The Definite Poll [2025] [new users read results] - Devices, Sleeves, Apps, everything

…i should be so lucky! Though having a totally average sized dick is very useful in this business, most off the shelf stuff fits just fine.

i was gonna add, on this topic, that the ‘how big is yours’ section could be a simple range of sizes, or even a straight number scale, as well as ‘i do not wish to divulge’ or ‘i don’t have one’. And stick a width question in if one wants, i don’t think there’s any issue asking people anonymously respectful questions about their genitals, on this site of all sites, we are within the dark lord’s terrain by this point, there’s no reason to get coy.

Also, we have ‘session duration’ but frequency would be useful as well. ‘How often do you use funscripts?’ (1/month, week, day, hour, wtvr…) and ‘How often do you masturbate?’ or ‘proportionally, how much more likely are to use funscripts than not when engaged in sexual stimulation?’, or wtvr, something like that. Kinda curious how many peeps are ‘funscript ONLY’, etc.

Just mentioning this stuff now for the next survey. i keep thinking of random bits to ask next time…

Yeah I know it’s something like 12cm/13.6cm by default but I remembered this only a week in
And noone fixed me /tableflip
Some places say OSR2 may be “up to 15cm”, but it would increase curvature as in moves in arc ratger then a straight line

Where did you took that 25cm tho?
But I do believe 25cm is possible is you use 2x as long hands
Not sure how powerful it woud be though as 2x length reduces force by a half and 2x distance increases required force by a half so 45kg there is equivalent of 11kg on average OSR?
So you’ll get an equivalent of handy with its 400 max speed lol

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I did make a survey on what you want to seen on the survey two weeks before the survey
Gonna do the same next year I guess

You may post your thoughts either here or in

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It entirely depends on servo usage and configuration. while 25cm can be doable, as people state, it wont be a linear motion anymore (there is a very clear curve). up to 15cm is a sweet spot though where this is not a problem.

I would have just put categories of diffirent lengths with intervals of 2.5cm, and call that fine. But with a clear statement of the length the device can move! Some dont like it all the way down, some want pressure. someone with a 14cm cock might like just 10cm, while someone with 12cm wants the full 12cm motion (where the last cm is just pushing on you). Knowing that distance is more important than dick size, as even a 20cm dick could still opt for just 15cm.

Just length alone wont be helpful as people tend to mention longer sizes, which in this case often means suboptimal performance. The movement length is what we need, as that allows us to adjust scripts better to mimic similar lengths in movement.