- a website for playing, modifying and generating funscripts!

Could you send me the funscript? I think Husky might be right - I remember that being a problem for the old FunHalver, and now that I think about it I may have fixed the bug there, but not on If that is the problem, then it’s an easy fix that I can do today.

Oh that doesn’t sound ideal. The Handy team claim that the new firmware should work fine with the apps build with the old API - but if there are differences it’s not really something that I can fix.

I am partway through working on a new version of the site that uses the new API, which should fix any problems with firmware v3. Sit tight until then! I’m hoping to get to it in the next month or so (I have a big deadline coming up in mid August for work, but then I should be able to dedicate some proper time to finishing the API upgrade :smiley:


Hey man no worries take your time thanks for the quick response :smiley:

Just pushed an update to v0.9.1 that fixes a few problems!

  • @Ripovitan_R - the Limiter now works, thanks for the heads up on that one :slight_smile:
  • You can now double-click the video player to toggle fullscreen (thanks for the suggestion @spuzz1127)
  • Fixed a bug where pressing space before loading a video would crash the app
  • Made it so that the file dialog doesn’t open up again if you press space (thanks for the heads up spuzz)
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Has the website actually been updated yet? The limiter still isn’t working. Scriptplayer still doesn’t recognise the script, and SLR gives me the same error message.

Oops I forgot to actually upload the changes haha - give it five minutes it’s going up now :slight_smile:

Sweet, thanks :slight_smile:

You’re a legend. It seems to be working as intended now :smiley:

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This site is super easy to use and I’ve had zero issues. Excellent work. I have not read every post in this massive thread - but is it possible to eventually implement a “skip gaps” feature?

Thanks again

Really glad you’re enjoying the site - glad I can return the favour as I’ve enjoyed many of your scripts :smiley:

Nobody has asked for a skip gaps feature - how do you imagine it would work? Just like…whenever there’s a break of more than X seconds in the script, it jumps to the next action in the video?

There’s one present in Script Player. I don’t know what the exact amount of time is (I think it’s ~10 seconds) but any break longer than that time just automatically jumps to the next part of the script. Super handy for Cock Heroes or scripts with significant gaps

Yeah that should be pretty easy to do, I’ll add it to my list :slight_smile:

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Thanks, but needs a little tweak. It appears that the double click only works when the video is stopped, not while playing. I typically need to momentarily jump out of full screen to check where I am in the heat map and then jump back in. Would it be possible to make it work while playing?

Also, this is another call (for your upcoming major updated version) to have a way to view the heat map while playing so as to always know what activity is about to come up.


Thanks for this, I’m looking forward to the doubler feature.

Oh yeah haha I didn’t even think that it might be different when playing…oops!

And yeah I still have that on my to-do list, I just haven’t sat down and thought through how I want to do it exactly :slight_smile:

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Has anyone tested this with VR? Does it work well?

My video player doesn’t support VR I’m afraid - that would just be way too much work to make it good, and there are already good VR video players out there.

Although now that you say that, I think a good WebVR video player would be pretty handy :thinking:


Just started out with
How do I save a modified script as a funscript file? When I save it only saves as a text doc.Screenshot 2021-08-15 121500

Solved @noodledude

Nice one mate

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I am experiencing a problem loading a funscript file into the player. The file is from this post:

There are two versions of the funscript for this video, HS and FS. The HS version loads and works with no issues but the FS version does not load. Note that the FS version does load and work properly on

Any thoughts?

Is there a to way for me to play funscripts without a video? I like using one while browsing the web.

Not sure what you are on Windows or Mac, but an easy workaround is that you could create a light dummy video (of nature, maybe) at least as long as your funscripts as a placeholder.