XTPlayer - Cross platform TCode sync (OSR, SR6) Stream your local media and sync funscripts to almost any device with a browser

Does this have a stroke speed limit? I can’t seem to find it.

Speed is relative to the distance over time. You can limit the range of the device but if you change the speed then the strokes will be out of sync.
Only other way that I know of would be to reduce the stroke count of the script and XTP does not have this feature no.

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Now that I have a SR1, I’m very excited I get to use this software. Has just about every single thing I could want, and being dedicated to scripts unlike Stash. I do have a couple of questions, though. Is there a main place to go as far as support, or just here? I’d like use the smart tags to automatically assign basic tags from the folders I already have my videos organized into (real, 2D anim, 3D anim, PMV, etc.), but it looks like they only automatically tag from the name of the media. Is there an easy way to auto-tag everything loading from specific directories like with Stash? I could try just removing all but one directory at a time to tag large groups, but I worry about accidental cleanup and tagging future scripts. Edit: I see now in patchnotes that this was a recent edition, and that it is supposed to tag off of directory. I’ll play around with my tag naming a bit to see if I can get it to work properly, as right now it doesn’t seem to want to link up

hmm it is supposed to use the full media path and also the full script path as well as the MFS scripts in the metadata.

Line 619 is where it does this.
Note: it only does this on full process so if you change things like add MFS script or add a new smart tag you may need to force update the specific item metadata. Or you can force a full metadata update.
This is probably the reason for the confusion.

I wanted to speed up library loading so it was either manual updating or update every load which takes a long time.

As far as support I dont have any dedicated place to go aside from here or discord. I dont have a discord server setup. Ive thought about it but never did it. People mostly DM me or ask in Tempests server.
I may make a dedicated XTP server someday.

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I see what you mean, I did try running a full metadata update but that didn’t seem to do it. I think I just fixed it though by unchecking the ‘hidden’ attribute on all of the directories. I hadn’t thought of that at first as other apps didn’t seem to mind, but it’s not a major deal since I don’t bother with that feature anymore. One other quirk I’ve noticed is that while the system picks up alternative scripts just fine (scene.funscript → scene [hard].funscript), it does not do the same if only the alternatively named script exists. It won’t associate “scene [hard].funscript” with “scene” unless “scene.funscript” exists. This is a little bit of a problem just because I sometimes like to add the scripter’s name to their script so I can keep track of who makes the ones I like the most.

If I did that I would have to do starts with on every video. This conflicts with multiple media items in the same folder that starts with the same name. Scripts could get mixed up. The funscript naming spec states same name as the video. The additional names is something I added on and not to spec.
I cant keep everyone happy.


The offset 1024 issue is due to 0.461b.
When I load the video in 0.461b, the offset is 1024, And the money shot turn into huge numbers.
Also, if I load the video in 0.46b, the offset will be 0, but the money shot will be -1.
And in all these situations, if I open 0.452b with the video loaded, there is no problem. the offset is 0, and the money shot also comes out normally.
Any idea what the problem might be?

Hi friend, one question, can I use the program with SR1 lite?

Oh interesting, so its NOT stored as 1024 to disc? Thats good to hear. I noticed the money shot issue and fixed it. I got confirmation from 1 person that 1024 is fixed as well in my latest build. trying to get a release out but well I blame my firmware always beckoning me.

What do you mean by program exactly? You mean connect and use normally? I think so…Im not sure what an SR1 lite is exactly. SSR1 is supported as its TCode based firmware. Only TCode based firmwares that use plain text tcode is supported.

I have a FUNSR1 which connects to my pc by usb cable and works with XTPlayer.
The problem is that XTP struggles to open the serial port. This could be device settings on my computer causing this issue. After trying to connect for a minute or so XTP displays a notice and starts working. This happens on my pc every time I connect to the port.

No other issues with the player. And this device is a smooth operator!.

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I see so theres your answer.
So by default XTP sends the D1 command a few times and waits for the TCode version to be returned. If it hasnt after like 3 tries it times out.
Its usually pretty fast but there is an option to disable TCode validation on the system tab that itll just connect to the comport and not ask any questions.

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I forgot about that checkbox. I have it checked now and it connects to the port quickly…

NOTE: The first time I used XTP it worked with the SSR1. But then the SSR1 had a malfunction in it’s drive line and it stopped working. I have since fixed the SSR1 and now I cannot get it to work with XTP…? I have changed the version of XTP and numerous settings but no luck with it actually stroking after it connects. If I can figure out what is wrong I will post again.

Sorry for the confusion.

Hi, I’m trying out XTP for the first time. I seem to have everything set up properly, but one big problem I’m having a problem with it is that the stroke movement from scripts is very sudden and jumpy. When I test the same script/video in MFP the movement plays out smooth like it should. Any idea what I could be doing wrong?

I’m using a funsr1 via usb serial on the latest release

I believe this has to do with the funsr1 firmware and the way it handles “I” commands in the tcode standard. XTP relies on them to interpolate between funscript actions and the funsr1 firmware modifies/overrides them. Ive spoken to Funosr and they’ve said they will change how this works. I do not know the status of this change though. You’ll need to ask them about that.


question, is there anyway to connect xtp to Faptap? the intention would be similar to VaM with bus driver, but being on Mac myself, I wanted to have a 2nd multi axis option when I dont have the hour of commitment it takes to have a proper Vam. so faptaap would apply
the stroke and xtp would include the random movements on the other axis. is that feasible?

Anyone else having issues with keyboard shortcuts for adjusting range limits, can’t seem to get it to work. Things like skip forward and back work fine, but anything to do with the actual script doesn’t. On Mac if it matters.

Ive thought about doing something like this but it would require allot of time and work. Its not possible right now. I’m not sure if it will be any time soon either. I usually just download the media and script.

Its very possible I broke this. I dont think using Mac would matter. Especially if other hot keys are working. Have you tried changing the hot key assignment?
Once I get my development environment back up I can test this.

Yea I’ve assigned script related stuff to a bunch of keys, none of them work unfortunately (range, twist on/off etc). Anything media related works though.