Boycott eroscript

Yes great job we thank you, yes you dont get paid we know. That does not in any way excuse you or anyone from poor behavior, bad decisions, or literally anything.

Just because you volunteered your time to create this place DOES NOT mean you get to do whatever you want with the things people create and share on eroscripts. You may have assembled the code to put this here, but the people using the site create the things that keep you here. If you were trying to solve a problem with users deleting posts you wished to stay, I think that is ultimately too bad. They created the post, if they no longer feel like it should exist in public then they have every right to delete it as they see fit

Then this whole idea of things being “free” or without charge is said in a way that implies people should be allowed to do as they please because its volunteer work. It doesn’t make sense. You can have standards, rules, restrictions, and you can hold people accountable to them regardless of purposed monetary value or time invested.

I am a part of several sites for example that make you go through quite an ordeal just to share content, but this in turn makes the quality of the content on that site much higher then anywhere else you go. And absolutely nothing on this site costs a cent.

People fuck up make mistakes, this is one of them, i fuck shit up all the time, no big deal. All that matters is how we handle those fuck ups in the aftermath. Just fix it and carry on. Simple.

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Feeling a strong “Nexus Mods” vibe situation coming from all this
As a user, I really like having the ability to have everything archived. But I understand why a lot of creators are angry. It is their scripts. They should have every right to delete them from this site if they choose to.

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I can agree with that 100 percent :+1:
… and I am also pretty sure that the editing rules will be fixed.

Btw, this thread is only a few hours old and @hugecat probably hasn’t even seen it yet. Let’s be a little patient and give it some time. He had mentioned in the other thread that he is currently on the road.

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For some reason the word “entitlement” is rushing to the forefront of my mind.

Perhaps the terms of the site need to be explicit about it, but when you post something, you are granting a license to distribute that information. Don’t want a script to be available regardless of your future decision to go wonky and delete everything? Then don’t upload it. Link to it outside the site, where you can exercise your whims on demand, and suffer the consequences of being seen as fickle and unreliable by the community.

This site is provided for free. There are no laws or rights being violated by the editing policy being put into effect. It may be inconvenient for how some people have been doing things up to now, but it does strike many people as necessary to avoid the carnage of people frequently wiping out their post histories for no discernible reason, devaluing the site in the process.


Forget all the semantics, Is it really that difficult to give users the ability to delete their posts?

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Been drinking a beer watching all this go dowm so im throwing this in here. Seems legit

From the ToS:

Nothing in these terms gives the company any ownership rights in intellectual property that you share with the forum, such as your account information, posts, or other content you submit to the forum.
Content you submit to the forum belongs to you, and you decide what permission to give others for it. But at a minimum, you license the company to provide content that you submit to the forum to other users of the forum. That special license allows the company to copy, publish, and analyze content you submit to the forum.

When content you submit is removed from the forum, whether by you or by the company, the company’s special license ends when the last copy disappears from the company’s backups, caches, and other systems.

So when you’re posting a script you’re ganting a temporary, revokable, license to EroScripts (and no one else) to distribute it.

Source needed.
But in any case, that is their right as clearly stated in the ToS.


Can we get permissions to delete our messages to other users?

going to be too difficult to respond in 2 different topics, so I just posted one thing in Update to self post edit time limit + deletion guidelines - #47 by hugecat

Just tell me how can I move this topic in “free scripts” and add scripts to the main page?
If making it a wiki page now is not possible or is it?

You removed the ability to edit title posts in topics without telling us what to do and how to do it, except for new topics. Although the idea with wiki is strange - but it should be tried - at the end of the week I will publish a new conditionally paid script and we’ll see ;).

Ooft. Can’t wait for GDPR to get all over this one. Eroscripts could face some litigation here if some EU creators wanted to present it. Seems pretty cut and dry.

What does GDPR have to do with that? It only applies to personal data that allows to identify you not to everything you do or post on a website

‘Personal data’ means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

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While I understand that people have concerns with the change and those concerns might also be legitimate - members of this community are handling this really, really badly. This asinine ‘boycott’, people immediately saying things like trust is broken in an instant, threats to send data protection requests to legal authorities!!! it’s all extremely gross to see.

We aren’t talking about some faceless company here. Hugecat has been fantastic from the birth of this site and put in a ton of work making sure the community didn’t die with the old RTS forum. He’s admitted himself that he feels a bit caught between a rock and a hard place so clearly doesn’t see this as the ideal solution, it was a response to a mass post/script wipe. His only intent was to try and preserve as much as possible. He is not out to get you.

Can we please move away from acting like average redditors/twitterheads and start discussing this like reasonable adults. Hugecat is a good guy and he will listen. I’m not sure I agree with the changes myself. But the behaviour displayed over the last few days is absolutely not the way to handle it. I agree with some of the actions being suggested in discussions around this, but seriously, 90% of what is being said about this topic can get in the bin.


That 100%

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That law is about personal data, not data related to copyright, which most are concerned about in this discussion.

From the english version of the same site you link to:

According to the law, personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual; an identifiable person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identification number (e.g. social security number) or one or more factors specific to his physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity (e.g. name and first name, date of birth, biometrics data, fingerprints, DNA…)

Change reverted everyone, you may now put down your pitchforks.

Also, for what it’s worth, I’d like to remind everyone that the entire mod team is made up of volunteers who do what we do because we love this community. The site makes no money and until very recently was costing @hugecat a significant amount every month to host (recently it’s been covered - just - by Patreon donations)

Ultimately, this community exists as a collaborative effort, the mod team is just ‘the subset of the community who’s contributions take the form of ensuring the site itself runs well’.

If we make a change you disagree with, please don’t assume we won’t listen and immediately start protest actions. We’re always listening and open to feedback, suggestions and advice! :smiley:


It’s a good ending, thanks for all of your work.

I mean yeah but it wouldn’t be surprising if creators still left over the fact that it even occurred.

I don’t understand how nobody on the mod team came to the conclusion of like “We’re taking away creators’ control over their product for the purposes of maintaining a full archive, this will disincentivise new content, and dwindle visitor rates”.

Like volunteers or otherwise, it’s pretty intuitive that this could not possibly end well.

Then they apply it and consult the community afterwards, like even as purely a consumer, this entire thing is pretty gross.

thanks as always for all your help guys :slight_smile:

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