Upcoming loli/shota ban and timeline

the fact that stuff is just straight up gonna get purged also fucking kills the data archivist in me

I just combed through all loli tagged topics. Ones that don’t fit in the current criteria were untagged. Ambiguous ones were forwarded to the mod team for discussion.

To be honest, I’m not feeling more comfortable about this plan as a whole.

Unfortunately I didn’t get to make the decisions. If I didn’t become a mod this will still happen. I’m doing so only because I want to minimise the loss.


holy crap my entire porn collection is only slightly larger than that including the funscript stuff lmfao wtf

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i got stuff in 4k the trick is u use handbreak to make the videos smaller thats what i do to save space can even take upscaled stuff and make it smaller too

To be honest if there’s anyone I trust for this it’s you, believe me, but you,re not the only mod and your point of view is one of many.

What says other mods won’t see one of the things you untagged and go “nah, that’s straight up not okay”

Okay, let’s say you got the final word for existing content. Now what? Will you have to manually review every “loli adjacent” post from now on?

You see where I’m coming from? It doesn’t sound like the most efficient approach and also very vague.


it is what it is i guess

I understand that you’re probably doing everything you can to help, but personally I wouldn’t stand for it. I’d put my foot down and go somewhere else.

I don’t know your circumstances so maybe it’s not that easy, but there’s no way I would help in the mass censorship campaign, even if it was to lessen it.

Frankly stuff like the NAKK scripts are one of the main things I come here for so this fucking sucks for me.

I’m just a weeb with a lot of time and deep pockets and it feels like a betrayal after putting so much money toward the site and scripters I care about, including you, especially after all the old threads talking about how loli wont get banned.

Slippery fucking slope, what else “wont ever get banned”.

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I think it’s fair to ask the question as a user and member of the community.

I’m honestly not trying to stir shit. If anyone were to come in a talk shit I,d ignore it. I’m remaining on topic too.

I think I’m not out of line.

ur fine im just saying it is what it is but i think it wont be that bad hopefully

:saluting_face: I’m at uhhhh 12TB (up to ~1TB dupes) including most of the media related to the posts like thumbnails, Have like up to 1TB of really large +50GB single files to download.

The entirety of anime/manga/genshin/etc needs to be purged too. Nothing but underaged characters. This is ridiculous.

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and a good amount of it is probably not going anywhere lol

Hello everyone. I would like to express my opinion as someone who is exclusively interested in 2D lolicon content and as a scripter.

In a word, this issue can be described as a ‘violation of freedom of expression.’

The main problem here is that too many people confuse fictional works with real child pornography. There are even countries with this misconception. Why aren’t games and movies depicting murder and crime regulated? Because they are fictional works. The answer is already clear.

I often hear the opinion that 2D lolicon content promotes real child pornography crimes, but that claim has no evidence at all. In Japan, where I live, 2D lolicon content is legal and abundant, yet the rate of child pornography crimes is significantly lower than in countries where 2D lolicon content is illegal.

Do you understand? 2D lolicon content and real child pornography are completely different issues. From another perspective, this can also be seen as an LGBT issue. For example, I only feel sexual arousal from 2D lolicon content. Do you understand? The target is a drawing. This can be seen as a form of diversity.

I will continue to fight for freedom of expression and as an LGBT person.


i personally have always been attracted to hentai and regular porn but i too find loli content to be more arousing than normal hentai or porn. but yes the drawing is the target. and in many cases i find the art style to be important. semi-realistic art styles i find very unappealing. whereas a 2d styled 3d module i find to be just as arousing as a 2d drawing. because the anime art style+ petite body type i find most appealing. but i wouldn’t say i’m an lgbt person because of this. as its not the only thing im attracted to, but i find it most appealing when given a choice between the 3


@Hentai_Scripts I wish to do everything I can to convince the moderators of the site to undo this decision, but I fear it’s gone too far, a few people are currently looking for alternative sites.

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nah its a waste of time but again i wouldnt worry too much it seems they have gone against their original idea and are doing it on a case by case basis. rather than a blanket ban which i know people wouldn’t like because i would effect many different scripts if they did that.

if they did that it would effect every short stacked petite perfectly legal and or postpubescent character shown in any scripts.

from my understanding they aren’t basing it on age either but appearance and of the scripts so far I’ve seen that are not being removed. they are what id say is a loli. i think this hybrid approach is better than a blanket ban.

I still like the stuff they’re planning on banning :frowning:

well so do i but theres nothing we can do

shit fucking sucks man, you don’t ban something because <50% of a community doesn’t like it, fucking hell most niche fetishes on this site wont get 50% of the users into it, and the more normies you bring to this site, the wider that gap grows

i can understand the sentiment i once dislike loli and refused to have any until one day i descovered i did have some thinking it wasn’t it. an then i stopped giving a fuck lol.

but i can understand why people would dislike it, its because they see a child whereas we just see an fictional anime girl.