To4st - Game Mods

TheHandy works, when using it with Lovense Nora it crashes the EDI. Not sure if its normal for all EDI games but two Nora’s appeareded, one with “(1)”. Assuming this could just be the two separate functions though.

Adjustment to my reply, running them both through Initface and making sure the handy key wasnt connected seems to have resolved my issue.

I use an OSR device that connects to a Windows computer via classic Bluetooth-SPP, which creates a COM port. I modified the appsettings.json to set OSR2 to true and changed the corresponding COM port number. However, FunscriptPlayer v1.4.1 shows “connecting” and cannot connect to the device… Can I retrieve any error reports to provide to you? Currently, my approach is to first start intiface central and then launch FunscriptPlayer v1.4.1. Bypassing the built-in intiface engine of FunscriptPlayer allows me to connect to the OSR2.

Additionally, please check the link I provided: Succubus Reborn by Sda labs - #16 by hue04476.test1. This game also uses the built-in intiface engine, but it uses a batch file to make the intiface engine read the buttplug-device-config.json from intiface central. Can FunscriptPlayer be configured in a similar way to read the buttplug-device-config.json from intiface central? For example, by adding an option in appsettings.json.

The OSR connection is purely via the com port. It doesn’t use buttplug or intiface for communication. If you have intiface connected to the OSR then the player won’t be able to connect using the same port.

Try setting it as follows with your corresponding COM port while nothing else is connecting to the OSR.

"ConnectionMethod": {
	"Buttplug": false,
	"OSR": true

If you’d like the app to generate logs you can do the following:
Create a new file next to the EXE and name it log4net.config.
Populate the file with

		<level value="ALL" />
		<appender-ref ref="DebugAppender" />
		<appender-ref ref="file" />
	<appender name="file" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender">
		<file value="FunscriptPlayer.log" />
		<appendToFile value="true" />
		<rollingStyle value="Size" />
		<maxSizeRollBackups value="5" />
		<maximumFileSize value="10MB" />
		<staticLogFileName value="true" />
		<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
			<conversionPattern value="%date [%thread] %level %logger - %message%newline" />

	<appender name="DebugAppender" type="log4net.Appender.DebugAppender" >
		<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
			<conversionPattern value="%date [%thread] %-5level %logger - %message%newline" />

This should have the app write logs to the file FunscriptPlayer.log.
You can send me the contents if you’re still facing issues so I can check what’s up.

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Got another quality candidate for integration:

There’s a translated version available on F95zone. Just a nice little maid service game where she acts frustrated and makes it clear she’s only providing her services because she has to. There are 4 speeds for each scene. Slow, Normal, Fast & None. Auto can be chosen which just randomizes the 3 different movement speeds. As far as I can tell Auto never chooses the None speed.

Nice animation and the fact that it will randomize the speeds makes it intriguing for integration.

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Where can I find those scripts? Since mega files are dead. Thanks

I beleive the “afterschooltag” folder is the 99dm scripts. But if not the scripts in the at videos folder are, and if you use those you will have to rename all of them.

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I am having trouble gettin lilith in nightmare to work, is it possible for anyone to help with that?
as far as I can see the custom player registers that it should play a script, but the handy doesn’t do anything at all.

Nevermind I figured it out after a lot of fiddeling hahaha

Hey, I’m using funscriptplayer v.1.4.1 on Fapland Remastered and having trouble getting my SR6 to connect, or if it does connect it wont act on any commands sent to it.

I’ve tested and made sure the SR6 itself works and it does on both XTPlayer and Multifunplayer, It also worked when i tried an older version of funscriptplayer v1.2 but it would get stuck and stop moving after playing 2-3 scripts

It will either be stuck on connecting, say access to COM1,2,3etc… port denied(fixed by just removing and plugging in the USB for the SR6) or one of the images below.

I’m using the SR6 made by FunOSR.

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Before this gets fixed, try launching an external intiface configured to accept T-CODE toys as a workaround


Can you look at this post to configure logging for the player?
You can send me the logs in a private message and it’ll hopefully show me what’s going wrong.

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I don’t want to make a request for the moment so I’ll just make a comment here.
Here are games I wish to see modded (and scripted) so I’ll share it with you. Please tell me if they can be modded, if it is better with a different modding technique (like by using EDI).

Those games are mainly horror/femdom where you run around trying not to get caught.

Otherworldly Ruins ~Lascivious Darkness Sacrifice

House of Lust

Hunted on Eclipse

Syahata’s Bad Day

Warning → Bestiality/Monster only
Once caught ingame, has animations in 3 phases that can be escaped.
There also are animations on game over.

  • Haunted by Nathalie [Skrats]*
    This one is a visual novel and I don’t have any link.

Please tell me if my post don’t belong here.

For the time being, I just wish to share some games I would later request and probably try to mod myself… but I have absolutely 0 modding/scripting knowledge for the moment.


I second this post, I would especially like to see the first game get scripted as its quite short but has a nice handful of scenes.


The only downside for the moment is that it isn’t translated yet.

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Unity games can be easy to mod for the most part, unless the developers use some other framework with its own custom scripting system.

I can take a stab at trying to mod these, but my plate is a bit full at the moment. Not to even mention the scripting.

The easy route would be first to see if I can hook into the animations and use that to call scripts using EDI. Can you think of any other gameplay elements where the addition of scripts would make sense in the games you listed?

As for translations, you can try the tool at GitHub - bbepis/XUnity.AutoTranslator. It can be hit or miss, but at least it’s something.


Not sure about the others, but in the first game you can struggle before a scene is fully initiated, although I personally never escaped a scene like this lmao.
Additionally there’s also a lust meter after you get out of a scene which does go down while you aren’t in scenes, so maybe there could be some integration there? Hope this helps!

P.S Can confirm the autotranslator works pretty alright on this game, but there’s still some poetry in there.

@to4st Hi do you think it is possible to you to make a game mod for Afterschool Tag compatible with EDI?

I can try to throw something together. I don’t have much time on me so it will mostly be hacked together. If you don’t mind it being untested, I can share it and you can let me know if it works for you.

I would really appreciate that. Thanks
And of course i’ll let you know how It is