Is there an interest in more community events like the Christmas / Halloween / NNN events?

Hello everybody and happy new year!

In the last couple of months we had some really cool community events going on. This is something I was always hoping to see and I am happy to see it developed by itself. My question now is, is this something you would like to see regularly? With regularly I mean monthly.

Would you like to see regularly (monthly) community events?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I don’t care
0 voters


@g90ak @GoonerScriptz is this something you would want to host regularly? I’d be glad to help you organizing it. Everything could be done as a team and maybe get in more organizers, who are interested. There could be a Discord server to organize everything.


So far we had some obvious themes. For November we had No Nut November (NNN), for October Halloween and for December Christmas / New Year.
So, what is for the other months? Well, for months that are obvious when it comes to a theme, it’s easy. Like for July or June it could be some kind of summer event, scenes playing outdoor, or at a pool, at a beach. For other months, we could be creative and choose something. For example have a month with a blowjob theme, a month with a amateur production theme, a month with a professional production theme, a month with a VR theme, a month with Asian girls theme, a month with black girl theme and so on. Just some rough ideas.

What I also would like to do, is to integrate with community for the themes. Community could suggest their themes, we put all suggested theme into a vote and community votes for the theme for next month. Do think it’s something that could work?

Price pool

The prices where exclusive scripts for the participants. For December we had something special with a price of a OSR2 or 100$. This is something that obviously can’t be provided every month. Maybe once a year. Let’s see some options for prices:

  • I think handing out exclusive scripts for the participants is always a good price. Maybe if this gets bigger, we get more people contributing to this price pool and the winner(s) will get more scripts.
  • Maybe a community funded price pool is interesting, even though I don’t think it would work (yet). I don’t think people would donate money into that price pool. There is also the questions who is managing this and on what platform.
  • No price at all. Which I think isn’t really working, because there is no engaging in participating then. If there is an event going on, there needs to be some kind of price pool.
  • Maybe companies would give away something? Maybe the Handy team would give away one sleeve or something. Would be cool. Doesn’t need to be something huge. If there is a VR month theme going on, maybe SLR would give away one of their videos for free. This is also some good advertisement for the companies.
  • Any other ideas for prices?


We obviously need an independent jury who judges the scripts. Some active and trusted community members can do this, like it’s already been done. I think that’s a really good system.
What also could be done, is to let the whole community vote in a poll. I don’t know how good this is. I think it could be more decided by the popularity of the video / actress, rather than the quality of the script. And people would just vote, just to vote, even though they maybe didn’t even test the scripts.
I think a dedicated jury pays more attention to the scripts qualities and acts more independently.

So, what do you think? These are just some rough ideas I had, you can of course let me know what you think and bring in your own ideas. I really would like to see something like this happening. This would be a fun thing to do and would scripters let explore different genres that they would have never tried before for scripting. And of course would bring in more community interaction and participation.

Thank you for reading. I am looking forward to what you have to say :slightly_smiling_face:


Regular? yes, sounds like a fun idea
Monthly? I’m a bit skeptical

As with most things it’s interesting in the beginning, but you easily burn out the flame if it becomes an ordinary never ending thing. It is also good to have time to crown the winners before starting the next event. IMHO, bi-monthly should suffice and keep things interesting.


I agree to what @sentinel said. Regulary? Hell yeah! But every month would feel like a chore.

Therefore I didnt vote. Maybe an added option like “Quarterly” would fill that gap?


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@sentinel and @ITO_Snake
Thank you for bringing this up. This was also something that came into my mind, if it’s good to have it monthly or just every other month or so. I also thought it could be too much to have it monthly, but wanted to see if anybody would bring it up.

I think a bi-monthly could work out.

Feeling the same as @sentinel & @ITO_Snake said above. Even with hosting them I’m quite a bit burned out on thematic scripts from the last couple months.

That being said I don’t think there is anything wrong with hosting them every month because not everyone will be interested in participating at the same time or in the same events. So if one is going on every month it just means more opportunity for people to jump on board.

In this case I’d love to get more people to host with some collaborative effort so we’re not stepping on anyone’s toes. I did make a discord for events but I haven’t really organized any of the channels and I have a few members in that server.

I also made a request a while ago in the site feedback requesting a new category for “Events” here: New Script or User Category Suggestion: Community/Scripts but it didn’t really end up going anywhere. @cloudyfire pushed the suggestion up the chain and I’m not sure what the decision was, maybe with more interest they’ll make it. I still saw a lot of compliant Holiday scripts this last month posted which were not submitted - so I am assuming it never caught their eye

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

I can see it being difficult to host such an event alone. That’s why I suggested a team up so doesn’t need to be alone and only carrying all that. If I understand you correctly, you would be open to collaborate for an event / for events?

I will read through this tomorrow. But an “Events” category would probably really helpful.

Yeah, I am more than open to it

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I also think that a monthly event would quickly burn itself out. In my opinion, a quarterly event would actually be a good idea: Spring, Summer, Autumn/Fall, Winter.

Of course, the major festivals of Easter, Halloween and Christmas would also be suitable as special events. These could either be highlights in the quarters. I can’t think of anything comparable for summer off the top of my head.

I’m not a good scripter. Due to time constraints, I won’t be any more. But I would like to contribute in other ways because I think our community is worth supporting. Perhaps I could contribute to the prizes in some way.


Great, that’s good to know. Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

My idea is: With more people organizing an event, it gets easier. For example, somebody is responsible for making the post and updating it. Somebody is responsible to ask around for the price pools, asks some scripters if they want to throw in a script for the price pool. Somebody recruits the jury. Somebody overviews everything to see if all goes right. Just as an example.

That’s also a good way. If there is demand for it, there could also be some smaller events in the meantime. I would guess for bigger holidays, there would be more entries.

Maybe a separation in bigger and smaller events? Bigger events in March / April for Easter, Summer in June and July, Halloween in October and Christmas in December.
In between (if there is a demand), smaller events / niche events like NNN or whatever the community comes up with.

Great, that’s good to hear! It doesn’t have to be something big. These events are just for fun, but a cool encouraging price also helps.

I am really enjoying the monthly events and making a script for them. Not only does it motivate me to keep making scripts because it feels like I am contributing to something bigger, but it helps keep the community alive. Personally I don’t care if there is a big prize pool each month either. Thanks for making these events happen.


Yeah I’m down to help - always. Just not monthly :slight_smile: December took a lot out of me - literally and figuratively. hahaha.

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I agree with the regularly that people have mentioned but I don’t think the themes should repeat that often. 90% of videos don’t really fit a specific theme unless the themes are made to be broad and I would hate for people to only be making scripts for scenes with a specific theme. Maybe instead of Christmas specific theme it can just be a holiday theme, something like that for some variety.

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Good to know, thank you! I can see it being to much to do it monthly and also be part of the jury at the same time.

My idea would also be to have a dedicated jury so that the host(s) don’t have to do jury work at the same time. Maybe have like 2 - 3 people from the community who are always part of the jury. They are also responsible for picking members for the jury. Members could shuffle, so everybody gets a chance to part of the jury. But the 2 - 3 people are always part of the jury. They are like “heads of the jury”. Also important that it’s not somebody alone, so he doesn’t have to do all the work by himself, instead have 2-3 people. Works gets split up and if somebody is not available, another person can jump in.

Yeah, good idea. In general I think the themes can be more open. That’s why I would like to integrate community suggestions and votes for the themes. With that, the chances for variety are much higher.