Setaria the Demon Realm - device integration

Slime causes an status effect which results in a timed event/damage/enemy spawn…the medal with the puppet…I can’t remember what that causes? But finding out what those two things both cause/do may reveal what variable accidentally is misnamed or called to do an “fire_lazer” call loop. (so an IF / OR statement probably related to it as well)

For context, the intended result of this is that every tick the game will send a “fire_lazer” input to the player. “fire_lazer” is the script that normally plays when you shoot your laser attack. So, my guess is some update to the player made this shortcut way of simply stroking really fast no longer work. Which means right now there are two options:
A. remove the inputs. This means that whenever it would have stroked like crazy before it now will do nothing out of the ordinary instead, likely just the filler script.
B. trial and error to find a new shortcut to stroke really fast that doesn’t just input spam.

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I guess one of the moments the crazy stroking’s supposed to happen then is during slime birth giving or having the slime inside you. I don’t think thats a super fun game mechanic alltogether, the mod should be hard, not unfair.

Does the game crash for anyone else when that floating girl appears and takes you to a red room you have to get out of? For me it’s either the game crashing or the setaria player crashing.

I tried running the game without setaria player and the game crashes. And if i run with setaria player then the setaria player crashes and shortly after the game.

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I have added a version that should at least work as a temporary fix for hardmode. The added version in the hardmode folder has all of the spam commands removed. Until I find a permanent solution, this SHOULD make the hardmode playable in the meantime. Tell me if you have any problems with it!

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I can’t connect the handy via Bluetooth 5.0 adapter. Any suggestions ?


Make sure the bluetooth is turned on through windows.

Yep. Bluetooth is able to detect the handy but it doesn’t connect.

Reddit says I should purchase 4.0 adapter. Any ideas?

Not sure then, game integration is why I bought my handy so I feel your pain.

I have been assured that handy disconnects no longer happen with hardcore mode in the new version 1.095 available on MEGA.
Although it still has some lag issue

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I tested out ur temp fix with the newest player (1.095) and it works perfectly, except in the first boss-fight against the robo thingy, where a hit from the boss causes a random scene to be played: if that scene is to be a slime fucking scene, the game crashes. Below a picutre of the error code.

I also noticed that the original MKN mod now seems to be perfectly working with the newest 1.095 player. Slimes are crazy punishing here however, but they atleast don’t glitch the game out anymore. Thanks for your mod help Deern and thanks nodude for the newest scritplayer update


EDIT: here’s a minor bug i found btw (ScriptPlayer 1.095, happens with the default, MKN mod, Deern’s MKN’s fix and Deern’s Masochist Mod). The ground that fucks you, the climax scene will not send signals out to the handy. I noticed the game spams out the same message like a thousand times. In the gallery, the scene kinda works? but it is still a bit buggy near the climax.

it seems that with the setaria player1.092, the scene works ingame, although it is also a bit buggy near the animation end.

Below the Logs and the specific scene where the funscript doesnt play


Scene Spoiler

Which download links are you guys using? Or are you guys talking about some unreleased private repo while fixing the issues you have?

MEGA link at the top of the post

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So i’m using the right repos then. But i seem to have an issue in my progression.

Death girl is still crashing the player for me. Don’t really have any logs in particular cause the player goes into “Not responding” state so i can’t click or anything i can’t just end task from task manager.

The last thing in the logs that i see is this

 Url: /game/custom_DeathRoomGirl_action
    Var anim_flag=0

A lot of times. 159k characters out of 175k character in the log is jsut this action. And before this issue occurs i see

   Url: /game/custom_DeathRoomGirl_start
    Url: /game/custom_DeathRoomGirl_start
    Url: /game/custom_DeathRoomGirl_start

like 20-30 times in a row.

Have you guys encountered that? I can’t progress the game further actually cause shortly after it crashes the game entirely.

Guys. I have 4.0 and 5.0 adapter and I am not able to connect The Handy to my PC via bluetooth. It’s connecting via using bluetooth, but using PC interface it doesn’t work. It’s just connecting endlessly.

The Handy appears it tries to pair but it can’t…

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im using a ASUS USB BT-500 and my Setaria Player has no trouble connecting to the handy.

Are you using Interface Central?

Yep. It says that it waits for client, or something like this.

You should let the handy connect to funscript player first, then let intiface begin scanning. It may say its not connected, but its actually a lie. Ive had a similar issue, but it turned out to be functioning without an issue.

Did anyone go past the death room girl? I’ve tried a bunch of versions of Setaria Player that i could find but it’s always crashing and can’t figure out why. Not sure if this is only on my end.

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