Seriously though, I think you hit the sweet spot of exciting, but not over the top. It’s just… chef’s kiss
This is a case where less is often better, imo. With the Handy I find that scripts with too much vibration tend to make me numb, not very exciting. Scripts that use the vibration sparingly present an element of surprise that often enhances certain actions.
I’ll second the praise for scripters who add both soft and hard scripts. I find myself wishing for a medium sometimes but nothings perfect for everybody and I can customize them to my likings if desired.
I actually REALLY dislike scripts with just too much vibrations. Especially where it doesn’t make sense IMHO. I just lose interest and will turn it off. Obviously, to each their own.
As other have said, I’m ok with it when it’s done very sporadically, like to emphasize orgasm, but I don’t like it if there’s too much of it.
Though to be honest I don’t really care if a good script have any vibration or not.
If there’s a reason for them I like them…like a tongue flick. Otherwise, I just find them annoying because it takes a way from the realism. It’s the same reason I don’t like filler strokes…If I don’t see it happening, I don’t want to feel any movement.
I was mainly concerned about physiological stimulation when making this topic, but you made a good point on the “surprise” factor! Whether or not vibrations stimulate one’s member any better may not weigh as much as its psychological delight when synced to the video content.
Using the unlocked launch, I find them less stimulating than not being there, as with a lot of small motions.
I put it down to the nature of the device - as the fleshlight case moves and not the sleeve directly, It takes a certain minimum threshold of movement to overcome the basic resistance (and the basic stretchy/squishiness of the sleeve) and produce a movement that can actually be felt. “Vibration” parts tend to be more akin to deadzones than areas of enhanced stimulation.
I’m using funscripts with estim(DIY Stereostim, Tronic’s midistim design specifically) and vibrations like those depicted feel significantly more intense. Similarly stuff like the Ahe, Crumbum, etc(not trying to post favorites it’s just what comes to mind right away) and anything like a fast paced PMV that aren’t a constant 0-100 type script are all more intense.
My experience is if the entire thing is designed to be more intense and feels intense, everything ‘levels off’ by the end because you get used to it. I think vibrations feel fantastic and when used in short edging or ‘challenge to not cum’ sequences of about a minute or so, or part of an ending cum sequence(maybe final minute for something short and 3-5 minutes if something is longer than 20 minutes-rough numbers but could really be anything), they are perfect.
That’s how I’d use them if I create a funscript, but this is from the perspective of estim conversion of a funscript using the Funstim tool. I’m surprised by the creativity of this community and I’m sure there are better ways to do this than I suggest, but it’s what I’d do as a start.
I tend to use it to maximize the effect of a particular scene (titfuck, blowjob, cum, etc)
Especially, I use it often to express “the shaking of the body”
I think it’s good to use in the cum scene
I think it’s the highlight of my scripts
ex) (cum scene & vacuum representation)
I tend to try to control the force of the script
I tend to express acceleration, and I rarely use vibrations in slow scenes
It’s awkward if put fast vibrations in a slow script
Even if I use it, it’s like this
I’m adjusting the vibration expression To maintain the speed as possible so that it doesn’t strain the device (I use a handy, so I adjust the short expression to less than 500 units/s)
Of course, there are people who don’t like vibrations
I think vibration is personal preference
I used to do a poll with vibration scripts, and I found out that there are many people who like simple versions without vibration
So I add the simple version script as much as I can
My simple version adjusts the minimum interval for others other than ‘the handy’ (about 100ms to 133ms)
it recommends people who don’t like vibrations, and people who have devices that are hard to express them
Thanks for sharing! This is exactly what I meant by vibrations as a artistic touch, rather than a strategy to enhance pleasure.
Your old topic also had some good points regarding technical limitations. A lot of machines are connected through Bluetooth and that will put a hard limit over the command frequency. Which is also something to take into account when detailing a script…
Welp, I think including multiple versions are the way to go!
