Automated script vs Realcumber

Automation happens everywhere :smiley:
But I hope that instead of replacing the scripters, it means they can concentrate more on QA and scripting parts that the AI struggle with.
If the result is that we have more scripts with the same quality I think everyone will be pleased.

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Hey @doublevr

I’m just hoping that if you end up doing @realcumber out of a job after the scenes as a scripter … that you give him a new job IN the scenes as the male talent :crazy_face:.

By no means automated scripts are going to replace Realcumber any time soon. It’s a great option to boost the scripts database as we only have some 700+ scripts out of 24,000 videos and an exponential gap between the two is expanding.

We totally should proceed with automation as being able to offer many scripted videos creates a big value. We can’t stop the progress. Nor should we consider it. More people than ever are getting into the field. It’s about time automated scripts get there and we better figure it out first. Manual scripts are gong to have an advantage for a timebeing and we are going to highlight that to the best we can.

Users should have no confusion between frame precise manual scripts and automated ones.

Actually automated scripts have much better timing and precision than manual. Yet it doesn’t work for all parts of the video.

Next step for us would be adding data lebeling tools.

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what is that?

Realcumber is going to be on the top of it even if it gets fully automated. There will be always a human on top of tech.

The concept will greatly evolve by the time automation gets you perfect scripts

all good guys - I think @doublevr is trying to assess best how much quality you guys are willing to sacrifice for the sake of faster and more scripts, because realistically, and I think everyone knows whos scripted and uses scripts, that there will undoubtedly be a reduction in quality and noticeably less immersion from automation, but how much of a drop on what is acceptable is what is up for debate

I think higher quality is really important to continue to strive for and maintain, and I’m doing my best to ensure quality over quantity at SLR, which is truly important for memorable experiences and long lasting success (and a big reason why others have failed before us)

But what I’m afraid of (and I hope Im wrong) but as more companies try to compete using automation, then over time, the customer will just be ultimately stuck with overall lesser quality scripts, unless of course scripts are thoroughly checked and edited, which then adds back time to scripting negating time savings

Either way, I will always prefer manually crafting all my scripts for the highest level of realism and immersion possible, and I will continue to do my best to ensure quality at SLR as best as I can, and it will be up to you guys to tell us what you truly want or prefer over time


It’s interesting to compare both your script and the AI generated one. The AI one is way shallower, there’s no doubt in my mind that the manual script would feel way better than the automated one, like not in the same league :smiley: But I’ve checked in a couple of random spots and the positions seem ok, so hopefully the depth detection can be improved to generate something closer to the manual script.

I’m curious to know if there’d be a way to train AI model with the manual scripts to improve the quality of the generated scripts.

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That is my worry as well. As more and more new users begin entering the market, if they begin experiencing scripts of lesser quality, they won’t even know what they’re missing. And us “connoisseurs” are left high and dry. I recall when I was script noob, you could have given me the worst quality script and I still would have been over the moon.


Does automated scripting work with the censored JAV content? There aren’t many scripts available for JAV, it would be awesome if the technology could help out with those too.


We plan to create scripts along with censoring.

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A step in the right direction. Even if you can get rid of the riding parts that are more repetitive and easier for the AI to process it would be a huge factor in terms of the speed of scripting.

This is exactly what I just posted over on the NA/Handy thread. What @handyAlexander is doing now is like turning our posh marketplace of professionally crafted scripts into Walmart, in exactly the same way that they did it - by flooding the market with cheap shit until everyone else either had to lower their standard to Walmart level to compete, or they drove the artisans out of business. Please feel free to ask anyone with an IQ over 70 if they believe that turned out for the better.

More “competition” doesn’t benefit anyone but capital. It only seems to benefit the consumer if price is their only metric (which I why I said to ask only those with an IQ over 70).


It seems to me AI scripting is best used as a tool / aid to speed up script creation. I very much doubt the more complex parts like a two girl blowjob or even just the non standard parts of a regular blowjob can be fully automatically scripted to a high standard. At least not in the near future.

I do think it is a big step in the right direction to automate though. Scripting just takes way too much time now. Especially when you consider that the amount of VR porn is only going to grow “exponentially” from here on out as VR becomes more mainstream and accessible. And even now not even 1% of JAV is scripted. I just don’t see this changing much without some much needed automation.

But yeah, I do remember some crap quality scripts from back in the day and how inferior they where to the level scripters like Realcumber have set and we are now all accustomed to. So yeah, personally I’d rather have fewer scripts than crap scripts but I just don’t think this has to be a tradeoff.

Does make me wonder though. How would you see this @Realcumber? You think that AI can significantly speed up your workflow or will you stick to a fully manual process?


Reduction in price however is a function of efficiency and innovation which I would say is a driven more by competitive market than a monopolistic one. Flooding a market with a lesser product does not force “artisans” to lower prices unless the quality of the lesser product is acceptable to the masses. If we are confident in “artisans” being able to be a cut above the rest then they will always have a market for their products.

