Upcoming loli/shota ban and timeline

it’s a sad world we live in… everywhere you go, this content is always banned at some point.


This is how some image sites like danbooru/r34 do it. You must Opt IN to see this content, not Opt-Out. Would be a good middle ground.


That kind of content was never my thing but I never judged the people who liked it. Unfortunately its a thing that needs to be done cause as much as most people hate the censorship, its a risk esp with people’s megas getting deleted.


I’m glad I have all 432 (free) topics saved, but I’m sad there will be no more. 1984.

In the future you will find more info on the archive at this mega folder.

Smh just add loli and shota to everyone’s muted tag list, and allow people to remove them.

shbek @ 21.99%
Falafel @ 9.72%
anon13335346 @ 7.87%
99DM @ 7.41%
floffan @ 4.40%
Dommoo2 @ 3.94%
Blade600 @ 3.01%
EnmaAisha @ 1.85%
Azyl @ 1.62%
OtterSpace @ 1.62%
galw86 @ 1.62%
TheBassist @ 1.62%
tr1km4n3r @ 1.62%
mmi63 @ 1.39%
Rat @ 1.16%
Messsage @ 1.16%
KJWoolf @ 1.16%
nikado @ 1.16%
Phel @ 0.93%
18DSC @ 0.93%
wilmgard @ 0.93%
Midevil @ 0.93%
spaceguy4820 @ 0.69%
bumdude @ 0.69%
murmanox @ 0.69%
Liquid @ 0.69%
Magneato @ 0.69%
IggydB @ 0.69%
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sobolsdaemon1 @ 0.69%
VeiledPrivateer @ 0.46%
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miraclub @ 0.46%
zeppyiscute @ 0.46%
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Inc0gnificent @ 0.46%
testyman123 @ 0.46%
CMhentai7 @ 0.46%
Evelon @ 0.46%
memcat @ 0.46%
pipopipo @ 0.46%
East_Rabbit @ 0.46%
Ratattack15 @ 0.46%
futanariprincess420 @ 0.46%
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thirstyduck500 @ 0.23%
HInamuraSG @ 0.23%
demonking @ 0.23%
WhatGetOffPornhub3 @ 0.23%
Haiya @ 0.23%
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don @ 0.23%
Juaum @ 0.23%
PeasantJuicer @ 0.23%
Nitesurgeon @ 0.23%
Kis4a @ 0.23%
Morrigan @ 0.23%
DarkKnight42 @ 0.23%
Festers @ 0.23%
anon9014046 @ 0.23%
Teal @ 0.23%
mrdoesnothingalot @ 0.23%
gjikolp @ 0.23%
Mument2000 @ 0.23%
noot @ 0.23%
HentaiHavenScripts @ 0.23%
Jiradjo @ 0.23%
mvpdemonic @ 0.23%
rawr32 @ 0.23%
Sable_Radioactive @ 0.23%
ravens @ 0.23%
beanboy @ 0.23%


As I tried to explain above, having this sort of content available at all puts the entire existence of the site at risk. The credit card companies cut off PornHub, but don’t think they won’t go after content they don’t like in other ways. The credit card companies could threaten the hosting service or domain name registrar with a ban if they don’t drop EroScript. Those service companies wouldn’t hesitate to shut the site down because they can’t afford to piss off their primary method of collecting money.

A legitimate way you can help is to donate to the EFF, which is about the only organization that speaks out about this issue.

For Privacy, Free Speech, and a Brighter Future | Electronic Frontier Foundation (eff.org)


Yes the issue with credit card companies is real, however eroscripts does not handle other people’s credit cards for any sort of payment acceptance or processing.

Lets just say pornhub has much larger problems than 2d loli/shota… It’s not even close. I’ve seen sites last +10 +20 years with loli/shota content and are still alive to this day.

This is rather confused. While there are some prepubescent-looking animations called “loli”, the term “loli” itself does not mean prepubescent. It’s just a petite body size.

So if you want to ban the content (which is stupid, even though I don’t care for it), then ban that specific content, and not the tag, which applies to content you are not describing here.


For anyone that is interested, I can set up an account for you on HMV Mania for funscripts and also hosting of video. Shoot me a DM/message here and I can get you set up.

Hosting a video and funscript was done with Spice of Life from Nightoil, as an example.

When you have an account, you can post in the Funscripts forums: Funscripts - HMV Mania


Site may be free to use but it isn’t free to run. Somewhere up the chain there’s a transaction for server space or hosting if that transaction doesn’t happen, or isn’t accepted, the site gets shut down.