Definitely only need to be used when trying to stimulate a certain movement. I will try to put them in when it seems like there is more friction on a down stroke and make the upstroke after with no vibration. Or vice-versa depending on the actions.
I think they are way overused and often make my own version of a script that I like in other ways and is overusing them. The Simplify special function in OFS can work pretty well to take away vibrations.
It can work in a deepthroat but I prefer the slow wiggle there. Immersion FTW and a real life deepthroat does not feel like a power tool.
Well, vibrations that are constantly red have other issues, mainly that it doesnt realy allow any other motion to happen due to device limitations. And as a result, fast strokes will actualy then have less vibrations.
But there is another vibration factor that matters: the framerate.
If vibrations are based on 60 fps, they generaly feel lighter, and also demand a shorter stroke length (because of limitations). These vibrations arent as likely to make you numb either. But these are the ones that can get a device to struggle faster. For cum sections though, this stuttering can in some cases assist at making it appear more natural (because shaking is not as smooth as vibrations are).
However, at 25 or 30fps, vibrations will feel a lot heavier at the same speed because stroke lenghts are doubled. Because of the way sleeves react, this double movement actualy feels more than double.
So there is a diffirence between the type of vibrations. And the effect is quite big.
Personaly i do like going for 40fps vibrations. They are somewhere in the middle of the 2. And as its still a relatively low framerate, the vibrations are well enough noticed to not need a very big stroke length (i think i generaly target for somewhere between 200ups and 250ups as added speed for vibrations, where 200 is generaly enough. 250 is only when the entire video movement is already slow and the room is easily there).
And luckily, i can easily just try it out and modify it if its needed. Thats where OFS plugins can do a great job. Sure, its not as refined as handcrafted vibrations, but i cant realy tell the diffirence yet it saves me a lot of time.
I don’t like Vibrations in Scripts based on “Real Action” scenes. They are feeling unnatural to me.
Scripts should be as realistic as possible and vibrations aren’t that, unless you’re scripting a jackhammer jacking you off or something. I tend to avoid scripts with vibrations and script the video myself if it’s any good. Removing the vibrations often isn’t enough. Usually the strokes are off too, telling me they are mostly used by inexperienced/bad scripters.
This is a valuable discussion to have, thanks for posting it. When I started out, I was resistant to doing vibe runs. But, I had two clients specifically ask for that and since they’re paying the bill, I learned how to do it. It’s definitely well worth having in your bag of tricks. Like anything, it’s best in moderation, like spices while cooking.
This poll is valuable because I always wondered what the general ES public feels about it and have been reticent to include them in scripts I release for the Free Scripts category.
EDIT: having said all that, I value the vibe function more as a problem solving measure in scripting. I personally don’t feel like it’s ever felt more erotic to me but your mileage may vary on that.
it’s Lilith in nightmare part 2!
you can see it in faptap, too!
When I’m making scripts I only use vibrations for deepthroats and for creampies or cum in mouth finishes. But personally when using scripts, vibrations don’t do much for me and I hate when scripts have vibrations throughout the whole thing.
Does anyone have a modifier function to use in to remove the vibrations? I have a launch so it doesn’t really work.
OFS has a simplify function that is a rather quick method to remove vibrations. Its a bit more work, but most of the time scripts either only use short vibration sections (which are easily fixed manualy using this), or do the entire script (in which case they often already reduced accuracy for vibrations and even negating using a script wont work properly anymore).
But an overal solution rarely works here as motion can differ quite a bit, and misdetection of vibrations can happen. Just negating the points wont work as even midpoints will still cause stuttering here. It has to remove the middle nodes and this can be quite difficult to achieve.
Also, the launch is quite capable of handling vibrations as long as the speeds arent excessive (500 unites/s is well doable).
(for reference, 12 strokes per second with about 5cm of movement… i cant imagine how this would be, but surely a lot of lube would be needed)