[Nylon Heart] Re: Underground Idol x Raised in R*peture + Cross-section Add-on Pack

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:information_source: About Game

:scroll: Mod Info

I made this Tyranoscript mod based on the info gathered and provided by @Falafel and @affqprow. It also utilizes the FunscriptPlayer developed by @to4st. So special thanks to them.

I played around quite a bit trying to find a way to recompile the game back to its original state after implementing the code, in order to simplify the integration process.
While testing I found that TyranoBuilder can utilize “.tpatch” files to add additional data, or overwrite existing files, even if they’re still compiled in the .exe or app.asar. This allows us to include all the mod-specific content into a single file, which then can be easily added to the game.
The “.tpatch” file itself is simply made out of a .zip, containing all the necessary files in their original folder structure (e.g., [gamename]\tyrano\plugins\kag\kag.tag_ext.js), which is then changed to the extension .tpatch.
The file must also have the same name as the game’s .exe and be in the same directory.

:memo: Notes

  • This is my first time making a funscript, so they’re rather basic scripts. I just enjoy these game integrations, so I wanted to give back to the community and make some as well. Feedback is appreciated.
  • If someone wants to make their own alternative scripts for the game, I’ve included all the reference videos below.
  • Mod is currently for the base game, without the Add-on Pack → Added support for the Add-on Pack.
  • Tested with the Handy on game ver.008 and FunscriptPlayer v1.2

:computer: How to use

  • Step 0. Get the game - [ [Re: Underground Idol x Raised in R*peture] favicon-2]

  • Step 1. Download and extract the Mod, then place the patch file “NH04ReChika.tpatch” into the game’s main directory. (should be next to the .exe)

  • Step 2. Start the game and connect your device to the Funscript Player.


(Optional) How to use with the Cross-section Add-on Pack

You can get the x-ray Add-on here: DLC favicon-2]

5f2f5f5ec0d5e 5f2f5f5f34351

The Add-on will have the same format as the integration mod file, so you will need to merge the two:

  1. Rename the new Add-on file from “NH04ReChika.tpatch” (should be ~182MB) to something like “DLC.tpatch”, so it doesn’t get mixed up with the mod file (which is ~60 KB), that has the same name.

  2. Change the exension of both the Add-on “DLC.tpatch” & the Mod “NH04ReChika.tpatch” to .zip

  3. Extract both of them into seperate folders and copy everything from the “DLC” folder into the “NH04ReChika” folder.

  4. Now you can convert the two folders there back into a .zip file.
    Use either 7zip or preferably Bandizip for example. (On Windows11 the 7zip compression might cause issues, use Bandizip instead)


  5. Make sure to rename the final .zip file back to “NH04ReChika.tpatch” and place it in the main game directoy.

  6. Done. You can now enjoy the game with the Cross-section scenes as well.

:link: Download Links

:card_file_box: Integration Mod:

:film_strip: If you want to modify the funscripts, here are the reference videos

:game_die: Game:


  • 07.07.2023 - NEW Added support for the Cross-section Add-on Pack
  • 04.07.2023 - Fixed and updated some of the scripts
  • 03.07.2023 - Initial release

Thank you for sharing this information! This will help with future mods a lot!


Thank you for the integration! Always liked this game, the 3D is top notch.

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Thank you!!!

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Could anyone who played it briefly explain the gameplay?

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There isn’t much “gameplay” per say, it’s more like a linear visual novel. What is nice though you get the full gallery unlocked right off the bat so if you don’t feel like playing the whole game you don’t have to. The game is also fully translated to English so you can follow the story very easily. If you want a game that has toy integration and does require some strategy and skill to play then I would highly recomend Succubus Academia.


It’s more of a scene player.
You can select chapters to play them in the order you want or or simply follow the story normally.

On the home screen, you can select your preferred language from the top right corner. Additionally, at the bottom corners you can customize your viewing experience by toggling specific effects on or off, and choose between “loop play” or “auto play”, to enjoy the scenes at your desired pace.
Scenes can also be skipped or returned to by clicking on the left and right sides of the video screen.

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scripts wont play for me. The player wont recognize the game


Did you place the provided “NH04ReChika.tpatch” into the game directory (replace any existing file) and are you using the included FunscriptPlayer, or at least have all the scripts in the “FunscriptPlayer v1.2\scripts\Underground_Idol” folder?

yes. I’ve done all that

Strange. Are you using a specific game version?
Maybe try to re-download the mod and game files.

does this also work with the x-ray dlc?

I’ve actually already made the scripts for the x-ray scenes.
Will include instructions on how to use the DLC with the mod integration soon.


Cross-section DLC support has been added.

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Just to be clear, cause pretty sure someone downloaded the older build that’s not published by Nylon Heart. You will def need Nylon Hearts 008 Build, since its the only one that has patching capabilities.

DLC Content - Also might want to utilize 7Zip and save as zip/store method, Windows 11 for some reason using some compression method that the game doesn’t know (well on my computer at least; why i have no idea)

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Thanks for the heads-up. I already mentioned in the notes that this was only tested on the latest game version 008.
As for the DLC, I added the link for Bandizip now, which should work in all cases and noted the issue with Win11 compression.

I’ve tried following the DLC and mod integration and can’t seem to get it work together. Works fine separately though. Followed the instruction so im unsure whether im missing a step somewhere

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Hi Bohono, it looks like you might not have changed the filename extension correctly.
Please make sure to have the “File name extension” turned on in windows, then you should be able to see and replace the “.zip” extension with “.tpatch”.

Yup, just followed that and it seems to work now. Thanks alot.

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I think the mod is installed properly its saying connected and changing the script as the scenes changes but the handy is not moving, if I click simulate game and click the atack or filter button there is movement anyone know why its not working ?