ScriptPlayer Beta Features (and how to get them)

Hi, first off all hands down for this amazing program!

But i do wonder, is/can it be possible to have an orgasm mode? That when you want those (whatever you like) strokes when you bust, you could easily hit that mode, and the orgasm will be just the way you want it to, without stoping the video ofc.

A bit to lazy/not good enough to use the manual pattern control for it…


There should be a key-bindable command to switch to pattern mode - you just need to set it once and can use a key on your keyboard to switch to this mode whenever you want.

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Time gap * distance is a good way to obtain the speed since it doesnt care if its a full stroke over 1s, or a 10% stroke in 0.1s. And can be easily calculated.
An advantage is that for vibrations which are very dense in points, it can still detect the vibration intensity since it only has to consider the speed. And since the overview already shows height, its already easy to see what sort of action is going on. A red bar with only 10% of height in use is a clear indicator then.

I have the weirdest issue (please tell me off if I should post this on github instead, but I do not believe it is a bug with the software).
First of all, I’d been using scriptplayer for about a year, reinstalled Win11 yesterday onto a new SSD, everything worked fine.
Today however, I am stuck on a black screen when I try to load any video it just stays black (the script heatmap doesn’t load either, it is this weird grey color.

It loads and works properly in blind mode.

So it seems to be a purely video related issue.

What I have tried:

  • Verifying videos load in mpc-hc, mpv, vlc, ffplay
  • Tried h264, h265, mp4, mkv, wmv
  • Tried K-Lite codecs; LAV-Filters
  • Tried reinstalling the HEVC Video Extensions from Microsoft Store
  • Many reboots
  • Tried launching the video via spcli, it crashed and produced this dump (note the file was located in the scriptplayer folder for ease of testing, path given was ./test.mp4
  • Many reboots
  • Tried both the stable and beta versions

Now here’s the kicker. I was able to boot my old windows off the old ssd and it still works, exactly the same hardware, same drivers.

I can not for the life of me figure out why the hell this won’t work all of a sudden, I tried uninstalling everything I put onto the new windows since last night, but to no avail.

My question is two-fold, first, what is the embedded video player within scriptplayer? I’d like to test it directly and troubleshoot from that direction. Secondly, is there any way to enable full verbose debug logging to see where it fails?

This is likely a very niche problem, so like I said at the beginning of the post, I don’t feel like it is a bug with the program, but a very random incompatibility on my part.

Any help would be much appreciated

Unfortunately I can’t help you debugging this, but I can answer some of your questions

Windows Media Player (or at least very close to it)

No, but if you are lucky DebugView might catch something (if there is anything)

The spcli crash seems unrelated - probably because the path is relative

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That actually fixed my issue. I completely forgot I uninstalled Media Player and Windows Media Player Legacy yesterday since I don’t like random ass Windows bloatware.

Turns out Windows Media Player Legacy is a hard dependency.

Thanks a lot!

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In the latest Beta Version you can select the “Tile” view from the “Style” playlist menu.
(And it only took me 5 months to finally do it :sweat_smile:)

The displayed image will be the first frame from the preview GIF


I was thinking the exact same thing.

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This tile view is a nice update! It has an added bonus of also making the heatmaps easier to see. Thanks! :+1:

Something I’ve mentioned before is that the gap filler doesn’t engage at the end of the script (over wifi) even if “fill gaps at end of script” is on. Well something strange I’ve noticed is that it actually does engage on some of, and only, my oldest scripts. From what I can tell these would be scripts before 2021, but I don’t know yet if it’s all scripts before then. Maybe there’s something about that older version of ScriptPlayer that fixed the problem? :thinking:

Can someone please tell me what could be the problem when my Kiiroo Keon needs to connect again to ScriptPlayer while flashing blue looking for a connection? It turns out that the video starts playing, the script too, but after one or two minutes the connection between Keon and the computer is lost, then automatically reconnects after a minute, then turns off again and you have to manually reconnect the device.
The ScriptPlayer itself is 1.2.0 (it said "you’re up-to-date) and for the Kiiroo Keon I don’t really know how to check its firmware. It’s working fine and it shows up like Kiiroo in Devices menu, but has a bad connection. Could it be bad bluetooth connection?

So it looks like with the new update, I can’t select videos from the playlist. I tried switching back forth between tile and list view, and neither would allow me to double click a title to play it.


Woops :sweat_smile:

Fixed: v


I saw there was a change “Do not try to connect to every BLE device available” - does this remove the ability to connect multiple toys at once?

No, and that’s probably an old change.
BT/BLE has been completly removed, ScriptPlayer uses Intiface/Buttplug for any devices that use it.
I don’t know for certain, but I think Buttplug has no problems with multiple devices and neither does ScriptPlayer

There is an issue with support for vibration devices such as the Gush when using the mode “Convert position to speed (inverted)”. The device stops vibrating when the original script was either at position 0 (off) or position 100 (highest speed). The latter is a problem because the highest speed is unavailable, and it creates empty spots during playback.

All other speeds work fine. Maybe this has something to do with vibration devices that use a weird scheme where 0 = off, 1 = highest, 7 = lowest speed?

As a workaround, it is possible to inverted the funscript file and use the alternate mode “Convert position to speed” which works perfectly.

There is now!
Because there are a looooot of other features that require files to be loaded in a certain order and the complicated clusterfuck that ScriptPlayers internals are - the best I managed to get working is that shortly after a video starts playing, it stops until the Handy finished loading the script, then it continues.

(“The Handy” / “Pause video while downloading scripts” in the settings)


This sounds like a great feature, and I can’t wait to try it out!

Here’s a feature I’ve been thinking about for a while that might interest you. It’s regarding the gap filler and auto-skip gaps toggle.

I almost always have the gap filler on, but every now and then, like if I’m watching a JOI or Cock Hero, I’ll turn it off. Sometimes if I’m watching a compilation I like to turn off the gap filler and toggle on “auto-skip gaps” for a really intense all action experience. The “auto-skip gaps” toggle is in the side menu on the right which is really convenient. Turning the gap filler on and off unfortunately is in the settings window which is not convenient. My system is kind of slow and underpowered so that window also takes some time to pop up. Anyway, it’s not a huge thing, but it would just be a nice little QoL improvement to see those two toggles next to each other in the side menu so I can quickly switch between viewing styles for each video.

I’ve been thinking of making the side-panel adjustable.
There are a lot of settings that are irrelevant depending on what device you use and others (like the ones you mentioned) that may be useful to have.

Will take some time though … as always


Thanks for implementing this. I have tested it a bit but it seems sometimes it behaves inconsistently, will try a bit more to reproduce the issues I encountered.