XTPlayer - Cross platform TCode sync (OSR, SR6) Stream your local media and sync funscripts to almost any device with a browser

There is a pdf in the downloaded directory that goes through the DeoVR setup.
Actually, I don’t remember if I added it to the zip yet sorry
Just in case

Yes I add a look to it. I don’t worry for this part it seems to be the same as using ScriptPlayer with deoVR. It’s more the part of making osr (I’m comming from launch where there is nothing to do ^^') move that worry me. I actually made a multi axis VR script when I get my launch if the file naming is good it will play the three script at time automatically ?

It will yes

Hey, I just get my oculus quest 2. I connect it with deo vr it says connected and when I’m doing the same thing in scriptplayer when I start a video on the helmet script player display the name of the video on my pc so connection is good. I havent yet received the OSR2 but is there a way to know if XTPlayer receive the video name and start scripts ? Because nothing is moving in the IU no video time no video name or script name etc.

Only if a device has been connected.
The TCode tab in the settings window. There will be a bar under the axis playing.

well I will wait for the OSR and hope it will work. Thx

@Khrull Have to say the random multipler is really really awesome. Making alot of older scripts fun to revisit!

any plans on developing this alittle more?

Minor feedback/comment: The numbers dont feel so random - seems to be favoring one side more than the other (or maybe its me).

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I do notice that with the sway axis sometimes. It is based off of a random value so it may just be bad luck.

I would like to improve it at some point.
The next release will have improvements to the Link and Speed options.
As well as allot of code cleanup in that area.

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I keep getting a ‘can’t open Com5 error 2’ message. Is there a workaround or fix? It seems to go away if I reboot, but I’m hoping there’s an easier way to fix it :slight_smile:

Now it’s just not working at all. It says it’s connected but it’s just not responsive. I can close XTP and control the OSR2+ with JoyFunPlayer so it seems that the connection and OSR2+ are fine, but for some reason XTP just isn’t controlling it. It’s strange because when XTP loads up it makes the twist spin or some other movement which makes you think it is okay but then there’s no response to changing the sliders or playing a script.

This will happen when another software on your system wont let go of the access. This is why it works on reboot. Windows only allows one COM at at time.

What board do you have?

Romeo BLE Mini V2.0 https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B087JP72SD/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

I’m wondering if I’ve somehow confused the player. I had it installed in one directory and then installed it in another directory. In the second location it doesn’t work, but in the original directory it does (if that makes sense).

Are they two different versions?
What versions?

Hi, what are the dependencies to launch the software under linux ?

They should all be included in the tarball and included in the launch script. I’ve heard of some people needing to add lines to the launch script.

One person needed to reinstall lbxcb-xinerama0

‘A’ mentioned adding “export MESA_LOADER_DRIVER_OVERRIDE=i965” to XTPlayer.sh for NON nvidia cards on this release thread https://www.patreon.com/posts/xtp-v0-24b-45702273.
I don’t have any machines without NVIDIA cards to test with.
There was at least one other person who mentioned how they got it running but I cant find it at the moment. Might be in this thread…

Id like to make a deb file at some point but I’m still pretty new to building for linux and its not as easy as clicking a few buttons.
Someday I will open source this project when I get the time to maybe clean it up a bit. I may just say screw it and open it though :stuck_out_tongue:

Its built with QT 5.15 if that helps you any.

They were both the same version, the latest release.

Is the correct COM port selected? Maybe try exporting your settings (if you have lots of customization’s) and resetting them to default.

Just sent out a new version that has TCode v3 built in. You could try it. Maybe that was the issue.


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