…take it from someone who’s been fucking about with suction and Handy’s for years now, the ratio of sleeve to penis size makes a massive difference to the effect. i’ve spent far too much money trying to replicate the stock sleeve my suction device came with, even importing the larger USA size (no, srsly, that is a thing…), and modifying it, all to no avail. It turns out that by remarkable good luck, i just happened to be EXACTLY the right size for the stock sleeve, and as such have been sucking and fucking in a way that’s very similar to the Syncbot ever since i synthesized the two. And if i can combine that SLR machine in next year instead of a Handy, then i get rotation as well, so hopefully Syncbot Prime (ish)! xD
Point being, penis size MATTERS. A friend of mine who bought in originally, with a larger girth, describes Syncbot as being ‘too rough and tight’, and wasn’t terribly impressed. Yet many people on this site are having near religious experiences when they first stick their dick in it, and i completely understand, i felt the same way with my combo.
So yes, i think having actual truthful ‘member measurements’ would be a very important part of all these review pieces.
Incidently, i love way Syncbot generates suction without a vacuum pump, the suction is a synthesis of the contraction / up_stroke of the chamber as it pulls up, and as a synthesis, it doesn’t need to be coded for specifically, and reacts in interesting ways depending on what the other axis are doing. And no vacuum pump to add spurious weight and break. Very clever.
One more note, the sleeve from my device, and the Syncbot one, are virtually identical, a semi-rigid tube with long nubs reaching in to the centre. This design is the only one that works (*glares at pile of useless TPE products…) with my device, as it allows the vacuum to build up in the chamber, and contact stimulation to be applied at the same time, without closing all over one’s Johnson and producing a death grip.
So yea… who wants to go first…?

(Edit: Kinda reads like i have a Syncbot now, for the record i don’t, but i’m getting tempted, sort out UK shipping, and actual multi axis scripts, and full VR support, and i’m in…)