Web Funscript Player - Enjoy Funscript Videos on iOS, Android, Web

Hmm for example when I paste in a sample m3u8 stream it works fine; https://test-streams.mux.dev/x36xhzz/x36xhzz.m3u8 example try pasting that into the input and click load video, it loads for me. If you can share a link that I can try it would help. Cheers.

Hey, what was stopping me from having this feature was the fact that video players themselves have a slider that we can scroll through and video players emit events about the current time; I needed to have a slider to replicate this and hook it in with the funscript video loaded.

I had to refactor / generalise buttPlug interactions and other components in general prior to so we have a nice UI flow as well and threw something together that does the job albeit the implementation could be neater / more performant, does the trick tho.

Have other things to do and work on this whenever I have the chance and feel like it that’s all really.

Regardless threw something together to support this, tested it out seems to be working as expected.

I just pushed these changes to the site. They should be live. Give it a shot let me know how it goes; should be much less hassle than your current workaround :smile:


  • Improve codebase quality
  • Work on new faster method to reduce latency between device and events
  • Support VR videos / move video player providers? (one issue w/ current player; last i tested, current player fullscreen does not work on iOS when using WebBLE which was pretty annoying)

Also, you’re aware of Scriptplayer? You mentioned a mac so yeah it might not be available for mac, just curious if u are, it’s a better, more complete player all together; i made a post on how to play local content on quest 2 synced to scriptplayer on the pc here; if you can get that to work its an upgrade over using this web-app Willing to pay someone to help with my VR setup - #10 by amango134

Thanks so much for the detailed reply and for incorporating an update to the site!! It is very much appreciated. Helps to cut down on the input. And yes I have tried to involve scriptplayer on mac, it does not seem to be compatible at the current moment. I even went as far as to download a windowsOS port onto my mac to try via that and was still unable to find success. But this Web Funscript Player has worked flawlessly. Prior to it, literally everything on Eroscripts was incompatible with my mac setup. Really appreciate all the work you’ve put into this!!!

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Right on, glad to hear it, made this web-app for a similar reason, couldn’t find a player outside of using a computer. Also, damn yeah does suck having ScriptPlayer windows-only.

I stumbled upon this today; looks very interesting, maybe give that a twirl if you can as well; Haptics Connect for FL Launch, Lovense Max 2, Vorze in VR

No, not currrently. There is a video player called delight of which sites like NaughtyAmerica for example use to play VR videos but the problem is it’s a paid software, the free plan is limited by a usage count of 10k views, so not going down that route unfortunately.

Will have to look around for a different provider.

I’d recommend looking into the handy, smashes lovense and keon out of the park in my opinion. mine arrived with fw 2, updated it to fw 3 and it’s bluetooth sync is real great.

Much more convenient, no need to worry about charge; no battery, it’s got a small power brick and connector into the device. No need to worry about something suddenly dying from charge or having to charge it. I’d throw out the keon and lovense at this point; keon is inconveneant, harder to use, lovense is absolute trash in my eyes; way too loud among other things, the handy has smashed these two out of the park.

Got it! Awesome site btw!
Not sure on your tech stack, looks like angular? Maybe this will work

Changelog: 7 feb.

  • Made UI improvements on the funscript controller; here’s how it looks now. Implemented feedback from @bamjus cheers mate :smile:


  • Fixed a bug that stacks-up the amount of times the player is running making it go say 2 or 3x faster.

Changes are live.

I understand that in some ways the handy is a considerable upgrade and I always have one eye on it, but for me it fits into a different category, a different use-case if you will and I don’t think it will work for me.

Noise is a big one - the keon is only just about quiet enough for me to use and I need to work on that as I’m still not comfortable with the noise level - the handy I gather is noticeably louder than the keon. (The launch is too damn loud, which is why I’d managed to use it about 5 times in the last 2 years before buying the keon based on reviews of it being relatively quiet.)

Easily hands-free while lieing in bed, without any considerable equipment or setup is another - the Launch gets flak for it’s size and weight but it actually made it great at this, the keon just manages, but it’s smaller size and lower weight are disadvantages, I’ve not seen a hands-free handy setup that didn’t involve a significant mount of some sort.

There is the fit issue as well, Handy claim one size fits all, but my experience with sex toys to date is that statement has pretty much always been false, which is why I ended up at full-size fleshlights and equivalent and picked up a launch eventually to go with them. I’ve seen a fair few reviews on the handy that give the impression it doesn’t easily work well for people in a similar boat.

The updates on the player look good, I will check them out properly next time I give the keon a go.

Hey, it would be amazing if you could also figure out and add Lovense vibrator support.
Thanks for this awesome utility!

So far, this has been great.

But I have ran into a problem today. I have tried to load the script file and it’s telling me it’s not supported. It’s showing as a .txt file. I grabbed it off of the euro files. The others that I had listed as .bin.

Is their a reason it will not play that certain script?

In my opinion I’d say noise between the two is quite similar albeit I would agree Keon being a tad quieter. Since getting the Handy I have not used the Keon or Lovense (forgot I had the Lovense, used it once, hated it, too loud and just sucks in general), I think phone volume on Spotify alone will mask nicely.

Defo would be awesome if there was a ready-to-buy strap / holster to put the Handy in place rather than some DIY methods on reddit. In regards to the one size fits all my fella is just shy of 6’ by 0.5cm or so from memory, don’t know girth measurement but I’d say it falls in the averge for a typical fella. My experience with the handy has been great, if I could choose one out of the 3 and be banished from the rest it’d be the handy hands down :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey, the site checks for .funscript file extension.

Both .funscript and .json are valid funscript files since a funscript file is a valid JSON so I will look into also allowing .json files and .txt just for convenience sake, then just need to make sure its a valid JSON and works, if not show error that the file couldn’t be processed.

What you can do right now is given the file is a valid JSON (fingers crossed) all you need to do is rename the file extension from .txt to .funscript. Assuming you’re on Windows, double-click the file to open it with Notepad, then do Ctrl+Shift+S for the ‘Save As’ function.

Then just make sure it looks like this and click save;
File name: should end with .funscript rather than .txt
Save as type: All Files

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That did it. Thanks a lot.

So is this working for the handy or not so much?

Yeah it does in Bluetooth mode. I’ve tried it before with my Handy, you’ll need to put your Handy in Bluetooth mode and it should come up when you search for devices, granted I think it requires Handy firmware V3. I updated mine the day I got it from V2 to V3, it’s a relatively straightforward process.

I got that working on my PC before but it doesn’t seem to be able to find it on my phone … ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Trying to use Intiface Desktop and a toy on a Mac (a Lovense toy).
I can select the toy and pair it but when running the video it “do” anything.
Any suggestions or is it a bug?