Slow Show - kinetics Handy slow scripting guide

I wanna hurry home to you
Put on a slow, dumb show for you and crack you up
So you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
God, I’m very, very frightened, I’ll overdo it

– The National, Slow Show

Why a slow script guide?

For me, immersion is everything. I want a script to mirror what I’m seeing on the screen as well as possible. If you, like me, want to script slow scripts that are immersive and realistic - this guide is for you. I know there are different script preferences and a lot of people prefer more stimulation (vibrations, extra movement, exaggerated strokes) over realism.

I would love to see more quality slow scripts here and hope this will encourage more people to get up to speed, but also give experienced scripters some tips and inspiration to improve. There some things like device limitations making slow scripting challenging sometimes.

I will be referring to OpenFunScripter (OFS) as it is the most popular scripting tool but this guide should be pretty tool-agnostic.

If you are new to scripting, check out Sentinels How to get started and/or Huskys beginner OFS video tutorial.

Handy device limitations

Officially, the current lower limit of the Handy is 32 mm/s which translates to about 33 units/s in OFS. I did a little test and found out that it can actually go slower than this on the upstroke, at least 30 units/s can be handled.

If actions are slower than the lower limit, the Handy will try to be smart and fill in the blanks. Most commonly, it will stop for a while which is bad for immersion - it is much better if we handle this ourselves in the script. So I always try to keep the downstroke actions to at least 33 units/s and upstroke at least 30 units/s. Use the statistics component in OFS to check the speed:

Handling too slow movement

So you’ve scripted an action as accurately as possible and the speed is below 33. What to do?

If possible, extend the action by moving the point up/down. IMO, a bit too much movement is way better and more immersive than the Handy stopping or doing something unexpected. And immersion much more comes from great sync than exact stroke length. Example:

Extending the action works for most 95% of cases but sometimes the movement is just way to slow, like here:

The movement goes all the way from top to bottom so no way of extending. What I’d do here is to go against any realistic scripters intuition and put in an extra action. Ideally, somewhere she is slowing down or stuttering:

Another option I like for super slow actions is what I call “the slow wiggle”. It consists of slow (about 33 units/s) continuous up/down actions:

Vibrations (dense and short up/down actions) is also an option some scripters like. I prefer keeping actions slow instead to keep the general slow feeling in a slow script.

Either way, if you are using OFS then check out the MakeVibrations Lua script since it can be used both to create slow wiggle and vibrations.

The right amount of midpoints

Another challenge is to script the right amount of points in a slow action. Too many points and with hardly no change of movement can make the Handy stutter or the action feel choppy. Few points is often preferable - your dick won’t notice. But if the action is slowing down a lot initially or in the end of a stroke, some midpoints will definitely make the script feel more immersive. Example:


Some general rules of thumb I use:

  • Watch the screen. If the movement speed is consistent, don’t add a midpoint at all. Only put midpoints if there is a distinct speed change.
  • If the action is fast, there is usually not a need for a midpoint at all. Keep in mind that the Handy will naturally decelerate and accelerate at the top and bottom of a movement.
  • Place the midpoint when the movement starts to slow down, typically in the first 30% and/or last 70% of the movement.
  • Do not add too many midpoints. One or two is optimal in 95% of cases.

Workflow-wise, it can be effective to start off with just a simple up-down-script (maybe motion tracked) and add midpoints afterwards.

Script away!

That’s it for now. Scripting is not hard, it just takes some time and practice. So now get to it!

If you miss something here or want to discuss, feel free to add a comment. And be sure to check out my slow scripts - everything is free of course.


I appreciate the tips! Just started scripting and this is very helpful!

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Another thing to consider on slow strokes is whether the stroke actualy was smooth. Midpoints can give a minor stutter, which could also aid at certain movements. And speed changes can help. Its quite rare that a human can make such move extremely smooth.

Any movement that isnt smooth can be compensated by simply allowing the handy to stop moving (instead of going backward). Note that lacking movement depending on context can still act like it was moving. As the brain is expecting smooth movement, the stop in between is an inverted movement towards expectation. This is why a mid stutter is that noticed. Its simply off from the expectation. And on that, if that stop was extended just a little, the stutter becomes less extreme. I used this trick as a tease method before and it works quite well.

But to me more anoying is when the handy decides to skip the node entirely, which often happens after bigger gaps without action. You then need to script against this behaviour which often isnt matching what it should do. Luckily in most cases there are places where if the movement is timed nicely its immersive enough. (especialy in CH videos between chapters the gaps can be large, yet the start position nearly always misalignes with the end one).

And yes, trying to smoothen actions yourself is a bad thing on slow scripts as the devices just cannot perform this well. On fast action it works better. And this is because the sleeve itself has a small delay in reacting. In slow scripts the sleeve has plenty of time to adjust its ‘pressure’ for stroke changes, yet on fast scripts the quick change doesnt transfer well into the material. So on slow strokes i generaly prefer lacking points, it just works better.

But there is an alternative way to go for: vibrations. Especialy when a slow action is made to go for a higher intensity, vibrations could work. And even a 0 intensity vibration (just a lot of midpoints causing stutters) can mimic this effect. It highly depends on the video though and is definitely not a good way to handle most cases. Personaly i would only use that for blowjob actions (to increase the intensity suction would otherwise create). But once you use it, the entire video should do this, and depending on the person it can be both liked or hated


This is a great guide. I’m already using multiple tips. A few units of 33 speed at the top of a slow-ish HJ/BJ really help with immersion.

I recently found a slow pattern script for an OSR2 and it looked like this:

All slow top parts are 10 units of 33 speed up and 10 units of 33 speed down. The rest varies between 120 and 190. Even without synchronized video this felt like a HJ.

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Very happy to hear this is helpful!

I just added some more tips and an example of handling too slow movement.

Oh, that’s a good thread

When the speed is below 30, Handy stumbles

This script could be another example

it’s Slow script created with minimum speed limit
Even though I had to pay as much attention to each dot as I could, it was able to move as I intended


you can just use a tracking plugin to get the same if not even better results than doing it by hand most of the time.

Motion tracking is great for plotting points but doesn’t really take the Handy and its limitations into account which is what this topic is about. You still have to decide the amount of midpoints, handle too slow actions and so on regardless of manual or motion tracked points.


yeah i don’t use a normal device so i never think much about that (estim) but i do try to keep it from peaking too hard

So am I nuts, or did the handy perform slower speeds with earlier firmware? I’m usually stoned when using the handy so I don’t always notice every little detail.

I prefer small vibrations on super slow actions. I call this “staircasing”.

Might not feel the same for every device, but very good for the Handy and OSR2.

One can also play with the intensity of vibration to simulate the changing resistance during an insert.



I’ve started doing scripts 3 days ago, with “brutal strokes” for blowjobs and even missionary sex, but I have applied the tips on this topic, and yes this is better when testing whit the Handy. Many thanks all, I’m starting to have great fun doing my personal hentai scripts :smiling_face:


Your tutorial is very good. As I don’t have a Handy, I have no understanding of some of Handy’s parameters

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Wow! I didnt know the downstoke was limited to 32mms. Thats super useful thank you

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I had problems with my handy not moving smoothly from one point to another, and this was why. Thank you, this was really helpful.

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Thanks a lot for those usefull infos !!

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I think it is worth linking the following page to this topic. The page listed several performance comparisons between the Handy and FUNSR1.

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