Handy sleeve alternatives

I only have the vantage and I’d like to test another one. Maybe I’ll start with the Maitland after all. I’ll let you know what I think.

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Maitland is definitely my favourite. The problem with Mia is the texture with many small bumps. Maitland doesn’t have that at all, just a few (four) subtle ring-formed bumps in the middle. Everything else is just smooth which also makes the orifices more noticable.

Not going back to Mia or Vantage (which is to me is too intense).

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Precisely, I’m looking for a model as intense or even more intense than the vantage, so it would be better if I chose the mia in this case, wouldn’t it?

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Sleeves are so subjective, you almost have to analyze each reviewer’s style/method preferences and size in order to find one that matches yours.
For example, I’ve tried a bunch of full-size FLs and Flights, etc and they just don’t anything for me, but many people swear by them.
I have like ten QuickShots but they rarely get in the rotation. But you can see from the above that they’re some peoples’ favorites.
Honestly, I find myself mostly reaching for the Fleshskins and/or the Dream Lips. But the Fleshskins hasn’t been mentioned once in this topic and the Lips just gets a lot of hate.

The Fleshskins has one unique feature that virtually no other sleeve can match: the finger grip holes. Cut the material between two holes and run the strap through it and there are zero concerns about slipping out or tightness. In fact, my default setup is loose AF.
The texture inside the Fleshskins is a little sister of the Stoya FL so it is highly stimulating.
The Fleshskins is also thin-walled so there’s a lot of room for expansion–the loose strap allows maximum expansion.
So you end up with an experience that could be described as light over-stimulation.
Plus it has a nice lube hole in the end and doesn’t leak lube terribly.
After roughly 75 sessions, the top front corner has been worn away by rubbing against The Handy. The blue coloring disguises any yellowing so it looks OK still. It still feels as good but the structure has turned kind of floppy which is a little annoying.


Dream Lips:
Honestly, I hated this one at first. It felt too tight and hitting that inner ring was an annoying jolt. But now the Lips has been broken in a bit and I’ve learned to relax the strap a bit. One of my faves.
It has prominent strap retention ridges and a good external grip texture so you don’t have to tighten the strap too much.
The “tongue” ridge is great positioned on the bottom so it rubs on the frenulum.
The opening has two rings that do a pretty good job of retaining lube, but I had to pop a tiny lube hole in the end regardless.
The custom lube hole barely impacts the suction effect though (air pushes out the hole on the downstroke and, on the upstroke, the end contracts sealing the hole and retaining some vacuum).
The inner ring is still a barrier, but a few minutes into the session, the Lips has heated up and the ring softens enough that full strokes can push past it. For me that’s a fantasy element: there’s the initial resistance, but eventually she warms up enough to take it down to the root. Once you’re popping back-n-forth across that ring, the experience changes significantly.
After about 50 sessions its in pretty good shape structurally. Like mentioned above, it actually feels better now that its broken in. It has yellowed way more than I would prefer though.

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Are these sleeves still in use?

@mattk123 The ribbed sleeve (blue - C) had been my #1 until very recently until it developed a small tear. The bumpy sleeve (red - B) is also okay, but not nearly as good for me at least. The spiral (purple - A) is absolutely awful. Worse than awful actually. It’s downright painful. When I first got the ribbed sleeve, I was using it in rotation with a bunch of other sleeves and it was some time before it became my #1. When I got a replacement for it, I was surprised by how different the new sleeve was from its broken in counterpart. Once broken in, it stretched out considerably and the texture was much softer and gentler. I honestly have had a difficult time enjoying the new sleeve. If anyone has any ideas for accelerating the breaking in process, I would love to hear them because I haven’t found anything as good as this sleeve once it’s broken in at least.

Here’s some background information. If you match this profile, then you may also enjoy these simple sleeves.
The default Handy sleeve was okay for me when I first got it but not great and immediately wanted an alternative. Now I honestly can’t stand the default sleeve.
I got all three of the Handy Dream sleeves and hate them. No matter how much lube I use, the closed sleeves just don’t let me enter the second chamber at the very top when in use with the Handy. The open sleeve is better, but I just don’t think I like open sleeves as much.
Haven’t found an onahole that works for me which is a shame because I think they’re really cool.
Even though I enjoy the Quickshots manually and in the Quickshot auto stroker, they just don’t seem to do it for me in the Handy.
I love Fleshlights most of all and really wish there was a way to modify the Handy to take on the weight of a FL with its case.

