Sextropolis Episode 1: Trespasser
This episode was released months ago, but I am finally taking the time to write a full post about it.
In this episode you play the role of “The Trespasser.” A mysterious character with a fake passport to the lusty city of Sextropolis. Battle your way through the city of sex and to the victor go the spoils. Can you unlock all 14 PMVs? This episode also includes 6 exclusive PMVs that were never before released on Eroscripts.
Hello everyone, after putting together the Sextropolis episode, I figured I could share some of my thoughts and ideas I had while building an episode for @knyte21’s “Cock Hero Platform” (CHP). Hoping this can get some other gameplay ideas floating around, and maybe even lead to some more episodes being created.
I played the first CH Island episode and I enjoyed it a lot. Let’s face it, PMV scripts are just great. I decided to throw my hat in the ring and try to create an episode. I already liked how the game worked, and I figured I could play with the format a little bit. I tried to think of ways to have a different game flow without requiring a complete rewrite of the game.
I was in a good starting place. I already had a bunch of PMVs I had cut together and scripted to work from. Plus, this approach would give me different options then @knyte21 has when turning a CH Island video into a CHP game episode. I wasn’t locked into the same linear game flow. I had more editing options.
The CH Island videos are made to look like a game, but they were always just meant to be watched like a video. This limits the game to the scenes, order, and outcomes that are in the CH Island video. Just to create losing scenes for CH Island you would need access to whatever game engine and project files the CH Island creator used. I happen to have all of the source videos and project files used to create the PMVs I’m going to work with. That ment I was able to load up Davinci Resolve and grab new clips from the videos I used to create these PMVs. I could create whatever narrative scenes I wanted for the Sextropolis episode. Specifically, I was able to create scenes for both winning and losing a battle. Plus I could pull clips for the battle scenes that were not just recycled from the PMV you are about to watch.
This was where I could create something different that wouldn’t require a complete rewrite of the game. The CH Island videos only had winning outcomes. If you lose during a CH Island battle, the game throws you a random PMV then the game ends. From there you can load your save file and keep replaying that battle until you win and the game continues, or you can start the entire episode over. I thought about how to keep the game going if you lose a battle, but still incentivise winning in the game. This gave me the idea to create a somewhat replayable and almost roguelike take on the gameplay. The idea was to have a base set of PMVs that would be part of every playthrough even if you lose battles, and have other PMVs that would only play if you win battles.
Now let’s talk about the Game flow. Currently the CH Island episodes go like this:
- Story Video. (Looks like a 16 bit RPG game)
- Battle
The specifics.
Sextropolis Episode 1: Trespasser
The gameplay is like this:
- Story Intro Video
- Story PMV
- Battle Intro Video
- Battle
4a. Win
i. Battle Win Video
ii. Battle PMV
4b. Lose
i. Battle Lose Video
ii. Continue to next Story PMV
The main game is 5 story PMVs that will be part of every playthrough. If you lose every battle the game will only see these 5 PMVs
Each battle can unlock a special battle PMV. There are 6 battles in the game.
You can only reach Battle 6 if you win Battle 5.
Plus there are 3 hidden PMVs that only unlock if you win 3, 5 or all 6 battles.
Depending on how good you’re doing, the playthrough can be anywhere from 5 to 14 PMVs. The idea being that a typical first playthrough will not win all the battles, and getting access to all the PMVs will probably take at least 2 or three playthroughs.
Special thanks to @knyte21 for building the CH Platform and for helping me create new episodes for his great game.
I do have some ideas for the next episode of Sextropolis as well as 10 new scripted PMVs that haven’t been posted to Eroscripts yet. Who knows if I will get the time to put it together though. Hopefully this can give others some insight into the Sextropolis episode. Please feel free to share any ideas. Maybe we can also get some other creators involved with creating new episodes.