XTPlayer - Cross platform TCode sync (OSR, SR6) Stream your local media and sync funscripts to almost any device with a browser

I figured out what’s the problem. This is the test I did: Video downloaded from pornhub (.ts extension), converted with HandBrake to “Fast 1080p30” preset. Then the same preset but changing the framerate to “Same as source” (which is 59.94). Results: 30fps video runs well, 60fps video runs slow.

PS: I’m sorry for the late response, I’m not very active here

I’ve had some issues with 60fps. Using cuda on nvidia solved that issue for me. I’ve never gotten a ts from pornhub. Is it a premium video?

Post a link? How do you download it?

I use a Chrome Extension to download PornHub videos. It’s called “Offline Downloader”. It download .ts files, 1080p and really god quality, but then I have to convert them to mp4 to be able to use them in XTP.

Some time ago I had to install NVIDIA Cuda drivers. Is that what you are saying?

No Just switching XTP priority to prefer cuda. I usually use the site TubeOffline. Have not had an issue playing anything from it yet.

That’s why I was wanting a link to the video so I could test it out. Not tube offline but try to reproduce it and fix it.

It looks really cool, but is there any way to get it to run on a Mac without a VM?

Not yet, I dont have a mac.

Hey Khrull - Pretty awesome tool!

Were you planning to have any community involvement/Open sourcing XTPlayer?

I use JFP2.2.2 (kinda old!) for non-multi axis scripts. Would love to help out and bring over some Qol/ui/ux mods if thats possible.

I most likely will. Not sure when exactly…

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I have a build, want to test the dmg?

I decided to just ship it. v0.255b uploaded!


Thanks a lot, I will test it as soon as I get home. :smiley:

What are some good random pitch, roll, and twist funscripts that can be added to any of the 1 axis scripts?

I was thinking of pitch and roll scripts where its just from the 40-60 range but random with some random pauses so it can make default 1 axis scripts more fun.

I would then have to copy/paste them for each video named the same, right?

If the pitch/roll scrips are shorter length than the video will they just repeat or would that be another feature to add?

You could try that.

I don’t typically want to mess with it. I just enable the multipliers for the axis’ I want to add in settings.

Can you explain the multipliers section? I’m clueless on the options and numbers.


Check “Enable multiplier” and the axis’ you want to add.
This will calculate a random motion in that axis based off the current main funscript value. Unless there is a script for that axis. That will over ride this option.

  • The number to the right of the checkbox “0.010” is a multiplier value. It will of determine the intensity of the calculation. This is still random number but that number is multiplied by the value you enter.
    I usually use 0.5-0.8.

  • Link to (axis) will directly link the value to the relative axis funscript value.
    So say you only have a roll script but want to add a sway to match the roll value so you kind of simulate hip movement. This only works if you have the Linked funsctript though. Most funscripts are type stroke.
    If there is no script to link it to then it will just do the above mentioned random actions.

  • The speed option is a workaround I think I wasted my time on tbh. It should damper the speed of the movement. I don’t usually use it. Feel free to mess with it.

  • Inversion will invert the script value. So up is down, right is left etc.

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Does the software provide a way to also play twist script to work with this build OSR2+ With a Twist Mosaic's Recommended Build – Your Hobbies Customized LLC or the sr6 for exemple ?

It absolutely does! Wouldn’t have it any other way.

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To get the software I have to subscribe to patreon and I will have the link ?

No, its more of a freeware with donation optional. Sometimes I do early access for patreons with updates but it usually opens up after a period.

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How ok I got it. So once stared there is just to setup connection to deoVR, plug OSR to the computer and enjoy or there is more setup to do ?