Detailed review about the Syncbot

Emergency Update

We would like to bring to your attention an issue caused by a Windows update that took place 72 hours ago. The new Windows environment has had an impact on our AI analysis and we would like to inform you that there is a possibility that our AI may not be able to process some of local files properly in the recently updated Windows environment. SyncPlayer may encounter an “internal error” when performing video analysis on certain updated computers.Our team is working on an urgent targeted update to syncplayer, and we strongly recommend that you upgrade your syncplayer next week!
Please feel free to contact our support team via Discord.V&T - Syncbot Server
Please use SyncBrowser or SyncFree for your needs while we resolve the issue. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Detailed Information
Windows 11 version KB5033375
Windows 10 version KB5033372


Is there an option for the AI to script to the music/beat? I watch predominantly PMV’s and HMV’s and I come across quite a few of unscripted ones I would like to have a script to without bothering someone to make one or learn how to script myself. This is basically my biggest holdback aside from the steep price. :sweat_smile:

No, the AI will always (try to) script after the action. Maybe it will be something for the future, but currently there is no option for that.

You may wanna try PythonDancer - A port of FunscriptDancer to Python.

For audible beats, try Tool for automatically generate funscript from sound
For beat bars, try


great review, mine will arrive soon i hope and cant wait to try all the syncbot scripts on the forum.

how long was the shipping time for you from receiving the shipping email to it arriving at your doorstep?

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Thank you!

I can’t really remember how it long it took. But it took some weeks. Probably depending where you live. I in Europe, maybe takes longer to ship to Europe. It’s worth the wait though :slightly_smiling_face:

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I wonder if you could mount a syncbot in an SR6… :slight_smile:

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With the right setup, probably. But I would strongly advice not to try something like this though. The potential in hurting yourself is way too high.

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I’ve seen some syncbot demo video on pornhud, I found that most of them need to stroke by themselves.
so is that syncbot not a real stroker?

Yes, the Syncbot strokes by itself. No idea why there are manual stroking. Stroking range is not that long though. Handy’s stroke length is much higher. Don’t expect a big stroker with the Syncbot. The stimulation comes more from the rotation and contraction. The stroking is more of an “assistant” I would say.

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@Slibowitz @Syncbot_support
Has any Syncbot users in here had a problem with their Scabbard tearing? I read a bunch of reviews (all fairly positive!) and never saw this to be an issue.

Then I bought one (Syncpackage Pro), it comes tomorrow and I was really excited until I joined the Syncbot discord and saw a lot of customers complaining about the scabbard tearing after a few uses (as little as one!).

Will Syncbot replace these faulty scabbards or expect customers to keep buying them for $80 each?

This was not a cheap product and I’m worried I just burned $500

I saw some messages about broken scabbards. I am using the Syncbot regularly and never had them rip or see any sign of damage. I wouldn’t worry too much about that. You never know what lead to the broken scabbards. Could be a faulty batch, could be the user didn’t took good enough care of it, user used it manually etc.

When it comes to any warranty questions, it’s better to ask the Syncbot team directly on their Discord. I can’t give you any information about that.


Thanks, glad to know you haven’t had any issues.
I plan only to use the product as they intended it to be used :slight_smile:

If I have issues (hoping for none) I will definitely reach out to them.

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Where is the support ? How can I update this crap software ?

I believe their main channel of communication is on Discord.

Join their Discord and ask for a link to the newest version of Syncplayer and in “General Tech Support” channel.

Thanks for your return, you definitively should be hired by them :slight_smile:

Syncbot seems to be an ok device but pretending to be hi-tec with an installer on the usb dongle and that’s it …

Anyway, @sentinel and @Slibowitz thanks.