as well I believe.

I would go with the quiet SR6 SR6+Twisting+T-valve| Automatic Stroker| FunOSR FunSR |Auto Stroker Robot | Twisting & Multiple Axes | Funscript | - AliExpress or the quiet osr2 sold by g90ak. Got stung by tax though. I also have an old SR6 with cheap servo , it is stupid loud and ruins immersion. No idea how loud the FUNSR6, you might regret buying it if its too loud for your living situation

Thanks ratattack15, yeah you’re right; am trying to work out how much content there is for muti-axis scripts not just here but elsewhere, and the answer seems to be not a lot that can find:
Scripts here, a site called fantia that is region-blocked for me, and the Virt-a-mate software which is very good but I’m not sure that’s enough to justify getting something multi-axis.

Beyond that, are there more resources or other reasons to get a multi-axis device?

Thanks Endlessdream, noise isn’t an issue but if I do get a SR6 then I’ll get the silent one, just for my own aural sanity!

With VAT etc it’s about £450 though so needs some justification for getting something multi-axis. As I asked immediately above: Beyond the scripts on this site and virt-a-mate, what other sites/content/abilities makes it worth getting one over a single-axis device?

Currently the only reason to get a multi-axis device is so you can get more immersion for what your watching and Virt-a-mate of where instead of getting simple up down motions you get the whole package which could be what you want. (Maybe try using an onahole in such of way of twisting it and angling it around while going up and down with it)
Multi-axis devices are an luxury since you can do everything an single-axis device like the SSR1 or Handy can do with a little extra. However single-axis devices can’t do what multi-axis can do. There is an exception currently to that though…since Game intergration currently is done with only single-axis in mind on the most part due to multi-axis being very complicated…but Intiface Central Team have a few months ago released an version that it an step towards making it possible.

Main problem with multi-axis devices is simply content being made for it as you already noticed that there is a lack of script for it compared to single-axis devices. That problem gap will only continue to grow sadly as the time to make multi-axis scripts are significantly more than single-axis ones by a large margin. However by becoming someone whom makes scripts just for yourself, you can eliminate that being an problem…if you have the time to do the scripting since it’s an easy 2+ hour time sink if your lucky.
AI generated scripts are on the way but are behind since once again single-axis is easier to do.

So…to in short answer your question of:

There are slightly more reasons to get an multi-axis device than a single axis due to it being able to do slightly more than it script wise. Which while there are things that an multi-axis device can’t do (mainly due to T-code, so SSR1 isn’t possible usually) like SLR script streaming :

Small text on the size

The SLR app makes enjoying quality VR porn easy and fast. Our app is packed full of amazing features, including the ability to access your entire library on your headset, and access to the latest immersive technologies, such as passthrough, interactive haptic scripts, cams, and more. Enjoy SLR on standalone headsets such as the Oculus Quest, Quest 2, Quest 3, Quest Pro, Pico 3 and Pico 4, or PCVR headsets such as the Rift, Valve Index, HTC Vive, HP Reverb, Pimax 8k, and many, many more! We partner with adult industry technology leaders to bring you in-app integration of toys like the Handy, Kiiroo Keon, Kiiroo Onyx+ and Onyx+ Realm, Kiiroo Hot Octopuss Pulse Solo Interactive, Lovense Max 2, Lovense Nora, Lovense Gush, Lovense Calor, Lovense Edge 2, Lovense Hush 1, Vorze A10 Piston SA, Vorze A10 Cyclone SA, and the Kiiroo Fleshlight Launch. Flexible and portable, the SLR app works with a variety of hardware and personal VR devices.

I expect that as time passes work-arounds will be made or found if they bother you. (You can quite easily pirate videos and privately pay for scripts)
However the only reason you should get one instead of an single-axis one is if you like more than one axis of movement. If this isn’t the case, go single-axis.
Which then I would actually recommend the Handy instead of the SSR1 since that has been on the market for many years and isn’t T-code while SSR1 is much newer and is T-code based…although it can easily use onaholes.

PS Region blocking is easy to bypass with an VPN, many people have done it and not gotten in trouble as long as you aren’t doing anything sketchy like deep web stuff, so Fantia is safe to use for it. (I have only needed Eroscripts to end up with far too many scripts to sift through to eventually download and use)

Hope that this all has helped although I’ve repeated the same thing multiple times.

Upscale/FPS increase request topic , Video resolution mega poll and recommended multi-axis script along with single-axis script which is a Fap Hero.

Watch out for the servos that are included in that model, the sound will be very loud when compared to the other models available you get what you pay for. Also the higher end models will include free shipping. There’s also a few other sellers you can take a look at.

Expect it to be something like the first few sounds aka “dsservo Ds3225 25Kg” in the first video within this post. Imagine 6 of them moving, then you have to add the other machine sounds on top of it.

The servos included cost about $12 ea, and the “silent” ones are about $33 ea and you need 6 of them, so do the math a good one should be about $275 while the cheap servos are around $150 usd.

One thing a lot of people tend to overlook with the lower amount of multi-axis content, is that even for non multi-axis scripts you can randomize the other axis through software (I know MFP has this feature, can’t speak for all of the players).

You can specify speed and range of each axis of the randomization as you deem fit for the content, and it will “fill in the blanks” so to speak to make a single axis script have more motion without having been scripted. Going this route, I’d advise to keep it more subtle for the realistic content (slower with like a 20% axis range kinda deal), and you can lean into faster/higher range movements for the PMV’s and such without it seeming out of place. Even with 3 axis content and an SR6, you can randomize the missing axis to give that much more motion, and the more axis that are already scripted, the less random the random feels at more exaggerated settings if that makes sense (with the exception of “dead time” in scenes).

Just keep in mind, most of the missing axis will naturally be “centered” at idle, i.e. to set a 20% range of movement without it being at a weird angle the entire time, you’ll want to set it for 40-60%, not 0-20% if that makes sense (although in the same note, if the content has primarily angled positions said angle could be achieved if wanted to closely mimic said content, by doing that 0-20% or 80-100% respectively).

I would go with the SR1. True linear motion, significantly quieter and less complex.