To4st - Game Mods (Latest Game: Lost in the World of Succubi | Latest Demo: Corrupt Descent)

Iirc using handy on bluetooth and not its native connection system can have issues like this with fast scripts. Idk if theres a way around this but i do remember seeing something about this a few times in the past.

Is it happening with all enemies? I might have mislabeled some scripts. If you can give me one enemy where it happens consistently, I should be able to find the issue.

After the demo, it was suggested to add scripts to actions like attacking and jumping. Like some other platformer mods have been doing that have been shared on this site.
I never use filler, but after using these action scripts, I think I’ll try to make them a standard thing in my mods. I prefer them to just having constant filler.

It might be that I’ve made some scripts too complex for bluetooth. I generally don’t redo entire scripts for non multiaxis devices as it will take up even more time. I mostly just increase the stroke length, and maybe add some other flourishes for movements that were catered for by other axis.

It may be these flourishes are making the scripts too fast. Is there one script you can give as an example that is always stuttering for you? I can try to adjust it and maybe make some simplified versions if I can find the time.

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Had some issues, why was i thinking upgrading to FW4 would be a good idea? :joy:

It wasn’t… At least after figuring out some other things and getting the handy to work at all again, i know can say if someone has issues with Games using Edi and is using FW4 just downgrade to FW3…

No not all enemies, i only did a quick test just now with what i could encounter in just a few minutes and

The Guard with whip does it, if you wait after losing all hearts, it actually full on stops, then plays the filler, then at some point goes back to the actual animation, BUT this only happens the very first time you lose all hearts to her, afterwards you can lose all hearts to her, in fact you can lose all hearts to any guard that is the same model and it doesn´t happen again ever

Maid losing all hearts first time and losing all afterwards both work and well that´s as far as i could go doing a very quick test, so yeah this really isn´t a big deal, even more so since at the time it can happen or i found it happen so far, you basically are dead and should reset anyway

i do like this more then just a filler, but in the case of not using a filler at all i would like the dodge to be an reaction as well :innocent:

To be honest it was even struggling with the filler and jumps so there are no particular scenes that stand out, it was basically all of them in bluetooth. Personally apart from maybe putting a warning that bluetooth may not work perfectly i wouldnt change anything. Are the scripts for this game way more complex than the ones for other games? Because ive never had any issues with your other mods

There might be something else going on. The filler script is as simple as it gets - triangle pattern with 600 milliseconds between every point. It shouldn’t be struggling to play that script.

Is this with the newest Edi version? You could try an Edi version that worked with the other mods to see if it makes a difference.

I also had some issues. The thing is, when using bluetooth with the Handy, it responds really well to the reactions but the actual scenes are too much, and when connecting via WiFi the scenes are perfect but the reactions just make it stutter. I think the scenes are too complex for bluetooth and the reactions are too abrupt for WiFi?

i only use Bluetooth if i absolutely have to (WiFi is superior period)

Now as for Wifi, i got zero issues with it, script, reactions, filler all works without any stutters at all

I have some ideas about what might be the cause. In your experience when using bluetooth, does it stutter during every movement of the script, or would you say it only stutters as the animation loops?

@Bl0tak @Deern
Can you try using these and letting me know if they make a difference?
Backup and remove all files in the Edi Gallery folder and only place these files there. This is only for the Jailer enemy so nothing else will work.

I’ll do some testing when I have time later!

Played through the whole Game, the guard with the whip was the only one i experienced the script switching to filler at the first defeat, have not experienced it anywhere else, granted i didn’t lose to anyone multiple times on purpose, but the times i did, it didn’t happen again

Now i finished the whole Game, saw the true end and are ready for whatever game you do next :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


For Lost in the World of Succubi is the reaction script for jumping or attacking supposed to pause the filler? Whenever I do either action the handy stops completely, filler also stops when in freefall. Was just curious if that was intentional or if I did something wrong setting up EDI. I tested it with WiFi

Okay so i tried those files and they completely fixed the stuttering i had in bluetooth. When i then replaced it again with the old files and tried to play the scene it went back to stuttering so whatever you changed worked.

The reaction script will temporarily override whatever script is playing. But Edi should resume whatever the previous script was afterwards automatically.

Does your device play the reaction and then stop afterwards? Is the reaction not playing at all?

Sounds like a step in the right direction. I’ll go back and add more bluetooth compatible scripts. Tell me, does the current script for the first Maid in the game also stutter? There is a slight bounce in the script for her titjob, but I’m not sure if it’s too fast bluetooth.

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I don’t have any reaction scrips play, the device comes to a stop while attacking or jumping then resumes the filler or other scrips after.

Do you know what your latency is to tthe Handy servers? It could be that the latency is high enough that it skips over the reaction.

You can try it with bluetooth to see if it plays then, or you could disable reactions by unticking the box on Edi.

Updated post with Lost in the World of Succubi mod v1.1.

  • Fixed some enemies scripts not playing when running out of lives. Some enemies set the animation speed to 0.5x, which I didn’t include a script for. These scripts have now been added.
  • Added more reaction scripts. There are now scripts for dashing, getting hit by a physical attack, and getting hit by a charm attack. Each can be toggled in the config file.
  • Added simplified scripts for Bluetooth devices. These should perform better than the current ones. Let me know if you run into any scripts that still don’t play well over Bluetooth.
  • Added scripts for cut animations that are added to the gallery after reaching the true end.

Need your thoughts. I have some games where using EDI works as intended but after about 10 minutes the toy wont respond to the game actions. For example on Lost World of Succubi, works and activates toys on jump, animation etc. But then 10 minutes later it stops working. EDI still shows connected, so does initface. Initface also is able to proc the vibe with the slider it shows in the device panel, but for all purposed related to the game, it doesnt activate from the game actions.
This requires i click the “reconnect” button on edi which fixes it for a short while, but then it goes right back to the same issue.

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Nothing comes to mind, but I’ve also never used Bluetooth with Edi before.
Is there anything in Edi’s logs that might show what’s up? You can send it to me over a message if you’d like me to take a look.

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I gotcha, ill grab some when the error happens and send it to you.

Are you using the newest version of EDI?
Sounds similar to an issue I had with a previous version.

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