XTPlayer - Cross platform TCode sync (OSR, SR6) Stream your local media and sync funscripts to almost any device with a browser

Hi, I’m trying out XTP for the first time. I seem to have everything set up properly, but one big problem I’m having a problem with it is that the stroke movement from scripts is very sudden and jumpy. When I test the same script/video in MFP the movement plays out smooth like it should. Any idea what I could be doing wrong?

I’m using a funsr1 via usb serial on the latest release

I believe this has to do with the funsr1 firmware and the way it handles “I” commands in the tcode standard. XTP relies on them to interpolate between funscript actions and the funsr1 firmware modifies/overrides them. Ive spoken to Funosr and they’ve said they will change how this works. I do not know the status of this change though. You’ll need to ask them about that.


question, is there anyway to connect xtp to Faptap? the intention would be similar to VaM with bus driver, but being on Mac myself, I wanted to have a 2nd multi axis option when I dont have the hour of commitment it takes to have a proper Vam. so faptaap would apply
the stroke and xtp would include the random movements on the other axis. is that feasible?

Anyone else having issues with keyboard shortcuts for adjusting range limits, can’t seem to get it to work. Things like skip forward and back work fine, but anything to do with the actual script doesn’t. On Mac if it matters.

Ive thought about doing something like this but it would require allot of time and work. Its not possible right now. I’m not sure if it will be any time soon either. I usually just download the media and script.

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Its very possible I broke this. I dont think using Mac would matter. Especially if other hot keys are working. Have you tried changing the hot key assignment?
Once I get my development environment back up I can test this.

Yea I’ve assigned script related stuff to a bunch of keys, none of them work unfortunately (range, twist on/off etc). Anything media related works though.

Does XTP allow for SLR script streaming? Every time I try to use this with DeoVR, I get a pop up window asking for the script. I can get SLR scripts to stream in multfunplayer, but I think XTPs gamepad implementation is much better, and would like to stich with it…

It does not, sorry.

Thanks for the reply!

I have little problème using my FunSSR in XTPLayer in Ubuntu (and my knowledges in Linux are very limited…)
I have downloaded and put as executable the AppImage.
Executed as « normal user », I can play video with sound but th app does not have access to the peripheral via USB, no privilege to access (for the moment dont know how to connecte viz BlueTooth the FunSR…)
Therefore I try to execute the app in sudo mode : the FunSR’s working, but I dont have any sound, the terminal telling the sound peripheral is not accessible.
How I can have at the same time the peripheral and the sound ?
Maybe need a command to give the « normal » user access to USB/Bluetooth devices?
If you need some precisions, I can retry and copy some informations if needed.

Thanks for any tips.

Edit : tried to put my normal user to dialout group to give access to USB device : completely freeze the PC when launching a script :rofl:

As far as I know you need to give any “normal” user access to the USB if you’re going to use COMMs. I did read at one point disabling the modem service but im not sure thats required. I use wifi UDP under linux but I do use usb to flash still.

Bluetooth is not supported in XTP at this time. I played around with it but it was a pita cross platform wise.

I’m not sure whats going on with freezing the PC :open_mouth: That definitely shouldn’t happen. I could understand if it was the app freezing but the whole PC? Ive not seen that. Launch the Appimage in the terminal with the -d flag and see if it tells you anything. I believe theres a -v flag for more Qt output but its been a while since I tried that.

Thanks for answer.
Well I have done some updates on the Ubuntu, and test again after that. No more freeze. Maybe just a bad timing, or something needed an update who knows. (And it’s not really a PC’ it’s an old MacBook fro 2012, very old aha)
Done one hour session after, no trouble anymore.

Ok for the Bluetooth.

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