To4st - Game Mods (Latest Game: Lost in the World of Succubi | Latest Demo: Corrupt Descent)

Tried multiple versions, seems to be a hole in the code of EDI and not something related to the version number. to4st managed to fix some spots and it seems to be holding up for now so might see that fix in a future release.

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Hi, guys. Need some help regarding the device connection on FunScript Player. I’d downloaded the FunScript Player and run it while connected my OSR2. The player keep showing the device status as ‘connecting’. Anyone encountered this kind of issue and is there any solution for it? i’d modified the appsettings.json file by changing buttplug=false, OSR=true, also the COM port tally with my device. Is there anything I missed out?
Below is the image of the issue I encountered.

Can you share the contents of your appsettings file? It might be something is configured improperly

@to4st Here’s the appsettings file for your reference.
appsettings.json (1.5 KB)

Everything looks fine. Are you sure your device is on COM3?

log4net.config.txt (1.1 KB)
You can place this file next to the exe, just remove the .txt extension. It should be just log4net.config. This should have the player print to a log file. Can you share that log file with me?

Yes, It’s COM3 (from what Arduino IDE show) for my device, or else it won’t show connecting status. Here’s the log file after I run the Player once.
FunscriptPlayer.log.txt (60 Bytes)

No errors, so it’s probably just waiting. Are you sure nothing else is connected to the device? There can only be one connection at a time.

What player do you use to connect to the device for videos? MFP? Does that work over COM3?

Nothing open up currently (MFP is close as well).
Yea, I use MFP and there is no issue with it tho.
MFP is showing COM3 also for my device.

Is Edi able to connect to your device?
Did you build the OSR2 yourself? Do you know what Arduino it’s using?

For Edi, I was figuring how to use it just now. But from what I see, my device is not showing on the right side of the list after I launched the Edi.exe.

I built the OSR2 myself following the instruction provided. I assume the Arduino you mentioned is referring to the board, my board is using Romeo BLE mini v2.

That makes sense. Another user who had used a Romeo also had issues.
I don’t think the latest Edi has the fixes yet, so it probably has the same issue.

Can you try this player and see if it acts any differently.

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Thanks man. It finally works. Is this exe an older version or a fix for Romeo BLE Mini user? Maybe this could be included at top of this post so whoever encounter this issue may get the solution directly?
It’s been few days since I encountered this issue and no one mentioned about it. You’re my life savior.

Glad to hear it’s working now. It’s the same fix I did for Edi, but I don’t think it’s been released yet.
I’ll update the link at the top with this version once I’ve tested and confirmed it still works with the ESP32.

Love to see the syahata integration. Would love to see the whole game more :slight_smile:


Updated post with mod for Castle of Temptation’s demo. For easier access, I’ve included the demo files pre-installed with the mod.

The included demo is the one from the page. I think there’s a bug in the demo that prevents the H-scene with the manager from progressing the first time. The second interaction plays without issue.

I tested the full game with my mod as well, and the bug didn’t occur there. The DLsite demo might also work, but I haven’t checked yet.


Can we get a clean folder of the normal as well please? I’ve got the full game and wanted to test it on there but im unsure what files to pull that are strictly the mod and edi, to the full game. Also wondering what full game version you tested on. I have 1.0

Added a link where I removed the game files. Let me know if it doesn’t work.

I have version 1.1.2 from Itch.

Ill give it a look, i might need to redownload a newer game version. ty ty

Alright so heres the deal, tried all of it and couldnt get the full gave to work with it.

Full game version i have is 1.1 , im not sure abotu 1.1.2, couldnt find that anywhere.
Tried full game with both the clean and demo files, no dice. No reactions to the gameplay.
Tried with old EDI, tried with current EDI, tried with the fix EDI youd done a week ago for me. No dice.
Tried with changing file names and extensions like making .funscript to .vibrate.funscript. nothing
Tried the demo folder by itself and it works fine, btu the demo is the demo soooo, kinda bleh and almost no content in it so i went for the full game.

Sending you the EDI log, to note theres stuff in it from me manually playing scripts to see if its atleast able to , which it was, they just werent being triggered.

Hi, I would suggest you to check if Edi can receive REST requests when it stops responding. To do this open link localhost:5000/swagger/index.html and try to send POST request /Edi/Play/{name}. Set name parameter equal to any funscript file from the Gallery folder (without .funscript extension). If It works then you have problem with game mod, if not - problem with Edi application itself.