From a site logistics standpoint (outside of this specific decision), hosting in the U.S. really isn’t that great to begin with for content like this:

  • one of the worst countries for hosting fictional content with female nipples and/or genitals.
  • one of the worst countries for copyright.
  • expensive bandwidth and server costs.

You can take this from someone that helps creators set up content on HMV Mania over the past 3 years. U.S. hosts are a joke.

To whoever owns EroScripts: you may want to consider an offshore host in the future.


I think I’ve made this clear before in the past, and I will make it clear again.

I personally would not mind if loli/shota was banned from this site. If one wants that kind of content, one can always find it elsewhere. No great loss for me.

However, I am concerned about the precedent this will set in further censorship in this site, especially ones that use “legality” as the basis for it. Bestiality is illegal in most places too; should we start banning bestiality and furry content as well? Some of us live in places where LGBT content is illegal, should those be banned too then? Heck, pornography is banned where I live, should I be concerned?

Again, I am not advocating we keep loli/shota content on this site. If the community wants it gone, I will support that decision. Censorship on the basis of, as one poster put it, “personal bias” is all fine and good with me. However, censorship on the basis of “legality” is something I am very concerned with, and how it will affect the future of this site.


See my post above about U.S. hosting.

Most of this boils down to what host is being used and architecture/setup of the site.

1 Like

There’s another problem with this. By banning the “loli” tag, but not the content (read ahead), you’re removing the ability for people to filter out things they don’t want to see.

I did a quick check on posts with the “loli” tag in the first two months of this year. There was one or two which didn’t have any way to see the content, but there were 48 where I could see what the content was about.

Out of those 48, 27 were unambiguously not prepubescent. Of the remaining 21, I can only say maybe. Most of them were too stylized, or even inhuman, to properly say. A few of them probably shouldn’t have had the tag at all, but that’s another issue.

The point is, the kind of people who complain about loli content will likely dislike all of it. Now you’re banning a small part of a minority subset of the content, and making it impossible to use the tag to allow people to filter out the rest of it if they want to.


Trying to figure out which of my 1.000 scripts had a loli tag, maybe even added by someone else :sweat_smile:.
I’m sure others might face similar issues, so here’s a handy trick for finding all your posts that might be affected:

@YourUsername tags:loli in:created

@hugecat Manits-X would still be okay under the new rules, right?
(For reference: https://discuss.eroscripts.com/t/mantis-x-hmv-megamix-2/18014)

btw. typo in post:

to remove all of the tags that have the loli or shota tags.

should probably be “posts” or “topics”


Liquid @ 0.69%

Nice :sunglasses:


I’ve archived that 9.72% and will be moving it elsewhere. Also don’t use MEGA.

I had this issue - feels like with the prepubescent criteria we are more so targeting toddler-con. I untagged a few topics that were tagged loli simply because the character is petite, though I don’t think they will allude to people who dislike like the trope as a whole.

In the meantime I’ll be having real heated debates on what makes a loli per site definition.


Typical lolicon :innocent:

  1. This website is run privately by individuals.
  2. This website is ran from a country that actively and aggressively pursues content that can be considered anyone to represent a person underage, fictional or not.
  3. The owners do not wish to risk being prosecuted for said content and are therefore removing it.

That’s it plain and simple. If you are one of the people who is screaming censorship or upset that they are removing said content, you need to re-evaluate yourself. Stop being selfish and understand the situation. No one wants to risk going to jail because you want to consume a certain type of porn. The website owners don’t owe you anything. You should feel lucky they even gave you a notification and a chance to collect the content before they take it down.


Aside the censorship issues, this basically will defacto stop anyone from making or being able to share this type of content because as far as I know this is the biggest site for sharing scripts.

The site should look into alternatives instead of outright banning the content, many places allow this type of content and have little issue, and as it has been said in this thread a opt-in system prevents any random person from seeing it if they don’t want to.

Because in the end this type of content is always the “canary in the coal mine” for other content that gets banned, so what will happen when it’s some other mundane bit of content that is on people’s radar for removal?


what alternative sites are there?


Your two posts in this topic betray a misunderstanding of the text.
Loli/shota is not misconstrued as prepubescent by the site. Prepubescent proportions are currently not allowed (this has been the case for some time) while other types of loli/shota are allowed for now.
Loli/shota as a whole will stop being allowed on July 6.
Just wanted to clarify the message of the announcement for you and anyone else who might be confused.

Apparently the site is changing the definitions to specifically misconstrue them as prepubescent…