XTPlayer - Cross platform TCode sync (OSR, SR6) Stream your local media and sync funscripts to almost any device with a browser

As someone else mentioned a few months ago, I’d like to be able to use multiple Tcode devices at the same time.
Also, it would be nice to be able to set multiple track names for each axis. (The default is “video.twist.funscript”, and if that’s not found, “video.tw.funscript”, and if that’s not found, “video.T0.funscript”.)
Great software for Linux users. I look forward to seeing more developments in the future.

Multiple devices is something on my radar but having multiple tracks built in standard I’m against. We should all be on the same naming standard. Adding names just adds chaos.

You may be able add tracks on the motion tab that map to the channels you want but I will not build it in default. Sorry.

Thank you for your response. I understand about the multiple track names. Sorry for the request.
I’m looking forward to the multi-device feature whenever it’s ready.

How to connect to the handy?

Cant be done sorry

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Hello, does it have Bluetooth connection?

Not yet but “bluetooth” doesn’t necessarily mean your device will just work. If I add bluetooth it will be only for tcode bluetooth.