- a website for playing, modifying and generating funscripts!

Hey, is this Handy Specific ? Or also BT open connection to other units ( Keon )

Itā€™s very much handy-specific. Iā€™ve had a few people ask me about adding Keon support and while Iā€™m not opposed to it, I also have pretty limited time+motivation at the moment and donā€™t own a Keon myself.
It would be one thing if it was an afternoon of work, but adding Keon support would probably be a week or two of full-time work for literally zero benefit to myself, so I doubt Iā€™ll ever get around to it unless Kiiroo were to pay me for it or something :frowning:

It looks like the interface is only designed to detect the Handy. Is there a way to have the local funscripts on the Quest control other bluetooth devices - such as the Kiiroo Onyx+ or Keon?

I literally answered that question in the last post before yours :stuck_out_tongue:

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So Iā€™m having a bit of an issue. Tried two different video with the accompanying scripts and on google chrome only the sound plays with no movement from the handy and Microsoft edge the video plays with sound but still no movement. Manual and auto work fine and the handy feeling sync test works.

Also handy works fine on on mobile

Any ideas.

Hmm - would it be possible for you to send me the video+script and let me know what handy firmware version youā€™re on? My email is my eroscripts username @ gmail dot com :slight_smile:

Hi, Iā€™m hoping someone can help. I tried to use the website today and wanted to play my own video and script. The website took the video but when I dragged the funscript into the box it does all the normal stuff like it looks like its loading but then it gave me the message ā€œFailed to download script to Handy: Failed to download scriptā€ and a Try Again button but nothing happens. I had been on the site earlier and everything was fine, the handy was working. I tried refreshing the website, unplugging the handy and starting everything over and nothing. It still takes the connection key and says the handy is connected, but it just wonā€™t load the funscript for some reason. Not sure what could be the issue. Seems like a website thing?

Hmm maybe there was an API change :thinking:
Was it working in manual mode via

Hey, You can disregard because its working today. But thanks.

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I have a vibe (Kiiroo pearl2) rather than a stroker. With vibes its the intensity that you want to vary rather than the frequency of strokes. But all funscripts Iā€™ve found mostly vary the frequency. This means I blow my load very quickly on any script I get online.

I want a gradual increase in intensity of the vibrations - so I can get a tease at the start of the video, building to a climax.

So hereā€™s a custom function for that will take a funscript and make it a gradually increasing ramp:

actions => {
    // get current min and max of script
    let currentMin = 100;
    let currentMax = 0;
    actions.forEach(action => {
        currentMin = Math.min(currentMin, action.pos);
        currentMax = Math.max(currentMax, action.pos);

    // maps one range to another
    const mapRange = (value, x1, y1, x2, y2) => (value - x1) * (y2 - x2) / (y1 - x1) + x2;

    // gradually map timeline positions between these values
    const mapfrom = 25
    const mapTo = 100

    return, i) => {
        const newMin = 0
        const newMax = mapRange(i, 0, actions.length-1, mapfrom, mapTo);

        const newPos = newMin + ((action.pos - currentMin) / (currentMax - currentMin)) * (newMax - newMin);
        return {...action, pos: newPos};

Enjoy :slight_smile:


Hi, I have some question.
When I play the video with the script, if I pause the video or want to fast forward the video.
The script will stop and canā€™t continue.
I need to reload the script and start the the script from the beginning.
Is this problem cause by my incorrect usage?

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It is not you, it has been broken for a long time. Some say the Handy needs to be on firmware v2 but it stopped working for me before I even upgraded to v3. The developer is aware of the issue and I am still hoping that someday they will try to fix it. It was my favorite player and I really miss it.

Iā€™m annoyed at myself for continuing to put this off. Itā€™s been a pretty rough year ngl but I really should have gotten to it. Iā€™m going to do my very best to fix the site before the end of August!! :triumph:


Any word on when the FunDoubler might be available? Im on mobile and this is the only editor ive found to work well

Edit: i see now that its up and running on the beta version. Awesome

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Find the limiter really useful! It helps solving compatibility issue for the user. Also means scripters donā€™t have to make multiple versions to cater to machines like the Launch.

Iā€™m a bit curious about the algorithm behind it. I tried to limit this script, which were mostly full strokes. Instead of uniformly shrinking down the whole block, it instead generated an interesting pattern within it.

I know the project is available on Github. Too bad I couldnā€™t read code XD

HOLYā€¦ !!!

As an e-stimmer who recently started playing with funscripts, this just blew my mind!

Though I am pretty capable at turning funscripts into e-stim and manipulating the resulting waveforms, I have been increasingly wanting to modify the funscripts themselves. I knew there were tools available but hadnā€™t done much research and then stumbled on this post just browsing for more scripts.

WOW! I guess this concludes the research. Thanks for this tool, canā€™t wait to try it.


Why doez the site not work if its not in focus, is it the same for you?

Web apps arenā€™t allowed to do certain things when theyā€™re in the background - not sure which aspect of the site isnā€™t working for you, but itā€™ll be that.

I figured out how to work with it using the random and cycler. You can have 2 tasks open for browser, click on other browser window tab on taskbar. Then it will still be open not in background. how come handy site works without doing this?

Could add more options for those modes, some of us dont use scripts only random features. really like the script editor has random mod btw. Random mode could have more options for pauses. Cycler is cool but needs more, like why not hhave multiple levels of cycles that play random spike\hill not same one over and over. options pauses.

Anyways I understand you been busy lately and wish you well, thanks for the cool tool

Oh right the cycler - it uses HTML animation to do its thing, which doesnā€™t work in the background. When I use it I have it open on a second monitor but I get that not everyone can do that :sweat_smile:

I also tended (my Handyā€™s busted :c) to prefer automated control over scripts and had heaps of plans for way more powerful/interesting/varied apps in the same vein as the cycler. But without a Handy I canā€™t test anything (plus I donā€™t really have much incentive to work on Handy stuff), and money is a little too tight for me to be able to justify buying a new one right now. :frowning: