Requesting tag for topics that have both Free and Paid Scripts in same topic

Pretty much the title of the post. I really enjoy being able to filter out tags for topics I’m not interested in, but as this site gains popularity I’m starting to see a lots more paid scripts being offered in the free script category.

I’m not against paid scripts, but I would also like to have a way to filter out “demos” or “free sample” type posts. Having a tag for these posts would make it much easier for me to find what I’m looking for. We already have a paid-media tag… I would really like to see a paid-script tag.


I lieu of a tag, a sub-categories under scripts would be great as well. I understand that there is a limit on how many tags a post can have and that can be limiting for people that want to properly tag the content of the videos.

Isn’t it that some posts simply are in the wrong category? IMHO, a post with a demo or free sample (typically for a part of the video) shouldn’t be in the free scripts section if the full script is paid. I know there are some multi-axis scripts where single axis is free and multi-axis paid. In that case it is ok to have it in free since for a typical TheHandy user you get the full experience.

Do you have any examples of paid scripts posted in the free section that fits the issue you are describing?

It’s something that is starting to gain traction mainly in JAV titles. Example

JAV typically features multi-part videos. An example would be: Part A is usually flirting/light touching. Part B will ramp up to getting a handjob. Part C will be cowgirl action. Part D will be the rest of the encounter with the guy finishing.

In the past, most scriptwriters would just skip Part A or B and just do C and D and offer those for free.

Now there is a trend starting that they will do A/B and offer those for free, but then link to a paid site for C/D.

Again, I’m not against that. If you want to script and get paid that’s your prerogative. What I would like to see is posts that contain a link that forwards you to a paywall have a tag or just be put the the Paid Script section in the first place.

Tricky since the script is techically for the full video, but the feature consist of multiple video releases. Now I understand the situation you face. Thanks for the clarification.

Ah yeah…I think an easy tag for that is an half-free or demo tag or maybe a subcategory for it. As that’s what they really are especially with those JAV part’ers since usually they are split up in such a way you never get anything more than light foreplay/teasing in part A so if you want to just get to the sex then skip to part C or B. Though it seems like for that example it’s mostly femdom but still a lot of movement.
I haven’t seen too much of this example being done but I avoid JAV unless it’s uncensored or pretty light on it due to my preferences. It would be good to talk about a way to deal with this as it could easily become a more common thing.

What I thought you were meaning (when I first saw the name of it) was of topics where they link to the script being on their patreon or gumroad where you can only access after signing up to the sign and then becoming a free member and such. (though gumroad’s recent ongoing banning spree might mean that stops)

Giving this a bump as just spotted another script appear with this happening of where only the title gave any indication that there’s another part that you have to pay to get the script of. As you can see: KIWVR-383 【VR】 “Customers, You Can’t Touch It.” Part B(Free)+ Part C (Paid)

  This is what I learned from other script makers, besides I want to earn some for a few cup of coffee.  I will also release some free scripts later as I did before.

Making funscripts to me is not only for money.I also wanna share some fun :slight_smile:
Actually my free scripts posted here is far more then paid scripts.

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I don’t take issue with paid scripts. I just don’t think they belong in the free scripts section without a tag that can be filtered.

I have the same opinion especially when as a result of the mix in one topic unexpectedly causes confusion since I feel it can lead to people (and myself) questioning if a script/video was missing from the topic. With the one I linked above being the example then I would be wondering where the paid topic was since there’s no obvious link to it as the video link contained both parts in it, in addition to only the title explaining anything about rather than the content of the post, thus making it overall more enabling to cause confusion.

Then in the end I need to decide if I want both parts of the video and the scripts or toss both away since I’d rather have them both or not at all.

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Just to point out that it is not allowed to post a cut-off version of a paid script in the Free Scripts section. That’s just advertising in the wrong place. Trailer scripts should be posted alongside the full version in Paid Scripts.

Things are a bit tricky with JAVs which are mostly in parts. The way I see it is it’s okay to release one part for free in Free Scripts, however must be stated clearly in the title (e.g. XXX-XXXX PART-A).

I would support a tag for this if we are starting blank, but at the rate I don’t know if it will be helpful or just add to the clutter.

I would like a Free and Paid Script tag. Just because I like making 2 scripts for the same video. Usually one thats more intense for my paid patreon members and a free script that tends to be slower from the perspective of another person in the video.

I think due to recent stuff it would be useful at the very least to have an tag like demo and full to be made so that way people know if they are looking at a incomplete version of the script and that there is then going to be a full version. Since then it more easily identifies if there’s an demo version of a paid full script for people to try before they buy.

Upscale/FPS increase request topic , Video resolution mega poll and recommended multi-axis script along with single-axis script which is a Fap Hero.