Upcoming loli/shota ban and timeline

It’s not that I’m really debating it I just wanted to put my point across that I just think it’s hypocritical especially if it’s being done for ‘morality’ purposes (despite it being fictional content).

I’d say hentai is probably easier to tell the age of the character purely from the scenarios. Porn of people, amateurs more specifically, you’re kind of stuck with “trust me bro” from the website it’s hosted on.

I’m not a big fan of the animated loli/shota stuff I just don’t like seeing stuff like this happen.

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Wait what? Why are you doing that instead of flagging it if something is wrong?

As fiction is meaning not real right? Meanwhile the opposite word for it is non-fiction… … goes to google to just check something

I’ve made a big mistake.

no no i think you had it right the first time

Lolicon Paid Scripts scripters are about to make baaaaaaaank


Either way I’ve changed it because I’d rather not get an FBI raid in a few seconds from the wrong word being used.

yeah and then proceed to make fuck all because eroscripts has fucked them

(so long as there’s no alternative site)


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man, think of all the in-progress games that were getting scripted

fuck dude, just the amount of effort that has gone into those projects


Since we are banning drawn depictions of boys and girls, I’d also like to vote for a total ban on rape scripts and bestiality. I find it gross seeing dogs having sex with humans on the front page. Also, include incest in that ban as well. There’s nothing weirder than a grown man lusting after a pretend version of his mommy.


Point to new topic button in Site Feedback

Go ahead make the vote poll discussion thing.

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These criteria only address visual content.

Loli/shota scripts (and audio files) do not have visuals of prepubescent proportions, features, or scenarios, and therefore pass the criteria. So it follows that they will still be ok to post as long as no offending visual content is included. Is that actually the case? If so, why are hundreds of topics being removed, instead of pruned of visual content?

If you’re going to ban this stuff, ban it, I don’t care that much. I don’t really make or use these scripts. But be absolutely clear without a shadow of a doubt about what content is and is not allowed on the site. What I do care about is clear communication from the mod team. Ambiguity leads to misunderstanding, which leads to animosity.

Mods, please update the criteria with more specific mention of ALL types of content uploaded in posts:

  • Scripts
  • Audio files
  • Links to offending content hosted externally
  • Identifiers for offending content (Title, Author, Video Length, etc.)
  • Discussion of offending content

The way the criteria are currently, making loli/shota posts isn’t prohibited in a meaningful way; the only differences will be that they will not have visuals, and that they won’t be tagged. Scripts and audio files have no visual content, they can be included. You could make an argument that download links to offending content may not be allowed under the current criteria (weak imo, but w/e), you can just put the author, title, and video length so people can find it themselves, and type out a description as a preview.

Tagging the mods who I have seen posting here for visibility: @hugecat @Falafel @VladTheImplier


Is it July 6?

Because that’s when new topics with the tags or content will no longer be allowed.

work doesnt have to stop on in progress scripts just because of this

The way I see it, is that the site owners have gotten the idea to simply turn this site into a for profit script hosting platform, and are just taking the final steps to clean shop for the payment service providers.

Why host posts for people who just link to their gumroad(RIP) or patreon for paid scripts and direct money there, when you could just host the scripts locally and take a slice of the cake yourself?

GWA tried something similar few weeks ago and the mods over there got sent to the shadow realm for it. But this could be just my extremely tight tinfoil hat speaking.

In the end it is what it is.


I’d say the tinfoil hat.


Thank you for your valuable feedback. I want to clarify upfront that I’m writing this to foster constructive discussion.

I understand that regulations are necessary measures to sustain the site. If that’s the case, then all posts containing links that infringe copyright should also be deleted.

Is it acceptable to ban lolicon and shotacon while allowing posts with copyright-infringing links? I consider this a double standard.

Additionally, if lolicon and shotacon are banned, I believe that rape, bestiality, incest, and furry content in Hentai should also be regulated.

However, personally, I do not agree with banning lolicon, shotacon, rape, bestiality, incest, and furry content. This is because they are fictional. If the argument is that these creations violate morals and should be regulated, I cannot accept that rationale. They are just drawings.

The moderator stated, “Visuals depicting prepubescent features, characteristics, or scenarios are not allowed. However, due to the fictional nature, there are always exceptional cases. Ultimately, moderators will make the final decision.”

In Japan, lolicon content sold explicitly states in the descriptions that characters are over 18, even if they appear prepubescent in visuals and scenarios. Additionally, how would fictional races like elves, which are not human, be judged? The only difference from humans is whether they have significantly longer lifespans and longer ears.

I do not agree with moderators having the final say. Clear standards are necessary.

Alternatively, should we interpret these measures as regulations being applied but with a gray area going forward?

I perceive these regulations as censorship, hence my use of the term ‘violation of freedom of expression’


Nope no plans to do that

If you are alright with taking on that legal risk for yourself, that’s your decision.

We have decided that we’re no longer comfortable taking that risk on. And we are not obligated to host content we are not comfortable hosting even if you are.

Again, we are not doing this because we have a particular preference, but out of risk mitigation.


this is why i think its fine to just host the content elsewhere and only host scripts here. the thing you’ve already always been doing lol…

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Oops. Did I perhaps take regulations too seriously? If so, is it correct to understand that posts consisting only of text and links are not problematic?