Wow good call for me for not ordering the Purple one. I ordered the other two. Thanks for the detailed response! Also I saw ur other post on how to strap these sleeves but could not understand. Sorry I am just kinda stupid. About the velcro hook thing, is there like a picture u can show us perhaps? Thanks

Sorry, I can’t at the moment. However, I think I actually have a slightly simpler solution that I use now. I take a strip of sticky backed velcro (hook side not the pile side) about twice as long as the sleeve and fold it over on itself. Now it’s as long as the sleeve and has the hook on both sides. I stick/hook the velcro onto the inside of the strap where it will make contact with the sleeve. I also have pile velcro stuck directly on to the inside of the slide of the Handy. I make a second identical velcro strip (again only hook side), and stick/hook this onto the pile velcro on the slide. Now when the sleeve is strapped in, it’s making contact on opposite sides with the grippy velcro strips. Sometimes if I feel the velcro still needs a little extra help holding on to the sleeve, I’ll slide some of those fabric covered hair rubber bands on it and it latches on pretty good. Honestly, I recommend just getting a roll of sticky backed velcro and fabric covered hair rubber bands and just experimenting with different ways of gripping whatever sleeves you own.

do you use an elastic band for the strap as well?

No I just use the stock strap.

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throwing this in here: The Handy Dream Sleeve Collection – Lips | Handy

This is the lips and tongue sleeve from the Handy. I switched to it after wearing out the base one that came with it and honestly its a must. It naturally gets tight suction through it being closed on top and the actual tongue part is pretty good. I’ve put it through the paces and its also very durable.

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Something else to consider

What is your opinion on the Boomer?

Boomer is great, might actually be my favourite of the ones modelled after men.

Note, i would say the lips, lotus and gen2 are all equaly good but at diffirent ways.

Lotus being very tight and providing more suction
Lips being the middle ground by being half a lotus and half a gen2.
Gen2 having a lot of texture, but due to barely having suction also providing less motor resistance

Lotus to me is the least of the 3 due to it being too tight at its entry. The lips resolve that as its entry is more gen2 based. The lips however do require you to be hard so a 2nd round is difficult with that one. But the gen2 is used more often as it provides the least issues.

Im fairly new to the vr scene and just got the Handy. The standard sleeve is…just okay. So I would to get another sleeve.
Since I mostly like blowjob scenes. Which sleeve gives a better BJ experience? The lips or the FL pilot commander? Or is it beter to invest in a good onahole like the magic eyes?

Also… are the feelme strokers for the Leon also compatible with the Handy?

I would say the pilot is a bit too heavy for the mechanics, making that a less optimal experience. Its not going to hold at faster paces (note this is relevant as often there is a fast jerk going on in these videos). This is an advantage of smaller sleeves. And if you want to go FL, go for a quickshot. There are ways to make open ended act more like closed end (use an oversized condom tied around the gripping point of the case - depending on placement the condom cant get into the mechanics as you can also use a rubber band to place it stuck and force a certain direction).

On that, i would say that open ended sleeves are better at imitating blowjobs as they give a far better positional feeling of the sleeve, which helps at imitating that similar feeling of a blowjob. Where touching/sucking at its base now truly gives you the sense its there. A closed end sleeve even if it is all the way in still gives stimulation at the tip which in this case is usualy undesired, open ended doesnt do this.

Even for deepthroats this still matters, and if truly needed, use 2 quickshots with its connector. Or a completely diffirent sleeve type/brand. Deepthroats while looking intense, often arent as the women cant put in any speed here, so its often just a grabbing effect. And while it does stimulate your tip mostly then, its something the handy and most sleeves cant mimic. Its too specific. The 2 QS’s with its connector is closest to this as it allows you to change texture to something you feel most suitable.

Keep in mind, its not true realism you want! Its pleasure! Its realism is purely in your mind. So find a good sleeve and it will make it even more intense than IRL would be, and this in turn will help at making it feel equaly intense to IRL. Thats the real trick for a BJ setup.

(and note, for a closed sleeve, lips is nice, but definitely not BJ)

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Thanks :pray:.
I’ve already got an QS Riley, so I will give that a try. The double idea sounds nice. Gonna pick up a turbo or Mia to couple it with.