Seal of Lutellaria - device integration

Yeah I’m using the 1.092 version of the player and I get the issues where it will disconnect/stop working after ‘completing’ a H scene.

After a little bit of testing and it seems to be the pre_finish scenes that are causing it to crash/stop when those are triggered. I’ve had a little look into the config of them and it all seems ok so not entirely sure that’s causing it to keep crashing/stopping :S

Does this show up in the debug tab?

The Debug tab shows the bars moving when in motion but when a pre_finish scene triggers they both go empty and then no movement is triggered when moving on from there. A full game and Player close and re-open is needed for it to continue working.
The log file also shows no errors it just shows the info for the pre_finish to show and then nothing more.
This is both in game and in the gallery mode.

Download version 1.094
It doesnt fix whatever issue you’re encountering, but it should log it

Hi there, I really enjoy this nightmare mod, but i feel that i have to spam the Z key a little too much to escape, can you tell me what part of the code needs to be changed to make it a little easier?

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Hey there! Would you like to tweak it yourself or would you like me to make an updated version for you? Also, which version are you currently using? Would you like it to be vanilla difficulty or just slightly harder than vanilla or were you looking for something else? As for values, all changes can be found in the changelog included with each version. The values changes you’re looking for are the following:

gage.attn_pw = 0.004 —> 0.001 ```fixed impossible to escape bug (1/3)

gage.attn_pw = 0.004 —> 0.001 ```fixed impossible to escape bug (2/3)

gage.attn_pw = 0.004 —> 0.001 ```fixed impossible to escape bug (3/3)

react_pw = 0.2 —> 0.06 ```escaping down status is even harder

react_pw = 0.1 —> 0.02 attn_pw = 0.004 —> 0.001 ```escaping hscenes is harder and takes longer

react_pw changes how much the struggle gauge increases per button press, while attn_pw changes how fast the struggle gauge progress decays.

I’m using version 1.094 and it doesn’t show up in the Debug/log.

Hey, thanks for getting back to me, and sorry for the late reply, had a really long day yesterday ^^
Well if you wouldn’t mind helping with both, making an updated version would be awesome, and I like to learn something aswell, then I can check the values and compare against the previous and the new one. Mostly i just found the struggle “Z” to be too demanding/spammy, other than that i feel the difficulty is pretty good!

Thanks for outlining which settings affects it and what they each do and mean, very nice layout! And my bad for not noticing the changelog.

Out of curiosity, how did you figure out which settings does what, is the code kinda standard regarding these things, or is it the game dev’s own “coding language”?

Thanks again

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Well, seeing as the original version of react_pw is 0.1 and the hard version is 0.02, what number would you like? Right now it’s 5x harder than default, but that can change, just let me know what difficulty you have in mind. As for how I found it out, I really didn’t. I checked the changelog for the original hard mode and it said which it was. I’m not sure if it’s considered standard or not, I haven’t really modded many games myself.

A version where the struggle is about half as strong would be great I think?

Aaa I see, whatever works right? :slight_smile:

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When I made my changes to the game (Which I need to redo when I have the time) it was very much look around for what sounds like what I’m looking for if I couldn’t find anything pointing to it from another piece of code that I knew for certain what it was. It helps that generally among devs there’s an unwritten rule of make the code file and variable names be short for or related to their intended purpose. Just figuring out what that is for this and that is the hard bit.

However the game engine used here helped a ton with that since I’ve taken a quick look at a unity game and I think unity has a ton of fluff hiding code or the devs did a very poor job in having things be organized and name right. (Doesn’t mean this game engine is the easiest to be modded after the game is made because a single update requires you to redo ALL your modding work)

Upscale/FPS increase request topic , Video resolution mega poll and recommended multi-axis script along with single-axis script which is a Fap Hero.

The new version has been added to MEGA! Sorry for taking so long, I’ve been very busy the past few days and only now had any free time to do it. Enjoy!

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Thank you for working on this mod still, very appreciative of your work and efforts. :alien:

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Awesome, gonna check it for sure! And no worries, the fact that you’re doing it no matter how long it takes is great!

Thanks for your good work my dude!

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Where can I find a key to a shopkeeper? Or how can I watch new added animations ingame?

So thanks to @Deern fixing up the game to be updated to the latest version and working with sex toys I have found out what I did wrong with my attempted update…it was obscure but as simple of an fix as just putting in the “.” in the right place instead of in the wrong place…just did it three times. As a result I removed my attempted hotfix code which was the cause of the game crashes at least in my quick testing that I did. I have made sure that the sex toy functionality works by testing it out with my SR6 so should be all good.
​(If it doesn’t work for you then update your SetariaPlayer and if using anything other than an Handy use Intiface Central and untick the “use build in” in the settings and restart the SetariaPlayer)

Anyway without further nonsense, enjoy if you were still waiting for this: Lutellaria Mediumcore mod v2.8 - Ratattack15

Is there any way to make it so you can always have sex with downed enemies? I was trying to use a file edited so you could do that and also be immortal but didn’t work because the device integration edited the same file and so I’m wondering if there’s another way?

What you want to change I believe is file StateValue 's sperma attribute or rather stuff that decreases it which occurs I think only in Hgage.

From my mod changelog an example of this would be to change:

        oStateValue.sperma -= 0.03
        if (oStateValue.sperma < 0)
            oStateValue.sperma = 0


        oStateValue.sperma = 1
        if (oStateValue.sperma < 1)
            oStateValue.sperma = 1

And I think that will do it, (no promises) otherwise what you can also do is increase the amount of sperma you gain via searching for it in the via the search function the undertale mod tool has. (my changelog doesn’t show me changing it at any point) So that way you still have to work for sex but less work.

Another way is to also use cheatengine to freeze the values which you can also do so for health and ammo if you don’t want to make those be extremely high from save editing. (Succubus do insane health damage if they are sex’ing you rather than the standard…because Succubus)

PS file StateValue or another similar code file I believe is just an setup file the game references before save file data is taken into consideration so changing that will change new save made using that edited version.

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I tried for a bit, managed to make it so I have max sperma at the start and somehow im able to fuck the cleaners whenever i want but no one else. I did find one place where the edited changed something with the player hp but didn’t seem to do anything when i added it to the device integration

I’ll try some more tommorrow unless someone who knows what they’re doing is willing to try, the file im trying to find what they’ve changed is the one available on the f95zone post for this game