Setaria the Demon Realm - device integration

@jensthrow I reuploaded the nightmare mode here!

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oohh, I totally missed that. thanks!

hi Deern
Thanks a lot! could it be that MKNā€™s original mod also changed other stuff like player speed and enemy speed, etc.? Or am I thinking about the nightmare mod? I remember the player being so slow and the enemies so fast and it was soo difficult but fun

edit: I think i found the (nightmare?) mod file i was talking about on my computer:

unfortunately it is quite buggy. Being attacked by a slime causes the SetariaPlayer to stop working. Does anyone have a working verison of this?

edit 2:
just noticed that my file is the exact same as the one you posted last october
(Setaria the Demon Realm - device integration - #99 by Deern). the slime bug exists on that file too, that suckss

tl:dr does anyone have MKNā€™s up-to-date and working Nightmare Mode?

I got my hands on the fixed one! Tested to make sure slimes work and everything. I updated the mega file, enjoy! Thanks to @thewataru for providing the file.


Hey, I have a small question. I would like to record my Setaria Sessions with Lucifieā€™s handycontrol app but i am unsure what to enter as a connection, since the Handy is connected via bluetooth and not the internet.

any help would be very appreciated

Iā€™m out of ideas. It seems the HandyControl app canā€™t read movement from the Handy when its launched through IntiFace, and iā€™ve been unable to get the correct IP so that it can directly read from SetariaPlayer.exe

I havenā€™t tried it, but the default Intiface url is ā€œws://localhost:12345ā€. Have you tried that?

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Hi! Is it possible to play this game via online mode? Thanks in advance!

What do you mean by Online mode?

Are you meaning multiplayer? If so no, game has no multiplayer capabilities, barely any H-game has them.

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I mean using online key for connection, not using bluetooth.

Ah yeah no sadly not as only EDI is the only integration method that does WIFI instead of Bluetooth.
So youā€™d have to wait for someone to make and EDI integration version or do it yourself if you want WIFI instead of Bluetooth.

Upscale/FPS increase request topic , Video resolution mega poll and recommended multi-axis script along with single-axis script which is a Fap Hero.

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Okay, thanks!

If your computer doesnā€™t have Bluetooth built in you can get an USB dongle from amazon or elsewhere to easily add it:

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Yeah, but HandyControl canā€™t read the Handyā€™s movements on that adress. as a matter of fact, it canā€™t even connect. Eh, whatever.

EDIT 1: On another note, I played your Hardmode mods, specifically the Masochist mod, and I noticed that the player used is 1.07. When I tried it with the newest version, v1.092, I believe certain animations would break the game (fucking one of your fairies, ejecting slime, the purple ball thing). Also, sometimes it felt the handy didnā€™t quite sync up with the funscript. I would eternally appreciate it if you could update your mod.

Also, it would be super if you could update the MKN hardcore mod! tysm

EDIT 2: alright I did some testing and it turns out the error (sometimes?) lies within the file. iā€™m not sure exactly what causes it, but if you spam Left Mouse and Right Mouse with the MKN mod, after the second climax the Handy stops working. Also, the funscript isnt synced to the animation when getting fucked by, for example, the default zombie thingy (not the futanari). both MKN and Masochist donā€™t sync up when used with v1.094

EDIT 3: alright, my final conclusion: the only thing that causes bugs is MKNā€™s hardmode. It seems that with the default and Deernā€™s Masochistā€™s, most fairy-fuckings work and most scenes are synced (tested with SetariaPlayer v.1092), but if there is a too quick change in animation before the cum-animation, its not synced anymore (by a few sec). MKNā€™s hardmodeā€™s is very glitchy though. If you get hit by a slime and then in an animation, its very likely to bug out and not work anymore. However, besides the bug, the mod is amazing. It makes you slower, enemies equally or faster than you. It really makes the game difficult.

TL:DR: MKNā€™s Hardmode has bugs and causes the Handy to stop, but everything else (Deernā€™s hardmods) work

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Sadly, unless MKN decides to fix it, itā€™s unlikely to be fixed. Unlike Lutellaria, this version included some pretty major changes as well as some funscript edits that would be next to impossible for me to implement without a full list of changes. The mod USED to work fine, but I think it was broken by updates to the player, seeing as thatā€™s all that has changed since then. I also have problems with it and can no longer use it, unfortunately. I just maintain it in case someone else can.


Ah, that sucks. Is it difficult to read and manipulate the file? Iā€™d like to personally recreate the mod

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The main problem would be that in order to find the changes, you would have to pretty much manually scrub through many thousands of lines of code, comparing the original and MKNā€™s to find all the changes and additions. Itā€™s possible thereā€™s some other way I donā€™t know about, Iā€™m not well-versed with GameMaker Studio, but as far as I could find thereā€™s no easy way to directly compare two data files. If youā€™re interested in making your own mod instead, DM me, thatā€™s too much to write here.

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This is where having a changelog helps a ton since then you know where to roughly look at least to attempt to replicate the changes overā€¦also is annoying of how you canā€™t update games by update level specific files like how the game engine Action Editor does. (it is very annoying to deal with that engine however)

Probably is best to remake the mod from scratch as you may find ways to improve upon it maybe even.

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Good news! I found a changelog for MKNā€™s hardmode (thanks once again to @thewataru for that) and have recreated the changes in the most recent version of the game. I havenā€™t really done any testing to check if it worked so please tell me if there are any issues. The new and changelog.txt can be found in the Setaria Nightmare Mode folder!

EDIT: Bug fixed!

EDIT 2: Seeing as the normal one works fine and even the new hardmode data file has the same problem, I believe the cause of the issue is not just a version mismatch, but one of the changes breaks the new player. I believe the problem is when it intentionally attempts to spam the player with a trigger like ā€œfire_lazerā€. It seems to break the new versions of the player for some reason. I will create a work-around as best I can, but no promises.

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What exactly causes the spam of these things? I notice it always happens after being fucked by a slime, or after inserting the medal where that puppet thingy spawns. Hereā€™s the relevant save file (save file location: ā€¦\AppData\Local\Setaria), its just on the left after you spawn in.