Upcoming loli/shota ban and timeline

People have varying values. With 100 people, there are 100 different sets of values. With 100 people, there are 100 different sexual preferences.
No one has the right to deny another person’s values. That’s why when rules are established, people discuss them.


You are implying that no one except you cares about the content that is being banned. Or is just a cope out and you want someone else to bear the brunt of the risk of hosting it.

I think the argument about it not being much of a risk is a little bit in bad faith.

The stated fact that Loli stuff doesn’t get you shut down seems to be doing a lot of heavy lifting in the argument. Firstly I doubt many sites would be willing to fight that if it came up so the number of sites shut down for this or other reasons probably isn’t known.

Secondly, Losing a court case isn’t the issue, getting into legal trouble in the first place is. If a bunch of volunteers who started this forum a few years ago after the last forum shut ever have to hire a lawyer then that’s too much risk. It took them work to build this and they took on all the costs and risk involved. Hell the community suggested the Patreon to help cover the hosting costs.

C. What a funscript legally constitutes has not been tested in law as it is a new, niche thing that most people don’t know exists. If someone gets a bee in their bonnet and decides to go after it as “Immoral” then Eroscripts is likely to be one of the first sites found and therefore an obvious target.

In regards to trying to get round the ban I can foresee a few issues. If you have to be so vague as to not trigger the banhammer then people who want Loli stuff won’t know and people who don’t may get gotcha’d by it.

Theoretically you could post your non loli free scripts on the site and put a link to a mega folder that contains all your scripts. As long as the folder doesn’t have the videos or images and just text files it wouldn’t trigger the mega ban hammer I guess.

My Final point is this, If you are complaining about this issue and you have never shared a free script, helped out with peoples technical queries or chipped in on the Patreon every now and then you haven’t been helping grow this community in the first place. If you didn’t put in that minimum amount of effort why should the mods come to your rescue at their own personal risk?


This makes sense. I also don’t like censorship etc but in my country this sort of thing can land you in big trouble, even just having it in your browser history or a cache file on your disk can be problematic. I don’t think this country is particularly alone.
And it’s not like furry where there is at least a minimal amount of mainstream adoption/support where you could possibly wiggle out of it.
(n.b. I don’t really know much about furry stuff, but afaict loli is much more politically charged, frequently being used as the excuse for encryption-banning regulations and forced scanning regulations. IMO if you wind up in a situation where this shows up, you’re probably finished)

For everyone else who doesn’t have this problem, it is a pity, but it’s fair to acknowledge the risk of a one-stop shop like ES, both for the operators and the visitors.

I appreciate people who can afford to take a stand, but IMO the risk here is too great.


This. lol

We have read this and also considered history of this law:

Under United States you will see verious cases that show this law has been used in many situations both with innocent and guilty verdicts.

Please look into the miller tests and read in full what they state.

the “3rd prong” of the 3 prong test that you mentioned is where this hinges. what is considered art? what makes art obscene in the legal sense? these questions often has different answers depending on who you ask. if HC was taken to court his life would be under the luck of who landed in his jury.

That is too high a risk. HC would be taking a very big liability and if you dont care thats fine, I happen to care if someone finds themselves going to court over a hobby.


To deepen my understanding, I reread the thread from the beginning.
Thank you all for explaining things so clearly, and I apologize for my poor English skills.
The moderators said that they will not establish clear standards on what is allowed and what is not because it is fiction.

So, I will post ‘texts’ and ‘links to sites providing scripts’ (without posting images or media).
I understand that whether they are deleted or not is left to the discretion of the moderators.
However, I believe there is still room for discussion, and many people may not be satisfied.
For those who wish to change the decision, it will be a tough path.
I will continue to watch the progress of this thread.

By the way, doesn’t EroScripts intend to move to a server not bound by US laws?
If financial support is needed, I am willing to help. I believe that creative works should be free.

Thank you.


I’m waiting for the moment the mod says, “Yes, you have a point. Anyway, whatever decision we make will be the final outcome, and you’ll need to accept it. So, please leave.”


We have considered moving the hosting but that comes with tradeoffs were not fully sure we want to take.

for ex. We could move the hosting to denmark, but that comes with other legal issues unrelated to loli, and theres the issue about how we would pay for the service without using payment processors that hate porn.

Im still open to moving hosting but its really up to HC since he is the financier for the hosting.

Theres also the fact that we have also considered migrating to a managed discourse instance (With discourse the company) we havent for a couple reasons but its still on the table. we’re trying to get all the information we can about our decisions before we make them.