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I think the worry might be that new interactive toy owners may never even realise the sites handyfeeling is linking them to provide sub par scripts. I think over the next few years the number of people buying handys and the upcoming SLR toy will grow exponentially as there will be more and more people spreading word of mouth and destigmatzing sex toys for men. The “artisans” may then feel compelled to drastically increase their script production numbers and/or lower their prices so as to avoid their market share shrinking as the market grows. Most eroscripts users understand that the naughty America sub is cheaper than SLR but also significantly lower quality, new handy owners won’t know that and will just see naughty America have an official partnership with sweettech (company behind the handy) and assume their scripts are up to standard.


This is true for any market. If there is any potential for money to be made then people will enter and produce “similar” products with varying levels of quality. Most markets have a leader for the general masses and a leader for high end quality/niche products and I expect this to happen in this space.

If the “artisans” feel they have to reduce quality to produce more scripts then that simply indicates the majority of the market accepts the lower level of quality at the cost of the satisfaction of enthusiasts. Will this force the market to produce products on average at a lower quality? Sure. At the same time more consumers will be satisfied because there is more content even though the quality is not top notch. We all have different tolerances on quality and what we are willing to pay for it.

For example I collect niche fragrances/perfume which generally starts costing about $300 per 3.4oz bottle. For each niche fragrance there are a dozen clones which may cost 1/10 of the niche prices. I still purchase the niche products because I like them. Everyone knows the niche products are higher quality and was the “original” or first one to do it but people still demand clones because it is still good enough for the price.


I’d argue that most eroscripts users would be considered enthusiasts (at least the people that stick around once the mass produced plug and play script pipeline is fully set up) I don’t doubt that lowering standards to attract new customers is a good business decisions. I do think it’s rational for existing customers (enthusiasts) to fight change that may lead to a smaller supply of high quality scripts. Lowered scripting standards is an objectively bad thing for existing customers who have already bought in.

All of this said.

The quality of ai generated scripts is improving rapidly and letting an ai lay the groundwork for professional scripters to fine tune will speed everything up without lowering quality. As long as SLR don’t start replacing their paid scripters with a bot and make it easy for users to distinguish between human Vs ai scripts prior to purchase (my internet isn’t fast enough for the streaming membership :sweat_smile:) then I’m personally not too worried. @Realcumber seems to be very firmly situated at SLR and as long as he has a place there I’m confident SLR will continue to offer the best scripts.


Get ready for a wall of text.

I understand that everyone wants the best quality, but to be honest, the market doesn’t work like that. Mass production and low cost have always won. To do some comparisons;

  • why do people shop at IKEA instead of going to a carpenter or a small quality furniture store? price and a lot more products to choose from.
  • why to people buy cheap cars like a Honda or Toyota instead of buying a BMW or Mercedes? price at the cost of performance.
  • why do people buy cheap clothes that you have to throw away within a year instead of buying quality that can be used much longer? price and short fashion cycles making people want to buy new stuff instead of using the same clothes a second or third season.

That’s how it works today in most western countries. People want low prices and a large selection. Quality, performance etc. are the trade-offs in most cases.

When it comes to scripts no one wants crap scripts. I certainly don’t want it. But as @doublevr asked (or if it was @handyalexander), how far are consumers ready to lower their standards to get decent scripts to a lower price and/or getting a larger amount of scripts to select from? CzechVR is obviously still good enough to get recommendations here at ES despite @realcumber not scripting for them anymore. At least I haven’t read any complaints other than it takes time until new releases get a script. If scripts become too bad as a result of automated scripting then people don’t want to pay for it and spend money elsewhere. That’s how capitalism and competition works.

Another aspect is that tech often start out rather bad. Some of you are old enough to remember early voice recognition like when you called a customer care center on the phone or used it in your car? People made fun of how bad the early attempts were, especially when it came to recognize different accents. Today you have excellent voice recognition in speakers, phones, TVs and so on and very few are complaining because the tech evolved.

Scripting is a small market with little to no venture capital (I assume) and only indirect research in AI/image recognition (I highly doubt that any university has explicitly funded image recognition of dicks, breasts etc to facilitate scripting :slight_smile: ). So initiatives from SLR/@doublevr and TheHandy/@handyalexander should be encouraged as long as they don’t become anti-consumer trying to create closed ecosystems and other bad things as a result of it.

So be positive about technology advancement. Hopefully scripting using AI will be good enough given time. Personally I believe that the first step is just automating the bulk of the scripting and then humans will fix the tricky parts. Who knows, at some point in the future AI scripting might become SaaS (Software as a Service) where you pay the price of a script today to get a custom video scripted using AI with good results. No need to choose from a catalog anymore. (we can always dream :slight_smile: )

Finally, regarding the risk of setting a low standard for scripts due to automated scripting as it is now;
Money talks. Don’t use services that produce bad scripts. We can all help raising awareness of better alternatives. When some one asks for a movie to watch on Netflix you don’t answer that “this movie is crap, don’t watch that”, you anser “this movie is good”. Do the same with studios and scripts.

Don’t focus on the bad, focus on the good.


That is dependent on there being ENOUGH of a market for them to continue. Otherwise, it’s tyranny of the majority: those who want a better quality product are forced to accept what the “masses” have dictated.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

This is the eventual endgame. For reference, see every market, ever.

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