XTPlayer - Cross platform TCode sync (OSR, SR6) Stream your local media and sync funscripts to almost any device with a browser

Just installed it. First impressions seem good and it’s working :slight_smile:
I ought to hire myself out as a software/hardware tester, I always seem to be find problems and break things - thanks for your help with this.

Great! We always need more testers in this industry.

I’ve been having a slight problem with the 2D video being choppy when I play it through my Oculus Quest 2 using Virtual Desktop. I don’t usually have any issues with video players and I’ve been playing around with the video decoders in XTC to see if any of those help. I initially thought it was a problem with XTC playback, but it plays fine on my monitor but then getting choppy and has tearing issues through the virtual desktop. It seems to be some sort of mismatch between the two programs. Any idea what might be causing this or how to solve it? I’m out of ideas of what to tweak.
Forever grateful for your development of this app and your patience in dealing with my issues :slight_smile:

PS - I’ve had no more repeats of the previous issues since installing the update.

I see the same thing (I think) as I use the same setup. Its not as bad on my 3070 laptop as my 2080 desktop. I wish I knew what it was…
It only happens for me when I move my mouse(VR controller) across the screen in virtual desktop. So it hasn’t bothered me too bad and long as I leave the mouse cursor still. Dont really need it when watching a video.

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That sounds exactly what’s happening here too - the mouse movement seems to trigger it.

Is there a way to use the Xbox controller when using DeoVR for pitch/roll etc? I can get it to twist manually, but all the other controls seem to clash with DeoVR’s own use of the controller to change the viewing angles/depth of the VR clip. I’ve had a scout around DeoVR’s settings but I can’t seem to find any way to telling it to ignore the XBox controller.

Good question. I know windows sends the gamepad input to what ever has focus. Maybe vr headsets dont count Can you bring XTP to the top on the desktop while in deo on the headset?

I know someone that uses whirligig with the gamepad. Have you tried the free version?
I typically use deo on the quest so I’ve not encountered this. I also use the multipliers for other axis movement more than the gamepad…

Can confirm that it works flawlessly with whirligig. If you have the button mapped in XTP then you make sure it is unmapped in Whirly and vise versa. Whirly then needs to be kept in focus. I haven’t tried DEO.

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I’m getting choppy playback and lag on videos anyone can help fix this issue? thank you

Specific video or all videos? Any chance you can send me the video so I can check it out?

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Everything works smooth now version with GLWidget2

Wow haha, how’d you figure that out? Edit: I dont think everything will work but if youre fine with that so am I.
Edit2: In particular, the controls overlay in full screen will probably not show up. I dont know if other issues exist.

I was testing it out it seems that with v0.264b it still happens randomly. I have to restart it to fix it. But with any other version its always skipping frames. Not sure what could be causing the problem

I meant howd you figure out how to change the renderer? There is a way but I didnt think it was obvious. I disabled the selector due to the issues I had.

You can change the decoder priority through the front end though.

I released v0.265b today but I didn’t mess with the video render any in it.

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I figured it out had to change some frame settings in NVidia control panel

Ok cool, any chance you can share the solution details for me and possibly others in the future?

Nvidia control panel->Manage 3d settings->Program settings->select program to customize choose xtp player. Then set max frame rate to 60. For some reason nvidia capped frames at 58 no wonder

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Interesting, thanks!

v0.27 out with a built in web server for streaming your library to web browsers.