Twist function - what do you prefer - longer twists vs. shorter twists

Hello everybody!

I got my hands on a device with a twisting function - FUNSR1 2.0 (prototype) - find it here → Progress on SR1 2.0 and the September event - General / Sales - EroScripts

I’ve been experimenting with the twist function and trying to figure out an optimal way on how to script it. I’ve came across the problem that I either have to make faster but shorter twists 0-50 or 100-50, or longer but slower twists 0-100 or 100 - 0. There is some kind of a middle ground like 80 - 20, 70-30 and so on.

The twisting function is great and it’s fun to script for it. I think you can be more creative and free with it. There is no right or wrong like with the up and down axis. Of course you want to script it to the action, but you can be more free here. In a penetration section / video, where is no real twisting happening, you can script the twisting axis as you please. I went for a “skip some strokes method, to make the twisting longer” method. Meaning, the twisting doesn’t move to every single up and down stroke, instead to every 2 or 3 strokes. A bit hard to explain in theory, here is picture of a script and how it looks. I hope this makes a bit clearer. First row is the standard up and down axis, second row is the twisting axis.

I didn’t script as the up and down axis, because the twisting module can’t move as fast as the up and down axis. To make the twist more noticeable, I made the strokes slower, but longer.

If there would be any real twisting happening in a video, like handjob and / or blowjob, I’d go for a more realistic approach and script the twisting to the action.

So, my question is, do you prefer faster but shorter twists, or longer but slower twists?

What kind of twists do you prefer?
  • Faster, but shorter twists
  • Longer, but slower twists
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Another question I have. I checked some other twisting scripts. I saw that some used the twisting when it’s fitting, so when there is actually twisting, or on some “special occasions” (e.g. heavy bounces, deepthroat etc.). In my testing scripts, I mostly used a constant twisting (it only pauses, when the up and down pauses).

So my question is, if you prefer constant twisting, even if the video doesn’t have actual twisting or do you prefer to only have twisting if it’s really fitting or in some special occasions?

Do you like constant twisting or just when it’s fitting / in special occasions?
  • Constant twisting
  • Only when it’s fitting / in special occasions
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Thank you for participating!


I write all this without ever testing. So when scripting I miss the twist function most when there is no up and down movement in a HJ but just a twist then I put in a pause that’s till moves like 0% to 10%. So there the twist is really needed not longer and not shorter as it is. So L0 no movement or very slow and twist a much as it is slightly exaggerarted because of the sleeve lag. So if the twist is 90° go 120°.

This is a script that needs twist a lot feel free to modify. Uh I just realize I flatlined twists back then. Much better to keep it moving.

I have an Idea who we can ask to one-click modify a well made script, that has pause for twist, to a twist script. @quickfix would it be possible to make a macro that adds a curve to a new line if these pauses happen?


or this up to lets say 15%?

Which axis is it Slibo?


It’s the R0 for the twisting axis.

Btw, if anybody has a device with twisting function and wants to test these scripts I made and give me feedback on it, please dm me. I’ll send you the scripts and a direct dl to the video as well. I made three twist scripts so far on videos I already scripted.

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Do I understand right that you want to twist if there is no twist in the video? Are you looking just for more feeling like always twist?

Yes, correct. I am debating myself if it’s good / okay / if it makes sense to add twist, even though there is no actual twisting happening in the video. Just for the experience, for the feeling.

You can add continuous twist with MFP already additional to the script. I would not twist if there is no twist but could be just me. I see twist for a great addition for the twist problem you can just script by pause or ignore it. Pressure is same I think, it would be great to set for base pressure and then solve the problem of moving to a new location almost without touching. Or of course if there is a real visible squeeze.

If @quickfix makes this possible by macro I will add an R0 to all my scripts that have twist so most of them.