Upcoming loli/shota ban and timeline

not dead. Not dying. A majority of the community agree with the ban for one reason or another. The only thing that I see potentially killing this site is the content in question.


Last time the poll went out it was not a majority. Explain how it’ll eventually kill the site when plenty of sites have loli/shota content in droves and still operate. That includes twitter. That recent poll is way too new but the two others that have been here for years have more voters.


82% Agree with the change if it would prevent the site from dying.

47% Agree with the change even if it wouldnt die

38% Would not prefer a different/lesser ban

When exactly was the last time the poll went out? I see youve posted it. But those polls were tagged Loli. So anybody who had Loli muted didnt even see that thread.

And the Mods specifically stated the reason for the change was not based on preference but to ensure the survival if the site. Im not a mod. But I trust that they, more than anyone else,want the site to survive. I trust in them to do what they need to do to make that happen.


That topic’s not the two that I linked and is way too recent and has less people in it. I already mentioned that. They’re also before tag muting was a thing.

Regardless things have clearly changed. It seems at that point the mods didnt think there would be a legality issue and now they do. With the amount of posts recently about Mega accounts being banned as well as other sites taking a hit for seemingly sharing Loli content Od rather be safe than sorry.

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And no you could mute tags at that point too There just wasn’t a loli tag yet until thay discussion it seems.

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Banning loli will not prevent the site for dying or help in its survival, the issue is with funscripts legality and the sharing of “pirated” content. Pfft at least allow the sharing of torrents/magnets then you at least get one layer away from the distribution.

eroscripts will never become mainstream, there is no future for it with the “big boys”; There is already sites which have funscripts with their porn distribution.

It’s simply not a legal issue, the mere existence of sites like Iwara, ATF, HMVMania, Pixiv and FANBOX disprove that. Seriously, find me one example of a website with loli content that was taken down BY FORCE without the option of at least changing host providers, almost every instance is either because they had actual child porn or they did it by choice.

It’s a preventative measure because of credit card companies. They are worried that the CC companies will halt their payments to the web host or halt their donations or something. It’s really not been very transparent at all.

I can only assume they’re really doing because a majority of the mod team personally disapproves of the content and they have a convenient little excuse.

So? What if 80% of users wanted to get rid of furry, or all LGBT content if it would prevent the site from dying, would that justify it’s removal? Fuck no. Don’t let your bias get in the way.


If furry or LGBT content would cause a likely threat to the site’s existence and 80% agreed to the mods deciding to ban it, then yes. It would be a justified decision.
What’s not justified are the forces posing a threat on the basis of the content. There are unjust laws, but moreso there are extremely unjust companies with too much influence over content online.

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welcome to america


Thanks! I was just getting used to the freedom overload.

I believe this altho may have community backlash, you guys need to understand this is infact a community which can easily be shut down for said things especially if it becomes federally a problem and or gets others in legal trouble with their local departments. I understand the expression of freedom and that its within your constitution but there are still policies created which do protect private projects / establishments. My own thoughts about this would not to outright ban the tag and all things for it. I believe we could maybe make it an underground community with this being said what it would looking like if my decision would to keep the Tags associated with such content and turn said tags into a forum / chat area w/ limitations such as not allowing links to videos but keep the scripts freely to post and it is up to the content creator to safely hold their content on whichever platform they choose to upload their videos to, we are all familiar that we can infact compile our files so the task should be easy, now for the community whom downloads the content it is up to them to directly message the creator for the videos i know this takes a huge burden of your inbox but in my eyes if you truly want this content to continue further this would be the only way my recommendations would be using a private discord server or something of similarity. Now lets talk about requests i believe the request option should remain with the follow still instructed * no photos, links to videos, the request should striclty be private conversation ( so request i.e should = In search of loli request ) and it is up to the creators whom decides to pickup the commission and dms you, this might seem extreme which might make loli content more of a premium ask then a basic one. Let me know what you think of this ideology @admins also looking to the communities votes on this specific reply. Thank you for your time, and goodluck :slight_smile:


i have no problems with this… aslong as it doesnt lead to other things later being banned… animations with werewolfs etc.
really its the people in charge of the site to make the decisions they feel needed to keep the site going then that should be the end of it.

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I won’t try to undermine your post/opinions, nor do i want to, the logic is sound and although its not totally my kind of content, I agree with it.
but this isn’t a matter of “what counts” or “preference”. As said in other posts, including hugecat’s, this is just for sustainability for a community. for a niche that, just by my guessing and someone correct me if i’m way off, makes up around 8%-10% of content on this site. tl;dr not worth it.

also I’m just going to be a picky shithead about it: our First Amendment protects us from CONGRESS making laws or discriminating against the expression of US citizens.

not a website hosting company, that can have its own rules (that you sign up for and implicitly agree to by using).
not a credit card company, that has its own rules (that can legally and financially annihilate you or the site admin for breaking their ToS).
not me, but I can’t do much except post this so i’m not too worrisome tbh. :joy:

even if Congress were to pass some specific Lolicon ban and it could technically fall under a 1A argument, the appeal to the “damaging of children” is the easiest and most frequently used political UNO card to throw down. if they wanted it passed, it will be passed.
(just pray for a big nuclear reset of society so we can start over)

Y_D :dragon:


I don’t really get where people draw the line with this content.

Why are people not okay with anime characters that have petite proportions, but have no issue with actual underage anime characters who have larger proportions?

As other people have posted: would this also extend to JAV actresses that have petite proportions and/or do content that depicts them as children?

All in all I don’t know where people draw the line, it seems like there’s no issue with underaged characters but that somehow goes away once you reach prepubescent as if it’s any worse. Then again if it was an actual morality stance then 90% of the hentai would be removed for underaged characters and all the beastiality/furry stuff would be removed.


Since the line between what is and isn’t loli is not clearly defined, if one felt like it, it would be possible to nitpick and claim that a topic they don’t like is loli, and force the topic to be deleted.


I think it just is generally down to the association being built up of that small proportions means younger. (Which is usually true in RL) Along with the actual age being hard to prove compared to RL.

Since there is also an non-JAV american actress whom due to how she looked the studio made sure to show/point out that she was ‘legal’ in their country…AMERICA, her name is Dakota Tyler. (I think the studio was exploited college girls or something like that) You would think though that she isn’t legal from seeing her but…she is, anime though ain’t so easy to whip out an birth certificate as it’s all EDIT: not real. (Because I tried to use fancy words)

Debating this though won’t change the end result.

You may claim a topic is loli, but it won’t force the topic to be deleted. A mod will look over the topic and make their own judgement about its content. It the mod thinks a character looks prepubescent, they’ll tag it as loli (or delete right away).


Mods: let’s pretend we didn’t see that

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It’s not that I’m really debating it I just wanted to put my point across that I just think it’s hypocritical especially if it’s being done for ‘morality’ purposes (despite it being fictional content).

I’d say hentai is probably easier to tell the age of the character purely from the scenarios. Porn of people, amateurs more specifically, you’re kind of stuck with “trust me bro” from the website it’s hosted on.

I’m not a big fan of the animated loli/shota stuff I just don’t like seeing stuff like this happen.

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