Super Deepthroat buttplug mod

After the help I got, I thought I should pop back in to update:

Completely unrelated, my entire system blew up, I’ve just finally gotten Windows etc all reinstalled.

Gave intiface a try and tada! It picked up the Handy right away. For those unsurem the device does NOT need to be registered within Windows. Intiface just picks it up when it scans. (I DID update to firmware 3, as suggested above)

The rest of the instructions appear clear enough, the game reports the mod is loaded and connected.
Currently, the device kind of just shakes/vibrates (kind of a stutter?) But I consider that huge progress, and I’ll keep working at it to try and get it fully functional.
Thanks again for the mod and the help

Hey I’m having the same problem as the people above I can get Intiface to connect to my toy but I cannot get SDT to connect to Intiface it just says mod loaded with no green text afterword. I followed instructions to the letter as far as I know, does anyone have any advice. I’m using the launch.

Did you follow the video?

I followed the Mega video posted

Then I’mma need some more detail to help you out. Could you send a screencap of your setup procedure + error/lack of error you’re getting?
Just send a pm or something

Let me just start off by saying this is an amazing idea. As a handy user, I can confirm it does work. I think the step that people are most likely to forget to do is to rename the SDTButtplug.swf file in Loader/Mods/SDTButtplug to Mod.swf. After a lot of trouble shooting that was the problem I was having anyways.

I’m just wondering how it runs on other devices, is it pretty fluid? On the handy it’s kind of inconsistent. The times it works best it can be very jittery and the sync is sometimes really off. For example, if i input a single command it’ll take a couple second to register on the device if it registers at all. If i input many commands over say a minute the delay seems to compound in on itself, getting worse the longer i continue to input commands (Over 15-20s of delay by the end). Not sure if this is a limitation of flash (or the sometimes poor (usually between 5-20fps for me anyways) framerate of SDT) or the handy or what. I tried various set ups for Loader/Settings/SDTButtplug.txt but I didn’t really notice any improvement.

Thanks for all your hard work, I hope this works flawlessly on the handy one day.

Problem is most devices don’t handle live tracking well (which is what this mod does). A function that predicts future movement could make this a lot better. When I use my osr2 the movement is verry fluid, that device does great live tracking.

Yea the game isn’t verry optimized, it’s a meme and well known problem. There are some topics about speeding up the game, making the flash window smaller and set the quality to low already helps a lot.

Do try playing with the config file! There might be a sweetspot of settings for the handy

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hey can you help me with this. problem is that my handy connect to the inface and sdt but after that it wont follow the action on screen like it dont work in normal manual or other mods with auto

i was able to synch it but it have too high ping like it is out of synch and if you turn off the game its still moves for a few minutes

Have you tried editing the timings in the config file?

I will try thanks if i can get inface work because when i want to connect the handy by bluetooth it crash

i give up i dont know to set timing correct

I was having the same issue. It isn’t explained in the video, but throw the SDTButtplug.txt file here:


You can download the settings from the github page

i did but i dont know how to type the time like do you add a - befor or +

Minus means disable.



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thanks will try

Finally, got it working, I just went to the modding tab then import chose swf mod and chose the mod.swf file, that got it working.
I think this is where most people are having troubles.
It has a lot of potential, but the movements were still 20-30 seconds apart. Idk enough about SDT to be able to alter the settings and possibly get it to sync up better, if that will even help, but I really like the idea of this mod it just needs a lot more work.


The mod was made tested on my toys, vorze piston and osr2. Don’t have a handy, if someone wants to send me one I can make sure the mod works nicely with that too.

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This stuttering issue has always been around for flash type games. When flash was popular I swear things ran so smoothly but as time went on I guess flash isn’t optimized for majority of devices, no matter what I run it on its always slightly slower than how I remember it used to work even with settings on low graphics and all the extra animated elements are turned off. I hope someone makes a modern version of this game with the same ability to mod it somehow that is no longer attached to flash


Just pushed an update including a merge request. Stuttering seems a lot better now!