Sync device to beat/music? Shake it to the beat

Are there any apps based on music? I mean Syncbot and SyncMo syncs your device to the screen action. Are there anything similar for syncing your device to the music?

Do you mean scripts based on music? If not, what do you mean with apps based on music?

If it is scripts based on music then you can use search and filters like this:

The Lovense Remote app has music sync to make toys vibrate along to songs on your phone.
Beat Banger has Lovense support (but it currently kinda sucks) and there’s an old version with Intiface Central support:

I mean Syncbot and SyncMo syncs your device to the screen action. Are there anything similar for syncing your device to the music?

I mean Syncbot and SyncMo syncs your device to the screen action. Are there anything similar for syncing your device to the music?

There are tools to generate funscripts based on music/beat. Maybe that’s something you could use. If the scripts are suitable for SyncBot is another question. Only way to know is to try it out. I did a quick search only so there might be other software in the Software section.

Thanks, I will take a look at it

I just had the same thought and found this thread, but it looks like the answer is to generate a script for audio. The linked software topics are older and people seem to have issues with running them at all.

My ideal solution is to be able to browse any video on PMVHaven and have my handy move to the beat without needing a script made. Is SyncMo or anything similar able to do that now or does it not exist?

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