Upcoming loli/shota ban and timeline

(edited my deleted post above)

Exactly it has always been a wack-a-mole game for the filehost since forever, and 99.9% of the time they don’t take actions automatically. It’s basically always someone reporting it which either removes the link, or with enough of these actions they take down the whole account. I’m sure at least 50% of the uploads on this site would get taken down for filehost TOS.

Using “the recent news of hosting sites taking down a bunch of user content.” as a reason/defense doesn’t really work because this has always been an issue.

But at the end of the day it is hugecat’s decision, but the users will always have their own thing to say about it, considering the costs are mostly? funded by users. At least we were told and given time before the action hit which i’m sure most users can appreciate.


if you’re gonna ban Loli/shota. while you at it, also ban rape and non concentual sex would yah. i would make lots of people happy i bet.

Technically that is already taken care of by the ES ToS:

they don’t enforce that tho do they

We do. If the scene is not CnC and legitimate rape. its not allowed. Girldoporn studio is not allowed as a result. if a simulated scene does not state its CnC or theres no sourceindicating that its banned. report anything you see like that.


Another question about the ban is what about simply talking about/requesting loli scripts. Are we going to be allowed to link people to other sites that allow them? Would this affect patreon links of creators that are still gonna script them?

First time I’ve ever wanted a down vote button.


the mod like politics
please understand


(Sorry for my English but here’s my take on it)

A smart decision regarding the law or lawsuits.
However, the argument can be made that those creepy loli enjoyers were kept back from doing the real deal. The idea of such a law would be to keep people from doing it yet the irony presents itself that without a way to express this it will ultimately boil over.

Ofcourse that same argument can be flipped, it only feeds their inner need for such content or interaction to people who seek these preferences.

Ultimately deep down these people know that putting such an emphesis on their young appearance is what drives the need for viewing it. And i would advise serious help to them. Ironic as iam a very degenerate person who loves dirty porn.
But this is not porn or anything regarding pleasure. This is a true gateway unlike those drug arguments you see about marihuana. Nobody acidentally goes towards sex, not in the way these people defend it. Everyone knows what sex is, what a child is and what society thinks about such acts.

Besides that its better for the site in general as i think even when done perfectly in accordance to law it will push people away.

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you guys always have the same arguments

loli is a Grey area because sometimes the age isn’t known

for some depictions they look like a young woman some they look 18 some look under and some look prepubescent loli has a large range

but know what doesn’t? toddlercon.
also beastiality and furry.
not to mention cub.

but none of this should matter as it’s all fictional.

but despite me loving cunny. I think personally ppl who watch toddlercon are literally disgusting because that is Indefensable.

also moral arguments shouldn’t matter anyways because that’s not what this is about

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There is not a single study that would prove this, in fact there is only evidence against the fact.


Uuuh :face_with_raised_eyebrow: plenty of hentai or animations where consent is clearly only one way on here… (also animals cannot consent if we take it to this extreme)

I COULD point to some but they are really good femdom content and I’m no snitch.

so… to ME (and I want this to be clear) that sounds like hot air and maybe someone trying to cover their ass.

See, that’s one thing that bothers me about this whole thing, this whole discussion. From beginning to end there’s been no transparency and FEELS like (I’m not saying it is) someone trying to come up with excuses one after the other.


Animated people/animals are not real.

in case it was missed earlier:

Our stance is effectively like so:
If the law permits, and no one is hurt, its no one else’s business.

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Consider me confused all over again then.


The content that’s getting banned is not Lala Kudo getting railed in a preschooler uniform (which, once again, with the example I’ve linked earlier, seems to definitely fit the “obscene” mark to me)

It’s animated stuff, right? AKA not real people/animals?

Well, whatever, it’s your decision, of course.

But as a contributor to the Patreon, as someone who scripted free scripts and try to help as I can around the forum and be a generally nice fellow… (this thread excepted)

I’m just trying to wrap my head around a decision that makes little sense to me.

Sorry if you feel like I’m badgering you, it’s not my intention. I like to understand what’s happening especially if I contribute to the community in question in various ways.


oh ok lol i was gonna say. kinda ironic tho cuz of the ban.
I know its not for moral reasons but i still think the legal reason is bs too.

instead of a ban on the content you should just ban the use of the tag and the use of explicit images of the content on posts. because at the end of the day if someone posts a link here thats not you hosting the content thats someone else sharing the content being hosted elsewhere.

you cannot be held responsible for what other websites host. you only host scripts here after-all.


oh yeah the law they are using as justification for this ban says “indistinguishable from a minor”

so i guess the question is, is an anime loli indistinguishable from a child?

the answer. is no.


I don’t think you have read the list of legality per jurisdiction that Vlad posted earlier. Something that looks like underage is illegal in Australia. In US if it is not fictional and is 18+, it does not matter how it looks like and what it depicts (and please don’t start discussion about how is that wrong or right, is just so). Also in US if it does not exist (so fictional) then if it looks like or depicts a child (and that will be looks to judge who issues warrant to shutdown and confiscate the site) then is illegal. US law does not require victim to exist.


Thanks. Someone had to say it.

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it says if its indistinguishable from a minor. so if the drawing looks like a real minor then yes the law applies.

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And once again… Lala Kudo is MUCH closer than Grim Aloe (I can’t fucking believe they’re gonna nuke the already criminally low amount of content with Grim Aloe in it) to being “indistinguishable”

Nakk, getting close.

CustomUdon is dangerously close, I’ll admit.

Hence my confusion.