If a time comes we feel we can safely start allowing loli again we might but I cant make any promises. Ialso dont speak for the full mod team. we all do things in consensus. I can give my opinions but that doesnt mean the site will go my way.


Because it’s probably going to be asked regardless … any idea of if the patreon before the ban covered anywhere near a majority of the costs?

Additionally how much would it have to be maybe at minimum to make it financially safe to do any move?

I’m glad to hear that you are positively considering hosting migration. This is certainly welcome news for fans of lolicon, shotacon, and other niche interests. Thank you.


“Sure, they can do anything 'cause they’re the forum owner blah blah blah”. When they say “We’ve decided,” I gotta wonder, in some alternate reality, if there were two forums—one with bans and another without—where do you think people would folks flock to? Would this forum continue issuing bans without seeking community input? By the way, I’m curious, why isn’t furry content prohibited on this forum? It’s quite amusing how the popularity of this forum was initially driven by people, and it seems like mod finally can do whatever they want now. why I’m not supriseing, really. What disappoints me the most is that I can’t think of any other forum that comes close to replacing EroScript now. Otherwise, I believe most people wouldn’t be concerned about this ban at all.


There was another forum but it died because the owner/runner/moderator left. In regards to getting community input. There has been lots of input please see earlier discussions or flamewars about this subject.

I do agree that if there was another place for people to go to it might not hurt as much if your particular niche gets banned.

Only solution is make your own script forum but with Blackjack and Loli’s.

This is one action that should never be taken no matter the circumstance, they can instant nuke the whole site and that would be it.


Lmao that is wild, imagine going to jail over a “what is art?” opinion and feeling. This test is so archaic and confusing.

Couldn’t they also hit you for obscenity if you had furry or guro or any other “eye hurting” content?

How the hell does Fakku even exist on US soil and why is the content so widely available if a single image of unknown age hentai schoolgirls in your cache can land you in trouble and the 2nd Circle of Hell?

It now feels like if you type in hentai in google and look at the first few websites you’ve committed a felony, also better watch out for those hentai ads. Who knew that adblockers would literally be saving lives.


that’s why it’s all a bunch of bullshit and it’s really just used to get pedos into more deep shit when they’ve already got Cp found on their pc. at least that’s what is seen in the 6 major cases published around that law. each and every one was a pedo with cp on his computer and it wouldn’t surprise me if the other images found weren’t just loli hentai. but probably some drawn cp of a real victim.

that’s probably why this law means Jack diddly if you just got loli. because that’s not the target of the law.


Ideally that’s what I’m trying to do in the other general thread. More sites hosting and generally being aware of the existence of funscripts is a good thing for everyone. But using an established site with an active userbase is the goal. If no site fits and there’s no other option, I probably will host it myself, its just the last resort.

Was on the patreon for a long time, still on the patron of many creators, also a very active buyer of scripts. I don’t make scripts because I’ve got my hands full with other hobbies (doujin scanlations)

I’m not trying to argue in bad faith, I’m just too riled up over the same old story happening to another damn site. The seriously awful lack of real info in the initial post doesnt help.

I really don’t think there’s reason to worry about legal action and that HC is being overly cautious to the detriment of a big part of the user base. The protect act and the miller test are super fringe and have rarely ever been used, and using them to justify a ban feels like working backwards. Starting from “we want to ban this thing” and finding legal reasons that fit


At the end of the day.

the person or persons from this site that reported all of our Mega accounts, is the sole reason this happened.

before mine was banned I started being paranoid and locking all my videos in zip files just so mega couldn’t look at them. that ultimately failed in the end anyways.

when it happened to me a pit of dispair was opened beneath me and I was depressed for a few days thinking my life as I knew it was over. this is why I deleted my old eroscripts account.

I’ve since grown from this experience knowing mega can eat my fucking ass and so can the person who reported all of our accounts.

who ever was responsible for that is not a member of this community as far as I’m concerned.

no one here was doing anything illegal. mega is just a shit ass that is trigger happy on their rules because the country they are hosted in (Australia) is an authoritarian government.


Mega has always been an gamble of “how long till I’m banned” game if your sharing files on it that are anything adult rated or copyrighted ever since the mass internet file sharing spree back when mediafire and it were great and go to’s for using. It’s why I straight up decided to only use mega to host files for myself and use any other site that doesn’t require an account (and without IP banning and email signup) or have a long history of being an adult hosting file site.
Just a risk I decided I wouldn’t take since it was an certain thing to happen and there was plenty of alternatives before swearing off doing any file sharing of my own. (which is a bad last resort in my mind)


I think we’re slightly in the green right now?