Easy Device Integration for Games. EDI OSR Multi Axis Added + Fix Https [12/2024]

Wonderful Work ! Can EDI add support for rotation devices (a10 cyclone\ U.F.O TW …) ? Thank you!

It should work with rotary devices

I test several games with EDI connected with Vorze A10 cyclone (rotary devices), But EDI crashed when start to play scripts, is there some setting I should do first? Thank you.

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You don’t need to open intiface if you are not going to use Bluetooth.
To update EDI, download only the exe file from the Mega folder and replace it in the game integration folder.

What game are you having trouble with?

oh i see,
that game works with other integrator made by other user of the community. is not compatible with edi

As for the games that use Edi, I don’t have a list right now. but you can search for “EDI” in the game mod category in the community

or you can also buy a cheap usb bluetooth dongle

succubus farm is incredible! good look


I am having this same problem as well. Updated everything, freezes and crashes on open.

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new version up!

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This fixed the issue I was dealing with. Thanks!

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The new version got 404 Response:

[26/03/2024 00:21:52.734] Detected Spirte Gallery Name: 小悪魔ドット書き出し
[26/03/2024 00:21:52.736] Detected Sub-Animation Number: 7
[26/03/2024 00:21:52.786] [EDIPlayer.makeRequest] URL: http://localhost:5000/Edi/Play/小悪魔ドット書き出し_7?seek=0

[26/03/2024 00:21:52.788] Request Method: POST
Request Headers: {“accept”:“/”}
[26/03/2024 00:21:52.789] Response Status: 404 Not Found
Response Headers: “Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2024 16:21:52 GMT\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\nServer: Kestrel\r\n”

[26/03/2024 00:21:52.790] Failed: 404 Not Found EDI-Server not reachable

And http://localhost:5000/swagger/index.html also HTTP 404.

que integra

I really wish there were more games like Fallen Angel Marielle that worked with the handy using EDI. I’d even be interested in trying to “mod” some if I had any idea where to start. I’m not into the games that look like weird cartoon characters, at least Marielle looks kinda hot and “real” in a cartoon way.

My advice for getting started with modding is to first look for a game that has gameplay compatible for integration. Fallen Angel has a dynamic where you are constantly fuck enemies, or being fucked, which becomes more intense during boss fights. If you find a game with good interactivity, the next step would be to create a compilation video with all the elements. Also, if you find a good game, posting it in the community before you start can help you get assistance with the project and attract other enthusiasts.

It seemed to have just been THIS specific version of EDI packaged with the demo, I downloaded another EDI from a post on here for a game and that worked.

Another thing, I’ve tried but this all goes WAY over my head, has anybody considered writing a version of this that works with Virt-A-Mate? I feel like this would work perfectly with it and massively enhance it overall - you say in the How-To post for EDI that you have to basically hack the game.

Virt-A-Mate has so many possibilities to potentially just trigger these changes, telling EDI exactly which funscript to play and when.

Hypothetically, somebody could write a Plugin for Virt-A-Mate that talks directly to EDI on a per-scene basis. If you’re not familiar with Virt-A-Mate that might not make sense, but to gloss over it quickly - Virt-A-Mate (VaM) is a game where people can make sex scenes in many different ways, the community create scenes, clothes, hairstyles, plugins, etc for each other to use.

I’ve thought about it a lot since coming across EDI, and if somebody was to create a Plugin for VaM where you could specify funscripts to play through triggers (when this thing happens, do this thing) it would bypass a lot of the “behind the scenes” that EDI has. There potentially wouldn’t need to be a definitions.csv as you could just call the funscripts directly within VaM via triggers. I don’t really know how it all works too well, so I might be making it sound a LOT easier than it would be to write this.

This use case is different to the way EDI was originally intended to be used obviously, but as I said it would be a game changer for VaM. There are Plugins that exist already to sync the Launch and Handy to the movement of in-game characters, but the tracking is so god damn awful that they’re not worth using. EDI support for VaM would open up so many new possibilities for interactivity with it.

where do i get this

So a little weirdness here:

Using the old edi.exe that comes with that mod, the scripts work; but if I update to the current edi.exe, the scripts don’t work.

Using a newer version of edi.exe I have from a different game (one that has the “ready” checkbox by the device, but not the script player bit at the bottom the newest version has…think I grabbed it like 2-3 weeks ago) the scripts work, so the issue is definitely with the newest version of edi.exe. (I haven’t tested the newest edi.exe with any of my other games)

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Edi.exe doesnt run any kinda edi launcher, am i missing something?

can anyone help with why why edi doesnt work for me with the wifi option? it works with the handy with intiface, but when on wifi, it says ready, but nothing happens. i am using this integration:[Dieselmine] Milking Farm / Succubus Farm - EDI (v1.4.2) - #99 by ZeroScripts/ thank you. is there a difference with wifi or bluetooth in this case? i read on edi that i could select the detailed scripts
so i thought wifi would be the best option.

Try to open a EDI and connect the HANDY five minute before start playing in the game.