[Moko’s Fap-Hero Style ASMR] Gambling Type Ejaculation Management Application - FunscriptPlayer

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:bento: The Game

Price: 1,100JPY / ~7 USD

:information_source: Game’s Unnecessarily Long Description

blah blah blah

Let’s make masturbation more exciting with ‘Video-Synced Ejaculation Management App’!


  • Masturbate while watching a hand job and blowjob video by a reverse bunny-suit girl. You are not allowed to ejaculate until you are given permission to do so.
  • Stroke up and down once per note.
  • Spin a roulette after each phase. If you hit the “Ejaculation Chance”, you can ejaculate if you hit the “Ejaculation Permission” again.
  • If you ejaculated before that, be subjected to a penalty game.
  • There are 3 levels of difficulty to choose from.


  • Erection part: You will be subjected to H temptations in order to enter the “Onasapo Casino”.
    FapHero Main Part: Get your dick squeezed as much as you want.

Roulette Contents

  • Slow & medium speed masturbation: Get your dick stroked with a slow hand job. Don’t let your guard down.
  • High-speed masturbation: Get stroked a very fast hand job. The probability of hitting it in a row should be low, but…
  • Escape game: Be subjected to a hell of a blowjob until you succeed in your chance to escape. You cannot return to the original roulette game until you hit an “escape chance”.
  • Ejaculation Chance: Challenge the roulette again to decide whether you are allowed to ejaculate. However, to qualify for the challenge, you must endure her glans licking.

Types of Animation

  • Normal handjob: Stroking with a moist hand, steadily increasing the ejaculation sensation.
  • Grip the glans: Grip the glans and hold the penis. The urethra is covered with the index finger to seal off your cum.
  • Licking and Fellatio Hand Job: The cock is licked with the tongue and a hand job is given. The cock is dripped with the saliva of the girl, and is rubbed more smoothly.
  • Glans hand job: A hand job is given while the glans is being groped with the palm of the hand. You will be in agony with the hellish pleasure.
  • Sucking and Fellatio Handjob: You will be forced to endure a severe ejaculation by receiving a blowjob on the tip half of your penis and a handjob on the back half at the same time.
  • Blowjob: If you successfully ejaculate, you will be able to cum in yer mouth. And afterwards, you get her bussy…?

Examples of situations
Slow & medium speed masturbation is easy to hit in a row. The frustration of not being able to masturbate as you want increases the rate of outbursts during the next high speed masturbation session.

  • Slow and fast masturbation: It is easy to alternate between slow and fast masturbation. It is easy to induce inadvertent ejaculation due to carelessness, so care should be taken.

  • The chance of continuous ejaculation and failure: You may get a chance to ejaculate, but it is difficult to get a hit. This can be painful both mentally and physically.

  • The fast masturbation that never ends: It is easy to hit the fast masturbation in a row. It is a royal ejaculation endurance play that tests your bare ejaculation endurance.
    There are a total of 10 patterns of blame, including the following.

  • Punishment game: As a punishment for unauthorized ejaculation, the cock is squeezed with super high-speed pistons. The game doesn’t end until you escape from the punishment game by roulette.

Art: Dorokuma
Logo: Kaji Design
Voice: Rio Fujimura
BGM: Kyo Maron
Script: Mr. Kanpanyu
SE: Nota no Mori, etc.
Planning/Editing: Moko

:nut_and_bolt: Installation

  1. Buy the game from DLsite, or find yourself a copy. Extact.

  2. Download Gamble.tpatch and place it next to Gamble.exe

  3. Run the game and give it a moment to apply the patch. It will show a pop-up before closing.

  4. Extract and run FunscriptPlayer v1.4.0. Connect it to your device.
    – For the Handy, press and hold the " – " button to switch to Bluetooth mode.
    – For T-Code devices, set the COM port in “appsettings.json”. Under ConnectionMethod, change "Buttplug" to "OSR".

  5. Launch the game.

If The Patch Doesn’t Work

  • Rename the game directory to English. Make sure the path doesn’t contain any special characters.
  • If it still doesn’t work, download the pre-patched app.asar and replace .../resource/app.asar.

If You Already Have FunscriptPlayer

  • You can keep using your previous application. Download Gamble Game Script.zip, extract and put the “gamble” folder under the “scripts” folder.

:package: Mod Download

:file_folder: Script Packs

This is for people who want more customization to the scripted pattern.
You can mix-and-match scripts to your liking. Just put your desired ones under FunscriptPlayer \scripts\gamble

Basic Script Pack @falafel
Gamble Game Scripts.zip ~ pixeldrain

Bek’s Script Pack @shbek
Gamble Game Scripts by Shbek.zip ~ pixeldrain
These are more decorated. If you want to play these on the Handy, you should try the EDI mod.

:pen: Credit



Does FunscriptPlayer work with SyncBot?

No. SyncBot doesn’t work with Intiface, which FunscriptPlayer uses.

How is the patch supposed to work? I get a popup in japanese and click Ok. Then nothing happens. I restart and game is not detected in funscriptplayer. Tried the app.asar file as well.

Try proceed into the game until a video plays, and see if it shows up in the “Status” panel of FunscriptPlayer

I don’t see anything in the Funscriptplayer status when the video plays.

I’ve waited 5 minutes upon applying the patch and it still did not work.
But after I downloaded the asp.asar and replaced it, it did work for me without problems!

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I might have structured the tpatch incorrectly. Please re-download and try again.

And try the pre-patched asar file if it still doesn’t work.

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It works now for me.

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I downloaded it again and it worked.

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Ain’t working still. I’ll redownload it

Be careful with the game and don’t commit yourself too much
Seriously I don’t think Moko had any normal guys to playtest their stuff


i got this 2, i renamed the directory to English and it fixed the issue

:frowning: unforunate. I think the SyncBot would be perfect for games because you’re kind of always in the sleeve. Thanks for the scripts though! I’ll have to try it with something else

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I couldn’t find any translation patch. What was the choice at the beginning? There are two options. What do they mean?

left - tutorial
right - no tutorial

Doesn’t affect the game nor does it need any kinds of “tutorial”. But she does introduce the roulette thing a bit in the voice.

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Thanks for working on this, it looks like fun. Does this work with the SR6 devices?

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Also change “Buttplug” to “OSR”.

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I’m just curious. I was editing the scripts to make them a little slower and more to my tastes and realized that doing so made the files bigger by a few KB, but once I tried to change out the files I guess I made them too bug and funscript player would not load and showed an error. So ultimately I was able to slow a few of the slower scripts but not all. Is there a workaround for this?

Not sure what exactly is going on?

If you want to edit the scripts, extract “app.asar”, under …\data\video there’s the video for each animation, copy them to the “gamble” scripts folder and open them up with OpenFunScripter. This way the scripts should load with the animation. To save the changes just do “File” → “Quick Export”.

I don’t know how to make them slower since the rhythm is pretty much defined, unless you “cheat” by doing an “easy mode” where 2 notes = 1 up-down. It is possible to reduce the stroke length to slow down the stroke speed so that might be the way to go.

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